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24 Cards in this Set

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psoas major gets nerve supple from
rectus abdominis gets nerve supple from
ext ab oblique
in ab oblique
t7-t12, L1
transversus abdominis
t7-t12, L1
latissimus dorsi nerve supply
erector spinae
transversospinalis nerve supply
quadratus lumborum
t12, L1-L4
join dysfunction s/s
asymptomatic, lower backx mild to acute disabling, rigid lumbar spine, functional scoliosis, lower extremity radicular pain (rare)
joint dysfunction tests
segmental instability test-bakcwards leg lifts
one leg standing lumbar extension test -stand on one leg and recline back letting other foot move forward
lumbar fractures s/s
lower back pain, lower extremity neuro compromise
tests for lumbar fractures
spinal percussion test
lumbar nerve root and sciatic nerve irritation/compression tests

lower bck pain, lower extremity radicular px, loss of oextremity reflexes, loss of lower extremity muscle strength, loss of lower extremity sensation
TESTS for lumbar nerve root and sciiatic nerve irritation/compression tests
straight leg raising test-70-90*=lumbar joint pain at 35-70*=sciatic nerve root irritation at 0-35*=extradural sciatic involvement, spastic piriformis muscle or muscles

lasegue's test-raise flexed leg

slump test-

buckling sign

femoral nerve traction test-

bragards test-lower leg 5* from pain then dorsi flex foot

sicard's test-same as bragards, but jsut dorsi flex the big toe

Fajerstajn's test-

bechterew's test-raise both leg's whie seated one at a time, then at teh same time if no pain.

minor's sign-patient will stand on the healthy side
mechanical low back px, may be acut recurrent or chronic, common in the teenage yrs through th 40s..s/s, relieved by, examination
px mar radiate to the back of teh thighs, not below the knees

pain is relieved by rest

tenderness and muscle spasm on palpation, px and limition on active movements, lifting or twisting, dec lumbar lordosis, normal motor and sensory examination
radiating low back px s/s
shooting px down one or both legs, below the knee in a dermatomal patter, there may be numbness and tingling and possible local weakness
examination of low back px
px is aggravated by movement and coughign, sneezing or straining (dejerine is pos), tenderness of the sciatic nerve, loss of senssation in a dermatomal pattern, local muscle weakness and strophy, dec or absent deep tendon reflexes
back and leg px from lumbar stenosis s/s
pseudocllaudication: px in the back of the lgs that worsens with walking and improves with flexing the spine (sitting or bending fwd)
examination of back and leg px from lumbary stenosis
flexed posture, motor weakness, diminished or absent reflexes in the lower extremities
chronic persistent low back stiffness caused by two conditions
1-ankylosing spondylitis-chronic inflammatory polyarthritis, commmon in younger males, ankylosing fo the SI joints moving up the spine and to the costovertbral joints

examination: loss of the lumbar lordosis, muscle spasm, progressive loss of motion

2-diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)-common in middle age and older males, examination reveals a loss of flexion and immobility of the spine
aching nocturnal back px, unrelieved by rest, consider:
metastatic malignancy in the spine: from cancer of the prostate, breast, lung, throid, kidney and/or from multiple myeloma

local bone tenderness may be present
back pain referred from the ab or pelvis
described as a deep, aching pain, causes: peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, prostatitis, endometriosis, dissecting aortiic aneurysm or retroperitoneal tumor.

spinal movements are not painful and ROM is not affected

look for signs of the primary disorder