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52 Cards in this Set

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In the study of economics, people and countries have __________ wants and _________ resources
Are all tangible things that satisfy people's wants and desires.
Are all intangible but useful activities that are valued by people
Land, Machines, Labor, things used to produce goods and services.
Goods and services that are scarce
Economic goods and services
The sacrifices that are necessarily associated with making choices are called
goods and services that are sufficiently available in quantity, a price f zero, to satisfy all of society's desires for those products
free goods
entrepreneurship and management are forms of __________ resources
human resources
land, natural resources, and capital are examples of __________ resources
nonhuman resources
The knowledge of production methods associated with producing goods and services is called __________
the rules that establish and govern the ownership and control of resources are known as _____________
are the sum total of the traditions, mores, laws, and governmental structure of an economy
The actual money expenditures associated with any activity are called _______ or ________ costs
costs are the nonpecuniary costs associated with the consumption of a product
giving up the highest vaued alternative that must be given up in order to produce a good
opportunity cost
Post Hoc fallacy
linking of unrelated events as cause and effect relationship simply because one happens after another

Ex: Rooster crows, sun comes up, rooster causes the sun to rise.
Fallacy of Composition
What is good for you is good for everyone else.

Ex: Standing up at the game is good for you so it's good for everyone else. Except then you all might as well be sitting because you can probably see worse than you would have been able to before.
simplified versions of reality and situations; they do not have to be realistic
State whether the statement is normative or positive:

"Because we're giving out free stamps, students should start sending more letters."
State whether the following statement is normative or positive:

"Because we raised taxes people are spending less."
Gross National Product (GNP)
the value of all final good and services produced in an economy in one year
Making decisions on the margin
when an individual determines the extra cost AND benefit of a particular action.
Public Choice
The economic analysis of political decision making, politics, and the democratic process
Private Choice
choices made by individuals in a non-political market that affect only the individual
a sustained increase in the general level of prices or a sustained decrease in the purchasing power of money.
Implicit Costs
Non pecuniary costs associated with the consumption of a good or service.

Ex: Skiing weekend; implicit cost is the amount of money the flight attendant would have made had she worked instead of going on vacation.
Opportunity Cost =
Implicit + Explicit costs.
Rationality Assumption
You aren't going to do something if you think you will be worse off having done it.
Marginal Analysis
A method of finding the optimal, or most desirable, level of any activity--how much coffee to drink, how much bread to produce, and so on.
Capital Stock
A supply f items used to produce oher items.

Benefit of capital goods = increased amounts of future consumption, which means you specialize in capital goods, when your ppc shifts outward, it'll be greater than if you specialized in consumer goods.
Lisa makes bread in 5 hours and vacuums in 2, Kelly makes bread in 4 hours and vacuums in 3. Who has the absolute advantage in vacuuming and who has the comparative advantage in making bread? Vacuuming?
Absolute: Lisa

Lisa: 5/2 = 2.5 Bread
Lisa: 2/5 = .4 Vacuum
Kelly: 4/3 = 1.333 Bread
Kelly: 3/4 = .75 vacuum

Lisa has CA in Vacuuming, Kelly has CA in Bread
Terms of trade
Number of units of good that exchanges in the market for one unit of the other good.

Ex: # of dinosaurs that trade for a cactus; or # of cacti that trade for a dinosaur
exchange cost
transaction costs, transportation costs, and artificial barriers to trade
Transaction costs
All the resource costs (including time associated costs) incurred because of exchange.
Artificial Barriers to Trade
Tariff- taxes or levies on imported goods

Quotas- quantity limitations on imports of products
Money Price
Dollar price
Full Price
The total opportunity cost, which includes money price + all other costs
relative price
the price in relation to the price of some other good or of goods as a whole.

A pair of shoes is put on sale, it's price has dropped relative to other shoes.
Factors affecting demand
income, the price of related goods, price expectations, income expectations, tastes, the number of consumers, and time.
Rise in Income ____ in demand
Rise in Demand
Normal good
positive relationship exists between consumer income and changes in demand

Opposite is inferior good
Prices of Related Goods
Complements and Substitutes;

If A and B are complements, there is a positive relationship between price of one and demand of the other

If A and B are substitutes, they exhibit a negative relationship between their respective demand and price.
Market Demand Curve
the summation of all individual demand schedules at alternative prices for any good or service.
Factors affecting the supply
Changes in the cost of production
-change in land, labor, capital, managerial skills, technology, production or marketing techniques
Any area in which demand and supply prices of products or services tend toward equality through the continuous interactions of buyers and sellers
Perfect Market
both buyers and sellers are numerous enough that no single buyer or seller can influence the price.

-free entry/exit

-perfect competition

-law of one price
Law of one price
no one person can sway the market, so if you charge above or below, you'll go out of business, for lack of profit or for lack of business.
The amount that QS exceeds QD
The amount that QD exceeds QS
Price control
when the government sets a price that is not equilibrium price
Price Ceiling
Below equilibrium because that is the highest price that suppliers can charge. Creates a shortage
Price Floor
Above equilibrium; is the lowest price suppliers can set, creates a surplus.