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146 Cards in this Set

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What 3 diseases do Suffolk get?
abomasal emptying defect
omg what is Mutton?
adult meat sheep... i am never getting the lamb at University Club again
Wether =
castrated goat
How much bunk space & living room does a goat need?
17 sq ft
T/F Unlike goats, sheep have sebaceous glands & horns.
false. Unlike sheep, goats have sebaceous glands & horns.
How do you sit up a sheep?
chin & flank...push down on rump while turning the head
Every time you cut a small ruminant what two things must you do?
tetanus prophy & fly spray
If castrating an older smR (>6mo) what must you do?
local anesthesia & sedation
must emasculate (to limit hemorrhage)
Why do they dock tails?
to prevent flystrike...do it under 2 weeks old or you have to use an electric docker.
What do you have to remember about disbudding babies?
only leave iron on for 2-3 sec or you'll melt their brain
Lamb milk replacer...

30 fat, 20-25 protein, 30-35 lactose

Can we ever give dextrose SQ?
only to hypothermic babies (dilute it)
What is the #1 requirement when creep feeding lambs?
palatability...give them a yummy ground grain mixture

add some ionophores to that shit (= coccidiostat)
When DON'T we vaccinate sheep?
in the rain..
What do we vx small R for?
C perf C
C perf D
C tetani
ECC RIFLE are the vx for smR. List them
Enzootic abortion of ewes

E. coli
When is the only time you vx @ Orf?
AFTER this disease is documented on a farm. You do not want to be the person who introduces this into a herd.
When DON'T we vx @ CLA?
don't vx a herd w/ endemic CLA (aka don't vx the goats of grenada)
T/F We use CLA vx to protect a naive flock.
Which smR vaccine's injection location is very important?
orf. Inject the axillary region...nowhere near the udder.
What causes Enzootic Abortion of Ewes?
Chlamydia psittaci
Besides abortion, what does Chlamydia psittaci cause in smR?
If you give Orf vx to a herd of sheep & then the farmer calls to tell you they're red at the injection site, what does that mean?
erythema = successful inoculation
Why do vx MOMS for E coli?
so the babies get the Ab @ E coli
Who is Lepto a big deal in?
cattle = Late term abortion...usually not a required vx for smR
What agent causes CLA?
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis (which is zoonotic in case you don't want to fail your ambulatory paperwork...I guess this is a msg for the future 6th termers...)
T/F Do not vx grenadian goats @ CLA.
probably true. If it's endemic in their flock, don't do it.
What agent causes Contagious Footrot in sheep?
Dichelobacter nodosus
What 4 diseases do you worry about when introducing new animals onto your farm?
Contagious Footrot
What 2 vx should your entering animals get?
Vibrio fetus
T/F Isolate animals that have been off the farm for 2 weeks, looking for signs of orf, footrot, pneumonia, or ringworm.
true whatever
What skin disease do "show sheep" get cause they're always getting baths & wearing blankets & shit.
Club Lamb dz
T/F Oxidative injury --> White Muscle Dz.
Why would White Muscle Dz cause a hyperkalemia?
damaged muscle cells release their intracellular content (K+)
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema = perihilar edema.
we learned that in PBL
What is "Struck?"
yet another name for C perf type D (enterotoxemia, overeating dz, pulpy kidney dz, now STRUCK too!)
What causes proliferation of C. perf type D exotoxins in the gut?
high quantities of soluble CHOs
T/F Enterotoxemia usually causes gross lesions in sheep.
false, they're "struck" dead so quick there usually isn't time for gross lesions to develop
How can Clostridium perfringens type D cause neuro disease?
epsilon toxin --> FSE (focal symmetrical encephalomalacia) --> convulsions & opisthotonous
What is a pathognomonic clin path finding for sheep with Enterotoxemia?
How do you get a culture of C. perfringens?
anaerobic culture of gut contents of a FRESH cadaver only!! (<1 hour dead)
What does Cu toxicosis cause in smR?

Cu deficiency?
liver disease

(vs Enzootic Ataxia/Swayback)
Cu toxic dose =
>10-20 ppm
Where do sheep get Cu toxicity?
from eating other species' feed (they all get more Cu than sheep)
What is the optimal Cu:Mo ratio for ovine diets?

HAZARDous levels =

>10:1 Cu:Mo = danger!
What is the first clin path finding of a Cu toxicosis?
increased hepatic enzymes (cause the Cu is stored in the hepatocytes)
When do we see hypercopperemia?
i am quite certain i just made that word up.

