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6 Cards in this Set

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Round function?


Even/Odd function?

Integer Function?

Truncate Function?
=ROUND(number, num_digits)
num_digits can be negative or positive (ie. ROUND(234,-1)=230

=ROUNDUP(number,num_digits), etc.

=EVEN(number) - rounds UP
(ie. EVEN(2.23)= 4)

=ODD(number) - rounds UP
(ie. ODD(1.23)=3)

=INT(number) - rounds DOWN to nearest int. (INT(-4.3)=-5)

=TRUNC(number, num_digits)
(ie. TRUNC(-4.333224, 1)=-4.3)
To freeze column headings, select the row ____ the row(s) you want to remain visible, then Freeze Panes.

To freeze row headings, highlight the column ______ of the column(s) you want frozen, then Freeze Panes.

To calculate % change?

Rank Function?
below; to the right

(New Value - Old Value) / Old Value

=RANK(number, ref, order)
number = value to rank
ref = range of values being compared
order = 0 or blank is descending order (highest is #1). 1 or positve number is ascending order (lowest is #1).
Large Function?

Small Function?

COUNTIF Function?

When entering a single number (or a cell reference) in COUNTIF, quotes are _______. Otherwise (including relational operators), quotes are _______. Text ___ (is/is not) case sensitive.

Examples of Wildcards that can be used as criteria:

Wildcards do not work with _____ only ____.
=LARGE(array, k)
array = range of cells being evaluated
k = ranking number (descending)

=SMALL(array, k)
array = range of cells being evaluated
k = ranking number (ascending)

=COUNTIF(range, criteria)
range = must be a contiguous set of cells
criteria = test data must meet to be counted

not necessary; necessary; is not

- Ends in value 3
- 1 anywhere in value
- 4 items in string that end in 311
- 3 is third to last character

numbers; text
SUMIF function

AVERAGEIF function also exists in Excel 07
=SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range)
range = cell range where the criteria is located
criteria = values that should be selected
sum_range = Identifies the corresponding cell range to sum if the specified criteria have been met. If the sum_range argument is omitted, the function adds the values in the range indicated by the first argument.
Custom # formatting:

What are the 4 sequential format codes?

Types of codes:
1. #
2. 0
3. ?
4. ,
5. *
6. _
7. " "
8. @
positive number, negative number, zero value, text

1. digit placeholder displaying significant digits
2. digit placeholder displaying significant and insignificant digits
3. digit placeholder that doesn't display insignificant digits, but holds a place to align decimals
4. acts as a thousands separtor or a scaling operator (#,### = 12,000,000. ##,, = 12
5. Fills column to complete width
6. Skip the width of the next character
7. Text should be inserted as shown
8. Location of where text should be displayed

Random value b/w 0 & 1?
=RANDBETWEEN(bottom, top)