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82 Cards in this Set

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Activity Tolerance
pg 1236
The type and amount of exercise or work that a person is able to perform
Assessment of act tolerance is neccessary when planning what type of activities?
Activity tolerance assessment includes data from what areas?
measurements pg 1238
Measures height, weight and skinfold thickness
What is the purpose of anthropometric measurements?
Use when assessing metabolic functionin to evaluate muscle atrophy.
pg 1226
Most common respiratory complications
What is atelectasis?
The collapse of the alveoli
Bed rest
pg 1225
Restricts clients to bed for therapeutic reasons.
What part of the nursing process does bed rest fall into?
Body alignment
pg 1220
The individual's center of gravity is stable.
Correct body alignment does what?
Reduces strain on musculoskeletal structure
Aids in maintaining adequate muscle tone
Promotes comfort
Balance and conservation of energy.
Body mechanics
pg 1220
The coordinated eforts of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.
pg 1222
Nonvascular, supporting connective tissue
Where is cartilage found?
Cartilaginous joint
pg 1221
Cartilage unites bony components.
Another name for cartilaginous joint
Synchondrosis joint
What does this joint allow?
Stability during bone growth
What is ossify?
Develops into bone.

Is after the bone growth is complete.
Chest physiotherapy
pg 1247
An effective method for preventing pneumonia and keeping the airway clear.
What methods are used in Chest physiotherapy?
Percusiion and positioning
Concentric tension
pg 1222
Increased muscle contraction causes the muscle shortening resulting in movment
Example of Concentric Tissue
A client uses and overhead trapeze to pull up in bed.
Eccentric tension
pg 1222
Helps control the speed and direction of the movement
Example of Eccentric tension
Trapeze example:
Client slowly lowers to the bed.
Concentric and Eccentric muscle actions are neccessary for what?
Active movements
Concentric and Eccentric are referred to as what?
Isontonic contractions
Isontonic contratctions
pg 1222
Active movements
Isometric contractions
pg 1222
An increase in muscle tension or muscle work but no shortening or active movements of the muscle group.
Example of Isometric contraction
tightening and relaxing a muscle group.
Isometric contractions are also called
Static contraction.
Voluntary movement is a combination of what?
Isotonic and Isometric contractions.
Disuse osteoporosis
pf 1227
Immobilization results in bone resorption, the bone tissue is less dense or atrophied.
What causes disuse osteporosis?
What risk is involved with
disuse osteporosis?
Pathological fractures.
Due to a lack of movement.
pg 1238
A dislodged venous thrombus
pg 1236
Physical Activity for conditioning the body, improving health, and maintaining fitness.
Fibrous Joint
pg 1221
A joint in which a ligaments or membrane unites two bony surfaces.
A fibrous joint is also called?
Syndesmosis joint.
Flat Bones
pg 1220
Bones in the skull, and the ribs in the thorax provide structural contour.
Long Bones
pg 1220
Contribute to height and lenght.
Long Bones height are?
the femur, fibula, tibia in the legs
Long Bones length?
Phalanges of the finger and toes
Short Bones pg 1220
Occur in clusters and when combined with ligaments, and cartilage, permit movement of the extremities.
Short Bones are?
Carpal bones in the foot and the patella in the knee
Irregular bones
pg 1220
Make up the vertebral column and some bones in the skull,
Example of irregular bones?
Footdrop pg 1228
The foot is permanently fixed in the plantar flexion.
What function can not be performed with a footdrop
Lift the toes of the ground
Who is at risk for foot drop?
Suffered a CVA or brain attackes with resulting right or left sided paralysis (hemiplegia)
pg 1221
the continuity of the bone tissue is broken
pg 1220
The force that occurs in a direction to oppose movement.
pg 1275
One sided weakness
pg 1275
one sided paralysis
Hypostatic pneumonia
pg 1226
Inflammation of the lung from statis or pooling of secretions.
Instrumental ADLs
pg 1261
ADLS that keep a person independent beyond normal ADLs
Joint Contracture
pg 1228
An abnormal and possibly permanent condition characterized by fixation of the joint.
What causes joint contracture?
shortening of the muscle fibers
Result of joint contracture?
Joint cannot form full ROM
pg 1221
The connections between the bones
Synostotic joint
pf 1221
The bones jointed by bones.
What do synostotic joint do?
Provide strength and stability.
No movement
Synovial joint
pg 1221
Freely movable joints.
Example of synovial joint
bal and socket joints.
pg 1223
An inducing or compelling force and occurs when specific bones act together.
Example of leverage
Humerous, ulna, and radius and associated joint at the elbow
Muscle tone
pg 1223
the normal state of balanced muscle tennsion.
Another name for muscle tone?
pg 1222
Flexible bands of tissue that connect muscle to bone
What do ligaments do?
Aid joint flexiblity and support
pg 1222
Connect muscle to to bone.
What do tendons do?
Connect muscle to bones
Muscle atrophy
pg 1224
Loss of muscle tone and joint stiffness
Negative Nitrogen balance
pg 1225
When a pt is immobilethe body excretes more nitrogen than it ingest in proteins.
What is nitrogen?
The end product of amino acid breakdown.
pg 1223
Transfer electric impulses from the nerve across the neuromuscular junction to the muscle.
Orthostatic hypotension
pg 1227
Increase heart rate of more than 15%
drop of 15 > in Sys BP
drop 10 > in Dias BP
Going from a supine to standing position.
pg 1227
Abnormal loss of bone density.
Pathological Fractures
pg 1221
Fractures caused by a weakend bone tissue
Renal calculi
pg 1228
Calcium stones that lodge in the renal pelvis or pass through the ureters.
pg 1222
Cart that is not hardened
Urinary stasis
pg 1228
The renal pelvis fills before the urine enters the ureters .
Can cause UTIs