You don't see increased serum Cu til 1-2 days before they have the acute crisis.
What is this "acute crisis" caused by Cu toxicity?
acute, severe IV hemolysis --> metHb & liver & renal disease
What do all icteric sheep have?
they all have Cu poisoning til proven otherwise.
Why would a Cu toxicity cause dark urine?
We said Cu toxicity affects the liver (cause it blows up the hepatocytes). What does it do to the kidneys?
gun metal kidneys (stained with metHb)
T/F Cu toxicity can result in prolonged GGT elevations.
True. that is probably irrelevant
How do we treat Cu toxicity?
copper chelation
ammonium molybdate
...prob not D-penicillamine
Sheep seem to become weak in the HL first & may "dog sit."
Yeah there was some other BS that caused HL paresis...from the neuro packet...
MAC...meningeal worm
ascending myelitis
Which electrolyte(s) are you concerned with in transported
Ca & Mg (transport tetany)
What's the difference between pure hypoCa & "transport tetany?"
hypoCa --> flaccid weakness (HL first)

hypoMg --> tetany
Where are you going to do a liver biopsy in a camelid?
right 9th ICS....ew, thanks Jess. That better be a TQ, i didn't want to talk about camelids tonight.
What is one of the most annoying things about pregnany toxemia?
that the ketones produced decrease appetite = vicious cycle
If your client describes one of his pregnant ewes as just ADR....what do you think?
pregnancy toxemia
For which 2 GI diseases are goats more dramatic/colicky/vocal?
grain overload
Why does grain overload lead to laminitis?
i dont even remember anymore.
T/F The results of grain overload can affect other organs, eg liver/lung (and MSk)
What's the best way to put a pig under general anesthesia?
gas them down cause their shit is hard to intubate
Why give thiamin injections to grain overloads?
so they don't get polio
What are your 3 DDx for colic in goats?
grain overload
Is orf self-limiting?
Can orf parapox virus survive for long periods in the environment?
yes, annoyance
How do you treat Pizzle Rot?
pen! or tetras
protein <14%
What does CLA affect?
adult lymph nodes
(prescap, mandib, parotid)
What does the internal form of CLA manifest as?
pulmonary or mediastinal abscesses
What is the test for CLA....that measures IgG response to the exotoxin in the patient's serum?
SHI (synergistic hemolysis inhibition test)

wtf i have no idea
Cull CLA positives.
sure why not

(you don't have to but you can)
Contagious footrot of smR is both inf & contagious.
This is like the only thing I've retained from this class.
Wool break =
following stress/dz/fever by a month or so
What is the cause of Wool Break?
whole body telogen effluvium
If you find ectoparasites on your sheep (keds or lice), what are you going to put on them?
synthetic pyrethrins
If you find pustules & small abscesses in the skin of sheep, what is your diagnosis? How are you going to treat?
demodex (cigars)
ABx for the secondary bacterial infection
What the hell causes Floppy Kid Syndrome?
acidosis from drinking too much milk

solution = give them cold milk so they don't drink so much...or reduce grain fed to does to decrease milk production
How do you treat Floppy aka Greedy Kid Syndrome?
IV sodium bicarb
How much bicarb do you give to Floppy aka Greedy Kid Syndrome?
BW x 0.6 x Base Deficit = mEq bicarb needed
How do you treat clinical Coccidiosis?
Albon (a sulfa)
T/F Haemonchus contortus causes diarrhea in affected smR.
False. I mean maybe it can but no. It causes blood loss (anemia, edema, ascites)
Clinical findings in an animal with Type II Ostertagia (3)
no eggs
high serum pepsinogen
alkaline abomasum (>5)
Which dewormers bind to ACh?

(LMNOP kinda close)
What is the action of the avermectins?
bind to GABA
What do the benzimidazoles do?
something with tubulin
T/F Fenbendazole has a narrow margin of safety.
False. You can increase dose up to 10x (ELDU).
Which dewormer is teratogenic?
albendazole during first trimester
When do we deworm against nasal bots (Oestrus ovis)
What's a broken-mouthed ewe?
she's missing some incisors
What causes granulomatous enterocolitis?
Mycobacterium paratuberculosis
Weaver's syndrome is associated with high milk production. T/F
What is the hallmark sign of Johne's in small ruminants?
NOT diarrhea.

