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15 Cards in this Set

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Name Lymphatic Cells (6)and Tissues(2)
T-Cells "Lymphocytes matures in thyumus"
B-Cells "Originally found in chickens Bursa of Fabricius"
Natural Killer Cells "Immune Surveillance attacks and destroys bactria attacks infected host cells" Macrophages "Comes from
Monocytes (Phagocytic) Main APCs"
Dendrite Cells- APC Found in Epidermus Mucus Membranes & Lymphatic Organs
Reticular Cells- APCs to Thymus
Diffuse Lympahtic Tissue, MALT
There are 6 Cells
and 2 Tissues
Name Lymphatic Organs
Lymph Node, Tonsils, Thalmus, Spleen
There are 4
Functions of Lymph Node
Fluid Recovery- fluid filtered from blood capillaries into tissue space.
Immunity- "Makes Antibodies" lymphatic system recovers excess tissue fluid and picks up foreign cells & chemicles from tissue. On its was back to bloodstream fluid passes through lymph node where immune cells stand guard against foreign matter.
Lipid Absorption-small intestine, lacteals absorb dietary lipids that arnt absorbed by blood capillaries.
There are 3
Lymphatic Vessels
There are 3
Tunica Interna- Endothelium
and Valves
Tunica Media- Smooth Myo &
Elastic Fibers
Tunica Externa- Thin outer
All the "Tunica's"
Definition of Lymph Fluid
Clear and cloroless, contained in lymphatic vessels & lymph nodes. Produced by absorption of tissue fluid, low protein.
Name Color
What it is contained in
Produced by
Lymph Route
(Names from Smallest to
Lymphatic Capillaries -> Collecting Vessels (Lymph Node)->
6 Lymphatic Trunks (Lumbar Trunks, Intestinal, Subclavian, Bronchomediastinal, Jugular, Intercostal) ->
2 Collecting Vessels ->
Subclavian Veins ->
Smallest to Largest
Hapten "Combines to what...
"2 Small to Trigger..
Lymphocytes __%
T-Cells ___%
B-Cells ___%
Combines to Host Cells.
Too small to trigger "immune response"
Lymphocytes 5%
T-Cells 80% "Thymus Recongizes Antibodies"
B-Cells 15% "Humeral Immunity
Name the Antibody Proteins
Ig... There are 5
Which 1st responses to
Which one is for Memory?
Ig A
Ig D
Ig E
Ig M "1st to start elevating, 1st response to infection"
Ig G "Memory"
Ig A, Ig D, Ig E, Ig M, Ig G
There are 4
(Tc) "Cytotoxic cells directly attack & kill antigen"
(Th) Helper Cells
(Ts) supressor cell
(Tm) memory
Tc, Th, Ts, Tm
Lymphatic Organs
Lymph Node
Tonsils (3)
Spleen (White and Red Pulp)
Lymph Node- Cleanses lymph, Alert Immune System to Pathogen. "Found" more superficial, near neck, axillary, inguinal area
Deep, Thocic, pelvis, abdominal
Tonsils: Pharyngeal, ADENOIDS wall of Pharynx
Palatine: Posterior Oral Cavity
Lingual: Root of Tounge
Thymus- Superior portion of heart, endocrine hormones or lymphatic system developes lymphocytes
Spleen: Largest
White Pulp, Lymphocytes and monocytes, along small branches of Splenic A, Detects Antigens.
Red Pulp: RBCs found in Sinuses of spleen
Name function and location
Defenses Against Pathogens
A. External Barrier
Skin: Cutaneous membrane, keratin, skin too dry to support Microbial Growth. Defensis,Peptides, Latic Acid
Mucus Membrane: Respitory "cilia", Digestive, Urinary, Reproductive
B. Internal Barrier
Has 5 leukocytes
Neutrophil- fights baterial infection
Eosinophil- Paracitic Infection
Basophil- Histimine & Heparin
Lymphocytes- natural killer cells attacks bacteria and host cells that turn cancerous and infected
Dendritic Cells
Microglial Cells
Alveolar Macrophages
Hepatic Macrophages
Other: Langerhan Cells, Kuffer Cells
Macrophages-main APC found in loose ct
Dendrite Cells-epidermis, esophagus, Vagina
Microglial Cells- Phagocitic found in CNS
Alveolar Macrophages- found in lungs
Hepatic Macrophages- found in liver
Where are they found
Names 4 Characteristics of Inflammation
Definition of Fever Pyrexin
High body temperature