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29 Cards in this Set

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Economic aggregates:
economic measures that summarize data across many different markets for goods, services, workers and assets.
Business Cycle:
the short-run alternation between economic downturns and upturns
a very deep and prolonged downturn; fortunately, the United States hasn’t had one since the 1930’s
less prolonged economic downturns than depressions
Expansions: (recoveries)
economic upturns – periods in which output and employment are rising
the number of people currently employed in the economy
the number of people who are actively looking for work but aren’t currently employed
Labor force:
the sum of employment and unemployment – official labor force does not include discouraged workers
Discouraged workers:
non-working people who are capable of working but have given up looking for a job
the number of people who work during a recession but receive lower wages then they would during an expansion due to fewer number of hours worked, lower paying jobs or both
the percentage of the total number of people in the labor force who are unemployed
Aggregate output:
the economy’s total production of final goods and services for a given time period
Stabilization policy:
efforts undertaken to reduce the severity of recession and to rein in excessively strong expansions
Monetary policy:
a type of stabilization policy that involves changes in the quantity of money in circulation or in interest rates or both
Fiscal policy:
type of stabilization policy that involves changes in taxation or in government spending, or both
Secular long-run growth / long-run growth:
the sustained upward trend in aggregate output over several decades.
Nominal measure:
a measure that has not been adjusted for changes in prices over time
Real measure:
a measure that has been adjusted for changes in prices over time
Aggregate price level:
the overall price level for final goods and services in the economy
a rising aggregate price level
a falling aggregate price level
Price stability:
when the aggregate price level is changing only slowly
Inflation rate:
the annual percent change in the aggregate price level
Closed economy:
an economy that does not trade goods, services, or assets with other countries
Open economy:
an economy that trades goods, services, and assets with other countries
Open-economy macroeconomics:
the study of those aspects of macroeconomics that are affected by movements of goods, services, and assets across national boundaries
Exchange rate:
between two national currencies is the value of one currency in terms of the other
Trade balance:
the difference between the value of the goods and services it sells to other countries and the value of the goods and services it buys from other countries
Capital flows:
are international movements of financial assets