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255 Cards in this Set

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First form of life
Lacked ability to synthesize own nutrients, depended upon outside sources for food
Primitive Seas
Contained simple inorganic and organic compounds
Salts, methane, ammonia, hydroge, water
Primitive Energy
Heat, electricity, solar radiation (X-rays, Cosmic rays, Radioactivity)
Primordial Soup
After building blocks of sugar, amino acids, purines and pyrimidines dissolved and created macromolecules
Stanley L. Miller
Evidence of Organic Synthesis
Combined UV radiation, heat, methane, hydrogen, ammoniam and water to produve organic compounds such as urea, hydrogen cyanide, acetiv acid and lactic acid
Formation of Primitive Cells
Coacervate droplets (clumped protein molecules surrounded by shell of water) that absorb and incorporate environment
Not living, but had some properties
Unstable (mostly)
Nucleic Acid Polymers
In first primitive cells, then became capable of reproduction
Biochemical Pathways in Heterotrophs
Allowed to use wider variety of nutrients
Anaerobic Respiratory Processes in Heterotrophs
Evolved to convert nutrients into energy
Autotrophic Nutrition
Necessary to provide required nutrients
Used photosynthetic pathways to capture solar energy and synthesize carbohydrates from Co2 and H2O
Oxygen was a waste product
Aerobic Respiration
Converted the atmosphere from reducing to oxidizing
Created the ozone layer to block high energy radiation
4 Categories of Living
Autotrophic Anaerobes-chemosynthetic bacteria
Autotrophic Aerobes- green plants and photoplankton
Heterotrophic Anaerobes-yeasts
Heterotrophic Aerobes-amoebas, earthworms, humans
Elements of living things
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Sulfur, Phosphorus
Protoplasm (subsuance of life)- Mg, I, Fe, Ca, minerals
Inorganic Compounds
Do not contain carbon
Salts, HCL
Organic Compounds
Made by living systems
Contain carbon
Carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids
unit of an element
composed of atoms joined by chemical bonds
H2O, CO2, C6H12O6
The Cell
fundamental unit of all living things
every biological functions occurs within cells or at interface between cells
Cell Theory
All living things are composed of cells.
the cell is the basic funational unit of life. Cells arise only from pre-existing cells. Cels carry genetic informaiton in the form of DNA. This genetic material is passed on from parent to daughter cell
basic tool to study cells
increase in apparent size of an object
differentiation of two closely situated objects
compound light microscope
uses 2 lenses to magnify an object. Total magnification is the product of the eyepiece magnification and the objective magnification
Nonliving species-due to staining done for required contrast
controls the amount of light passing through the specimen
coarse adjustment knob
roughly focuses image
fine adjustment knob
sharply focuses image
Phase Contrast Microscopy
light microscope that permits the study of living cells by using the contrast in the refractive index b/w cellular structures
electron microscopy
beam of electrons allows higher magnification than is possible with light. Nonliving specimens bc tissues must be fixed and sectioned and stained w/ solutions of heavy metals
used to separates cells or cell mixtures without destroying them. Separate based on densities.
Nuclei, ER, and Mitochondria sink to bottom
components of the cell-specialized in structure and function
Cell wall (composed of peptidoglycans)
No Nucleus (Nucleoid Region)
Ribosomes (30S and 50S subunits)
No membrane bound organelles
Protists, fungi, plants, animals
Cell wall in plants and fungi only
Ribosomes (40S and 60S subunits)
Membrane Bound organelles
Cell Membrane (Plasma Membrane)
encloses cell
selective permeability-regulates in and out
Small nonpolar molecules pass easily (oxygen)
small charges molecules cross through protein channels
larger charged molecules cross w/ help of carrier proteins
Fluid Mosaic Model
Theory that cell membrane consists of phospholipid bilayer with proteins embedded. lipids and many proteins freely move throughout the membrane
controls cell activities
surrounded by nuclear membrane
contains DNA which is complexed with histones to form chromosomes. The nucleolus is where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis occurs
site of protein production
synthesized by nucleolus
Free ribosomes in cytoplasm, bound ribosomes line outer membrane of E.R.
