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43 Cards in this Set

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What are the 5 SUVAT formulas?

What does the u mean in SUVAT equations?

Starting velocity in m/s

What does the v mean in SUVAT equations?

Final velocity in m/s

What does t mean in SUVAT equations?

Time in seconds

What does the a mean in the SUVAT equations?

Acceleration in m/s^2

What does s mean in SUVAT equations?

Displacement in metres

What is the starting velocity (u) when a particle is moving from rest?


How do you write acceleration in your formula when the particle is decelerating?

As -a

What does a smooth surface mean?

There is no friction

What is gravity in falling down or going up?

Falling = going with gravity = positive = 9.8

Going up = going against gravity = negative = -9.8


What does retardation mean?


What is displacement (s) if the particle returns back to the start?


How do you draw a velocity time graph?

Positive gradient = acceleration

Negative gradient = deceleration

Straight line = constant speed

What does the area under a velocity-time graph symbolise?

Distance travelled.

How do you draw an acceleration -time graph?

Above the x-axis = acceleration

Below the x-axis = deceleration

On the x -axis = constant speed

What does the area under an acceleration -time graph mean?

Change in velocity

How do you work out force?

Mass × acceleration

So weight is.... mass × gravity

Where is the normal reaction?

The force that is perpendicular to the surface. Reaction from the surface which would stop it from falling through.

Mass of object × gravity

What does it mean if an object is at rest?

It's in static equilibrium which means that the forces in opposite directions are equal

What does a rough surface mean?

There is friction

What is the formula for working out the area of a trapezium?

How do you work out friction on an inclined plane?

How do you find out tension in connected particles?

Treat them as separate to one another so the tension isn't cancelled out

How to workout an unknown in connected particles on the same plane?

Treat them as one particle. This will cancel out the tension which with mean there are less unknowns

What is conservation of momentum and the formula for it?

The total momentum before is the same after

How do you figure out the momentum of a particle?

Mass × velocity

What unit must the be for mass?


What does an in extensible string mean?

That the tension is the same throughout

What is the formula for an impulse?

I=m (v-u)

What is the formula for a moment?

What does a uniform rod mean?

That the weight is in the middle

What does it mean if a particle is in equilibrium?

The moments are equal

How do you write a vector?

How can you tell if two vectors are parellel

If they have the same direction

How do you find the magnitude of vector?

How do you find distance using vectors?

Vector × time

What is the formula for a unit vector?

How to find out velocity from a unit vector director?

Unit vector director × speed

What is the position vector and how do you figure it out?

The vector in relation to the origin.

How do you find the bearings of a vector?


When solving particles on an inclined plane, do you use sin or cos when you have the angle?

Cos if you have the angle.

When solving particles on an inclined plane, do you use sin or cos when you dont have the angle?

Sin if you don't have the angle

How do you add vectors