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46 Cards in this Set

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is an age-related change in which progressive hearing loss is caused by loss of hair cells and decreased blood supply in the ear, resulting in a decreased ability to hear high-frequency sounds. Talking in a lower pitch helps with communication.
a subjective noise sensation heard in one or both ears; ringing or tinkling sound in the ear.; caused by toxic levels of Aspirin.
Hearing aids are
instruments that amplify sounds for conductive hearing loss
Glaucoma medical management includes
medical supervision for the rest of life; eyedrops for the rest of life or loss of vision will result.
The medial canal is the cochlear duct, which contains the receptors for hearing in the organ of Corti. The receptors are called
hair cells, which contain endings of the cochlear branch of the eighth cranial nerve.
What is the drug action of Amoxil?
Inhibition of bacterial cell-wall synthesis
Weber Test
The sound is equally loud in both ears if hearing is normal.
The ear canal is lined with skin that contains
ceruminous glands
Snellen chart
The most commonly performed examination for vision. The patient is placed 20 feet from the chart and asked to read lines and this assesses visual acuity from far distances.
Common age related changes in vision and hearing are
decreased lacrimal secretions; distorted depth perception; Yellowing of the lens; Presbycusis
Dimenhydrinate (Dramamine)
is used to treat motion sickness and the symptoms that accompany it, such as dizziness, nausea and vomiting. When taken by mouth - it has its onset in 30 minutes.
is the secretion that keeps the eardrum pliable and traps dust.
Which cranial nerves are assessed when assessing the pupils (PERRLA)?
The external eyes are inspected for
color and symmetry of the irises.
In macular degeneration
central vision is gone, and only peripheral vision remains, so it is hard to see things in front of oneself.
Abnormal Vision for a snellen chart
Vision identified as 20/40 indicated the patient can read at 20 feet what the normal person can see at 40 feet, indicating that the patient has to be closer to read what the normal person can see further away.
Atropine is contraindicated for patients with
Bactrim patient teaching
Report any bruising or bleeding immediately; Report any diarrhea or bloody stools promptly; Report any fever, rash or sore throat promptly; Avoid unprotected exposure to sunlight.
Normal vision for a snellen chart
20/20, indicated that the individual has normal vision at 20 feet reading the prescribed line.
Auditory function can be grossly evaluated using three different assessment tests
whisper voice test, Rinne’s test, and Weber’s test.
The posterior cavity of the eye is between the
lens and retina and contains vitreous humor. This semisolid substance helps keep the retina in place.
betaxolol hydrochloride (Betoptic) Side effects/Interventions
Hypotension, dizziness, nausea, diaphoresis, headache, fatigue, constipation, and diarrhea are systemic effects of the medication. Nursing interventions include monitoring the blood pressure for hypotension and assessing the pulse for strenght, weakness, irregular rate, and bradycardia.
Patient teaching for Amoxil
Take with food, Take the entire prescription as prescribed; Report any genital itching to your physician; Report any excess bleeding to your physician.,
pilocarpine is used for
open angle glaucoma. It works by promoting drainage of the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye reduces pressure in the eye as the fluid does not build up.
Speaking in an unusually quiet or loud voice can indicate
hearing loss
After a tympanoplasty, the patient should be instructed to
avoid excessive movement to prevent dislodging the graft.
Meclizine hydrochloride (Antivert)
is an antiemetic used to alleviate the nausea that occurs in Meniere's disease from the violent vertigo.
used to assess for internal eye pressure (intraocular pressure).
Symptoms of cataract formation may include
halos around lights, difficulty reading fine print or seeing in bright light, increased sensitivity to glare such as when driving at night, double or hazy vision, and decreased color vision.
Eustachian tube
is lined with a mucous membrane that joins the nasopharynx and the middle ear, which equalizes the air pressure on either side of the tympanic membrane.
Peripheral vision is tested by
Visual field assessment
is pupils equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. Best to assess in a room that is slightly darkened.
The most common sign of external otitis is
pain along with pruritus (itching).
The shape of the lens is changed by the
ciliary muscle, which permits the focusing of light from objects at varying distances.
Romberg’s test
is a simple test to assess vestibular function. If the patient has difficulty maintaining balance or loses balance, it can indicate an inner ear problem. If a fall appears likely, be prepared to support the patient to prevent injury.
Bactrim side effects
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and loss of appetite may occur. Rare side effects include Steven Johnsons syndrome, blood disorders, liver damage or lung injury.
Dexamethasone (Decadron) - Nursing Interventions
This drug increases glycogenesis which may lead to hyperglycemia. Therefore the blood sugar level and acetone production must be monitored.
Acetazolamide (Diamox)
causes excretion of bicarbonate, which would worsen metabolic acidosis. It is used to treat metabolic alkalosis, edema, seizures, and acute glaucoma. A decrease in blood pH would indicate that the client was becoming more acidotic which is life threatening
Mannitol (Osmitrol)
is an osmotic diuretic that pulls fluid from extravascular spaces into the bloodstream to be excreted in urine. This will decrease intracranial pressure, increase excretion of medications, decrease urine osmolality, and increase serum osmolality.
Factors that contribute to cataract development may include
age and longer exposure to ultraviolet radiation (sunlight). Other causes are diabetes, smoking, steroids, nutritional deficiencies, alcohol consumption, intraocular infections, trauma, and congenital defects.
After a stapedectomy, what is the greatest concern
The patient may be dizzy and a fall risk, so use of safety rails can protect the patient. The operative ear is placed upward when lying in bed to prevent pressure or drainage on the site.
A triad of symptoms of vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus characterizes
Ménière’s disease. During an acute attack, safety is the priority. Assist the patient into bed with the side rails up so that the patient does not fall.
is nearsightedness or the ability to see things close up but not far away. This is corrected with concave lenses.
Conjunctivitis is
very contagious, and hand washing is essential to prevent the spread of it.
Controlling diabetes is essential to preventing
complication development in patient's with diabetic retinopathy
Glaucoma - patient teaching
POAG develops bilaterally. The onset is usually gradual and painless, so the patient may not experience noticeable symptoms or, after time, may experience mild aching in the eyes, headache, halos around lights, or frequent visual changes that are not corrected with eyeglasses.