Endoplasmic Reticulum
network of membrane-enclosed spaces that aid with transport of materials. Esp those meant to be secreted
Golgi Apparatus
receives vesicles and contents from the smooth ER, modifies them, repackages them into vesicles and distributes to cell surface by exocytosis
site of aerobic respiration, supplier of energy. Has outer and inner phospholipid bilayer
location of most cell metabolic activity
transport occurs by cyclosis-streaming movement w/i cell
and vesicles-membrane-bound sac involved in transport and storage of materials that our ingested, secreted, processes, or digested by the cell. vacuoles are larger than vesicles. Vesicles are more common in plants than animals
specialized microtubule involved in spindle organization during cell division. Not membrane bound. Animal cells have a pair that lie in the centrosome. Plant cells do not have
membrane bound vesicle. Contains hydrolytic enzymes involved in intracellular digestion. break down materials ingested by cell. autolysis-dying tissue ruptures lysosome membrane and releases enzymes
composed of microtubules and microfilaments. Gives cell mechanical support, maintains shape, functions in cell motility
Simple Diffusion
Net movement of dissolved particles down their concentration gradient-higher concentration to lower concentration. Requires no energy
and vesicles are membrane-bound sacs involved in transport and storage of materials that are ingested, secreted, processed, or digested by the cell. Vacuoles are larger than vesicles are more likely in plants than animals
specialized microtubule involved in spindle organization during cell division. not bound by a membrane. animal cells have a pair that lie in the centrosome. plant cells do not have any
membrane bound vesicles with hyrolytic enzymes. break down material ingested by the cell. autolysis occurs when a dying tissue rupture lysosome membrane and releases enzymes
composed of microtubules and microfilaments. Gives cell mechanical support. Maintains shape. Functions in cell motility
simple diffusion
net movement of dissolved particles down their concentration gradients-from higher to lower concentration. Requires no energy source
Simple diffusion of water from a region of lower solute concentration to a region of higher solute concentration. In a cell, if the extracellular medium is hypertonic to the cytoplasm, plasmolysis occurs and the water flows out of the cell as the cell shrivels. If medium is hypotonic, cell will swell and lyse
Passive Diffusion
Down gradient
No carrier
No energy
Facilitated diffusion
Down gradient
Carrier-special channels or carrier proteins in cell membrane
No energy
Active transport
Against gradient
Carrier-transport proteins
Energy Required
transportation of material within cells and throughout the body of a multicellular organism
Brownian Movement
Movement of particles due to kinetic energy which spreads small suspended particles throughout the cytoplasm of the cell
Cytolysis or Streaming
circular motion of cytoplasm around the cell transport molecules
Endoplasmic Reticulum-Transportation
provides channels throughout cytoplasm, provides direct continuous passageway from the plasma membrane to the nuclear membrane
Extracellular Circulation
systems to move materials throughout the body of an organism
Transport for food and oxygen from the environment to the cells if cells are in direct or close contact. in larger, more complex animals, diffusion is important to transport between cells and their interstitial fluid
Circulatory System
In complex animals. transport fluid through vessels and a pump to drive circulation
Catalyst. Protein. Many are conjugated proteins and have non-protein coenzyme
Lower activation energy of a reaction
Increase the rate of the reaction. Does not affect overall change of free energy of the reaction
Are not changes or consumed in course of reaction
Enzyme Specificity
very selective
enzyme acts upon substrate when substrate binds to enzyme's active site
Lock and Key theory
Spatial structure of enzyme's active site is complementary to spatial structure of substrate
Induced Fit Theory
Active Site has flexibility of shape. When appropriate substrate contacts, active site changes to fit the substrate
Enzyme Reversibility
Most reactions are reversible. The product synthesized by an enzyme can be decomposed by the same enzyme
Enzyme Action
depends on temperature, pH, and enzyme/substrate concentration
Temperature-rate increases as temp increases to optimum temp
pH-each enzyme has optimal pH. Human-7.2, Pepsin-2, pancreatic enzymes-3
Enzyme Concentration
When substrate and enzyme are low, rate low
Substrate increase increases rate until all enzyme active sites are occupied
Digest large molecules into smaller components. Lactose-->Lactase-->Glucose&Galactose
Protein-->protease-->amino acids
Lipids-->Lipase-->fatty acids and glycerol
Includes dehydrations. Reverses reaction of hydrolosis.
Required for growth, repair, regulation, protection, and production of fat and glycogen.
Enzyme Reversibility
Most reactions are reversible. The product synthesized by an enzyme can be decomposed by the same enzyme
Enzyme Action
depends on temperature, pH, and enzyme/substrate concentration
Temperature-rate increases as temp increases to optimum temp
pH-each enzyme has optimal pH. Human-7.2, Pepsin-2, pancreatic enzymes-3
Enzyme Concentration
When substrate and enzyme are low, rate low
Substrate increase increases rate until all enzyme active sites are occupied
Digest large molecules into smaller components. Lactose-->Lactase-->Glucose&Galactose
Protein-->protease-->amino acids
Lipids-->Lipase-->fatty acids and glycerol
Includes dehydrations. Reverses reaction of hydrolosis.
Required for growth, repair, regulation, protection, and production of fat and glycogen.
nonprotein molecules needed by enzyme to become active
Metal cations, coenzymes
Obtained from the diet.
prosthetic groups-cofactors that bind to enzyme by covalent bonds
Enzyme Reversibility
Most reactions are reversible. The product synthesized by an enzyme can be decomposed by the same enzyme
Enzyme Action
depends on temperature, pH, and enzyme/substrate concentration
Temperature-rate increases as temp increases to optimum temp
pH-each enzyme has optimal pH. Human-7.2, Pepsin-2, pancreatic enzymes-3
Enzyme Concentration
When substrate and enzyme are low, rate low
Substrate increase increases rate until all enzyme active sites are occupied
Digest large molecules into smaller components. Lactose-->Lactase-->Glucose&Galactose
Protein-->protease-->amino acids
Lipids-->Lipase-->fatty acids and glycerol
Includes dehydrations. Reverses reaction of hydrolosis.
