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57 Cards in this Set

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Study Diagram of Vulva.

Mons Venerus - the mound

Clitoral Hood - the hood

Clit - under the hood

Vestibute - top to bottom of Labia minora

Urethral opening - below the clit

Introitus - outside the vagina opening.

Perneum - in between the anus and vagina

What is the Mons Veneris?

called mound of venus - god of beauty/love

pads of fatty tissue between pubic and bone

Presence of nerve ending in the mound, pleasurable.

What is the labia majora/minora?

Generally darker skin than on thighs

Nerve endings and unerlying fatty tissue/pleasurable.

Minora: Hairless skinfolds/ has blood vessels, oil and sweat gland. Nerve endings.

what is the clitoris?

8000 nerve ending (same as penis), 5 - 10cm in length.

The purpose of it is sexual pleasure.

Clitoris (glans) increase several days prior to ovulation.

Clitoris continued...

Clit stimulation most common way for Orgasm then vaginal instertion.

Current research contradicts freud's ideas of the vagina/clitoris. Freud pushed perpetuated myths

What are the cultural attitude towards gentialia?

Sex drives

Menstrual cycle

Hygiene myths

Fertility myths

Cultural influences

Clitoris Cultural differences? What do they do?

Role of Clit is controversial some countries decide to remove it. 130 million females subject to genital cutting.

FGM used in us to cure masturbation. Continued practice in USA for xx with enlarged clit.

FGCutting, what is it and what are the cultural perspective?

Middle East, Asia and Africa undergo FGC, approx 2mil in childhood to be eligable for marriage.

Ensure virginity at marriage, reduces promiscuity.

FGC stats

Research 15 - 49 yr old women. 72% women FGC for religious tradition. 62% support FGC for adultery prevention and husband pref.

Complications - Infection, prolonged bleeding, childbirh difficulties,

Better education leads to few FGC

What is labia stretching? Who does it?

Khoikoi Apron - Female stretching in early adulthood, since 5. Khoisan women. also like tats and piercings

what are the types of Genitalia surgery occurr?

labioplasty - trim/shaped labia , perpetuated by porn industry.

G Spot Augmentation - injection to Grafenberg spot.

Vaginal adjustment Surgery.

What is the vestibule?

Area inside the minora, Rich in vessels and nerves - sensitive to touch.

Inside are urethral opening and vaginal opening. on the side are the Vestibule bulbs

What is the Hymen? and what is it's significance in history?

Partly covering the introits is the hymen

A fold of tissue. It's a protective mechanism.

Virginity statement. V

What is the vagina?

Canal between the labia minora, extending back and angling upwards to cervix 7 uterus.

Vagina can expand for birth and sex.

3 layers - mucous/muscle/fibrous tissue. Lots of blood vessels and few nerve endings for pregnancy.

What are the three layers in the vagina and what do they do?

Mucousa - Inner layer, secretes acidic balance/ provides lubrication - happens to vasocongesion

Muscle - Second layer outer third and expansive inner third.

Fibrous Tissue - Innermost vaginal layer, Connective tissue.

What are the two functions of lubrication?

1. Allows intercourse (no tearing)/ protective mechanism.

2. Improve conception possibility. Due to PH levels becoming more sperm safe.

what do the Vestibular bulbs?

The two bulbs on each side of the vaginal opening that engorge with blood during arousal.

Compression of tissues to cause internal sensation during intercourse

What are the bartholin's glans?

Two glands that secrete fluid before orgasm

Kegels what are they and what are the benefits?

Dr. Arnold H Kegel Gyno 1948.

PC muscles can be trained to contract voluntary?

Benefits for women better strength CBirth,

Increase sensation. Gential sensitivity.

Benefits for men - Stronger O, more control, Increase pelvic sensation during arousal.

What is the cervix? What does it do?

Located at the back of the vagina, is the small end of uterus. Sperm pass through the cervix.

What is the uterus?

IT has three layers: 1. Perimetrium

2. Myometrium 3. Endometrium.

The walls nourish the zygote (Cell)

Endometrium layers thickens for hormonal changes each month/ also hormones produce

What are the fallopian tubes? What do they do?

Two tubes out of the uterus. Helps eggs move along with Cilia hairs. The eggs remain accessible 24 - 48 hours. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when egg implants in tissue outside of uterus.

What are the ovaries?

Female Gonads produce ova and sex hormones. at the end of the tubes.

At birth, there are 472 000 immature ova. Only 400 ova reach maturation.

How is breast cancer caused?

Growth of Malignant cells in breast tissues.

Two types: Noninvasive (breast tissue only) and invasive (lymph nodes, liver, brain, lungs)

Most common cancer among aus women.

How is the menstraul cycle regulated?

Any fertility issues?

Regulated b hypothalamus (master of hormones) and endocrine glands.

Hypothalamus monitors hormone levels during cycle, releasing chem to stimulate pituitary to produce.

Menarche (first occurrence of puberty)?

Age 11 - 15 related to genes, health, weight . Flow lasts 2 - 6 days.

