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23 Cards in this Set

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carbon cycle: areas that contain carbon dioxide
least --> greatest
rivers<marine biota 3 < sediments 150 < vegetation 610 < dissolved organic __something__ 700 < atmosphere 750 < ocean surface 1020 < soils 1580 < fossil fuels 4000 < deep ocean 38100
major culprits of global warming
fossil fuels
cement production
exponential human population growth
how does deforestation contribute to global warming?
plants use CO2 to fix carbon, without plants, CO2 increases
how does human population growth contribute to global warming?
respiration using oxygen and converting to CO2
what type of wavelength (long / short)does the sun release in light energy to the earth?
what type of wavelength (long/short) does the earth release in heat?
CO2 does not absorb _____, but does absorb _____
CO2 does not absorb energy from the sun, but does absorb heat energy released from earth

Co2 lets light in but does not let heat energy out
by 2100, the global warming projections show that (worst case), the temperature will have risen by ___ degrees
5 degrees Celsius (approx. 10 degrees Fareinheit)
compare how carbon much phytoplankton fix compared to plants
___% of ocean, abundances of phytoplankton are low even though plenty of light and other nutrients
John H. Martin
came up with "The Iron Hypothesis"
The Iron Hypothesis
Iron can limit phytoplankton production

without iron, phytoplankton cannot convert organic carbon to energy through aerobic respiration
supposedly: __________ tons of carbon removed per 1 ton of iron added
field eidence: dust correlating to the iron hypothesis
massive amounts of iron-rich dust are deliered to high nutrient, sunlit waters, high productivity of phytoplankton
experiments: added iron -->
phytoplankton bloomed
shallow carbon burial depths
5-50% carbon rests mid depth in ocean for 10s of years until moving downward

only 1-15% reach bottom
at surface waters: huge blooms of phytoplankton may
deplete surface waters of other nutrients
bloom may also change bottom ______
continuous iron may favor wrong __ and/or _____ depletion

good case scenario of phytoplankton bloom
high phytoplankton, high zooplankton, big fish
bad case scenario of phytoplankton bloom
high phytoplankton, too many zooplankton, extreme bio oxygen demand, ecosystem collapse
what to do
focus on the sources of co2
__________ (easy/hard) to put nature back together again