*PLE & gradual weight loss*
How do you test for Johne's?
acid-fast staining of the ileo-cecal junction/histopath

idk some AGID & ELISAs to look for Ab formed during advanced dz
T/F (ok this is a key concept) Seroconversion tends to occur relatively LATE in the course of infection, usually well after fecal shedding of M. paraTB has started.
T/F AGID & ELISA have a low specificity & positive predictable value in flocks & herds where the disease is well established?

AGID & ELISA have a high specificity & positive predictable value in herds where disease is well established.
What is the bad news when it comes to testing for Johne's?
Because detectable Ab develop later in the dz, an infected animal can be shedding the organism & infecting others before it develops a high enough Ab titer to be detected (by AGID or ELISA).
Where do you collect your tissue sample for Johne's?
ileocecal junction
What will on histopath you see if they have Johne's?
acid-fast coccobacilli in clumps
Gross lesions of Johne's Disease are only present in about _____% of sheep with advanced Johne's disease.
What is the current gold standard for Johne's Disease in small ruminatns?
How do we control Johne's?
cull or isolate

(fecal oral transmission)
Abomasal emptying defect leads to what abominal contour?
papple (right dorsal, left ventral)
What is the commonest sign of Abomasal Emptying Defect?
weight loss
Tell me 3 things you see on clin path of an abomasal emptying defect.

Which is most important?

rumen Cl >25
What are all those damn diseases that CAE can cause?
hard bag
CAE <3 which cell?
What is the most important route of transmission of CAE?
colostrum & milk

only CAE negative does are allowed to nurse their babies
Which joint is most commonly affected by CAE?
When you have a CAE positive goat what are your 2 treatment options?
cull or segregate
What is the serological test you can run to determine exposure to CAE?
If AGID for CAE Ab is positive, what tests can you run to determine exposure vs disease?
histopath or PCR
T/F To prevent CAE, we separate kids from does at birth =(
yes =(
What causes "Infectious Polyarthritis of smR?"
Chlamydophia pecorum
What does Chlamydia psittaci cause?

Chlamydia pecorum?
psittaci --> enzootic abortion, joints, conjunctivitis

pecorum --> joints, oncjunctivitis (no abortion)
Is Chlamydia easy to culture?
no or i wouldn't have asked
Chlamydia pecorum causes Stiff Lamb dz ....what kind of polyarthritis do we see?
a fibrinous polyarthritis from pecorum
How do we treat Stiff Lamb dz aka Polyarthritis?
oxytet or chlortet
What does Mycoplasma cause?
mild pneumonia
What does Mycoplasma mycodies capri cause?
severe pneumonia
What causes enzootic abortion of ewes?
Chlamydia abortus?????????
What are common defects of a spider lamb ?
concave or narrow sternum
roman nose
long legs
angular limb deformities
What is a black ram?
a carrier for spider lamb

run a DNA then cull that boy
How do deworm for Nasal Bots?
ivermectin in the fall
What are your 3 major causes of bacterial pneumonia in smR?
p multocida

(anyting with an M in it causes bacterial penumonia in smR)
CAE & OPP <3 what cells?
When do we most frequently see pneumonia?
in the spring cause it starts getting humid in the barns
Chronic interstitial pneumonia caused by a lentivirus =
What cell does OPP love?
OPP dx?
AGID idk
How do we best "diagnose" OPP or CAE?
seropositive (AGID) + no response to ABx or anthelmintics
How do you treat OPP?
you dont
In goats, you don't necessarily let the kids drink their mom's colostrum. Why?
in case she has CAE

give them cow colostrum, pasteurized goat colostrum or colostrum from a documented CAE-negative doe
What causes a diffuse, symmetrical, indurated mastitis?
What is the neuro disease caused by OPP?
What is the neuro disease caused by CAE?
spinal cord disease in kids
T/F OPP & CAE cause a chronic interstitial pneumonia
What's the only difference between OPP & CAE?
the type of neuro disease they cause
T/F Polio is characterized by blindness & a high mortality rate.
Acute polio causes what 2 consistent signs?
dorsomedial strabismus & opisthotonus
Blindness & ataxia are common features of the subacute form, but seizures & coma are not.

What disease am I talking about?
What is the major metabolic pathway for glucose metabolism in the brain, particularly in animals on a high concentrate/low roughage diet in which an increased requirement for glucose might exist?
pentose-phosphate pathway
What is associated with polio?
bracken fern
high dietary sulfate (wont respond to B1 injections)
mollasses (urea)
What are the two thiaminase-producing bacteria?
Clostridium sporogenes & Bacillus
Can you treat polio with B-complex injection?
no, there's not enough B1 in that.