Decline in average age from 17 - 13 since 1850.

What are some complications of MC?

Name the types of comps?

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: 70% women report same symptons. 5% women have severe symptons. (severe case of PMS)

Dysmenorrhea - painful cramps

Amenorrhea - no menstruation due to exertion.

Menstrual Synchrony, what is it?

Mclintock effect - research showed cycles would match up.

What is menopause?

Name 5 symptons?

Changes from Fertility to infertility in both sexes. Occurs due to lower of estrogen levels. man can get it to.

Symptons vary from mild to strong amenorrhea. Menopause, hot flashes, warm spells. Night sweats. lower libido.

Name the parts of the penis?

Foreskin, Glans, Shaft, Root.

Mostly nerves, blood vessels, fibrous body and three parellel cylinders of spongy tissue.

Muscles are at the root of the penis.

Shaft - external portion of the penis

The penis has how many cylinders and what does these cylinders do?

3 cyclinder, 2 larger cavernous one's parellel to each other.

during arousal, cylinders engorged with blood and erection occurs.

The erection process of the penis? how does the magic happen?

Skin covering the shaft needs to expand, the spongy body fills with blood.

What are the current stats of circumcision in Australia? Why is it done?

Foreskin removal for religious, medical, cultural reasons.

80% infant boys in 1950 routine.

Australia reports that 58.7% are cut.

Highest rates in QLD, then NSW and SA. Circ N/A in places are apart from QLD

Name the characteristics of the Scrotum?

Sac consits of two layers, outside layer thin dark skin.

Second layer is composed of muscle fibres and fibrous connective tissue.

Spermatic cord linked to testes contains - sperm carrying tube (vas deferens)

What are the two functions of the testes?

Can the testicles be affected?

Production of sperm and sex hormones (test)

Yes, by diseases, cancer and STI's

What do the Seminiferous Tubules do?

They are located in the tests and store and produce sperm.

Sperm maturation/production takes 70 days.

What other area is important for sperm production?

Epididymis - proccesses sperm, where maturation occurs.

what does the Vas deferens do?

Sperm carrying tube from testes to urethra, shot through ejac duct via prostate

What do the seminal vesicles do?

Small glands adjacent to vas deferens that secrete an alkalie fluid, conducive to sperm motility (swimming).

Alkaline fluid is rich in fructous.

Seminal fluid vital to sperm movement.

What does the prostate do?

Secretes 30% of the seminal fluid on ejac. ITs milk and alkaline.

It should be alkaline to deal with the slightly acidic environment of the vagina.

What does the cowper's gland do?

On either side of the urethra at the back. it's the precum. Helps buffer the acidity of the urethra.

Name the attibutes of seminal fluid (semen)

It comes from the cowpler/prostate and seminal vesicles. Semen contains 200 - 500 million sperm.

Amount of sperm determined by, how long since pop, how blue it was before. and age.

What are the characteristics of an erection? what causes it?

Co-ordinated by autonomic nervous system.

NS send messages to arteries of 3 cylinder to expand.

Night time E happens during REM sleep.

Psychogenic (mind) Physiogenic (body)

What are some male health genital concerns?

Testicular cancer, can be treated if found early. 700 blokes a year.

Exams: if harld lump, swelling, or dragging feels.

What is another male gential health concern?

Prostate cancer: Most common form of cancer for xy. Symptons. painful urnination, ejaculation.

What is the most important sex organ?


Hormones, name them. What are the characteristics?


Male have 20 - 40 time for test. Test causes sexual desire, genital sensitivity and frequency of activity.

What happens if there are test deficiencies?

Decrease in sexual desire, sensitvity. diminished energy levels, increased fat mass. Decrease muscles and strength.

Where are hormones produced from?

The androgens are produced from testes, adrenals and ovaries.

The estrogen is produced from ovaries and testes. both types are produced in sexes.

Neuropeptide: Oxytocin.

How does test effect sexual behaviour?

In females/males it can increases desire.

unclear what estrogen does in sexual desire.

levels of testosterone

Free testosterone linked to libido,

women have test but it's bound. they are more sensitive to it though.

T levels - decrease with rapidly when menopause happens. Men it decreases gradually with age.

What does oxytocin do?

Increased skin sensitivity

High level linked to better orgasms.

For women stimulates contraction of uterine wall during O

What is Kaplans three stage model?




Masters and johnson 4 phase model?

What are the two core processes?


Plateau - myotonia

Orgasm - contractions/ ejaculation

Resolution - return back to normal

Two phases: vasocongestion = blood vessels fill.

Moytonia - muscle tension occurrs.

What are the benefits of the four phase model?

1. understanding the arousal proccess

2. supports interventions to ehance arousal

3. Suppors intervention to address sexual dysfunction.

how does ageing have an effect on Sexual response cycle?

excitement - more time takes to lube/erection

Plateua - able to sustain plateua for longer.

Orgasm - reduced contractions & ejact

Resolution - longer refractory period, quicker resolution.

Go over chapter readings and quiz. review diagrams, know what to label vulva/penis.

Good luck