Required for growth, repair, regulation, protection, and production of fat and glycogen.
converts solar energy into chemical energy of bonds in compounds like glucose
conversion of chemical energy in glucose bonds into usable cellular energy
Fuel for Cells
Carbohydrates and Fats
Oxidation Reaction that occurs during respiration when high energy hydrogen atoms are removed from organic molecules
Electron Transport Chain
Series of Steps to harness energy in the redox reaction of dehydrogenation and oxygen accepting final hydrogen
First stage of glucose catabolism
Oxidative breakdown of glucose into two pyruvate molecules, produce ATP, and reduction of NAD+ to NADH
Occurs in the cytoplasm
Glycolytic Pathway-net reaction
Glucose + 2ADP + 2Pi + 2NAD+ -->2Pyruvate + 2ATP + 2NADH + 2H+ +2H2O
substrate level phosphorylation
ATP synthesis is directly coupled with the degradation of glucose without participation of an intermediate molecule like NAD+
Reduces pyruvate under anaerobic conditions
Produces 2 ATP per glucose molecule
Alcohol Fermentation
Occurs in yeast and some bacteria
Pyruvate is converted to ethanol and NAD+ is regenerated
Lactic Acid Fermentation
Fungi and some bacteria and human muscle cells
Pyruvate is reduced to lactic acid, NAD+ is produced
Cellular Respiration
Oxidizes pyruvate in aerobic conditions
Yields 36-38 ATP
Oxygen is final acceptor of electrons
Occur in the mitochondrion
Catalyzed by specific enzymes
Decarboxylation, Krebs Cycle, Electron Transport Chain
Pyruvate is transported from cytoplasm to mitochondrial matrix
Loses a CO2 and remaining acetyl group binds with coenzyme a to form acetyl CoA
NAD+ is reduced to NADH
Citric Acid Cycle/Krebs Cycle
acetyl groups combines with oxaloacetate to form citrates. 2 Co2 are released. 2 turns of cycle
Each turn generates 1 ATP by SLP NADH and FADH2 which transport electrons to ETC
Electron Transport Chain
located on the inside of the inner mitochondiral membrane. as electrons are transferred from NADH and FADH2 free energy is released which is used to form ATP
ETC is composed of cytochromes-electron carriers with a central iron atom that undergoes a reversible redox reaction
Carbohydrates as Energy
disaccharides hydrolyze into monosaccharides and converted into glucose
Ex. Glycogen in liver
Fats as Energy
stored in adipose tissue in triglyceride form
hydrolyzed by lipases to fatty acids and glycerol
Yield greatest number of ATP per gram--very efficient
Proteins as Energy
used only when carbohydrates and fat aren't available
undergo transamination reaction-lose amino group to form an a-keto acid
oxidative deamination removes ammonia molecule from amino acid-toxic in vertebrates. fish can excrete which insects and birds convert it to uric acid and mammals convert it to urea
organism that manufatures its own organic materials from inorganic material
harness sunlight to form potential energy in form of chemical bonds (photsynthesis)
chemosynthesis-bacteria use to make organic materials
Calvin Cycle
CO2+RBP-->2 PGA-->(phosphorylation and reduction)-->PGAL-->RBP
6 turns: 12 PGAL from 6CO2+RBP
12 PGAL-->6 RBP and 1 glucose
organism perpetuates itself and its species
cell division
process by which a cells doubles its organelles and cytoplasm, replicates DNA, and divides in 2
Form of reproduction (unicellular) or growth, development, and replacement (multicellular)
division and distribution of the cell's DNA to 2 daughter cells
Each daughter receives complete copy of the genome
occurs in all dividing cells
homologous chromosomes don't pair up
No crossing over
After replication-->2 sister chromatids at centromere
During interphase-->chromatin
Majority of lifetime
Each chromosome is replicated (DNA in form of chromatin)
2 sister chromatids at centromere
chromosomes condense
centriole pairs separate and move toward opposite poles of cells
Spindle apparatus forms and the nuclear membrane dissolves
chromosomes align at metaphase plate
centromeres split and sister chromatids separate
new nuclear membranes form
Each cell is diploid (like parent cell)
cytoplasm divides into two cells. cleavage furrow forms and cell pinches through
mitosis in plant cells
2 major differences
Plant cells lack centrioles
Plant cells divide by formation of a cell plate
sexual reproduction
produces gametes
cell duplicates chromosomes before division, but produces haploid number
occurs in sex cells only
homologous chromosomes pair at metaphase plate forming tetrads
crossing over can occur at metaphase I
Parent cell's chromosomes replicate
First Meiotic Division
Produces two intermediate daughter cells with N chromosomes with sister chromatids
Prophase I
chromatin condenses into chromosomes
synapsis-homologous chromosomes intertwine forming a tetrad
crossing over occurs between homologous chromosomes-increases genetic diversity
Metaphase I
tetrads align at equator and each pair attaches to spindle fiber at kinetochore
Anaphase I
disjunction-homologous pairs separate
distributions of homologous chromosomes to the two daughter cells is random w/ respect to parental origin
Telophase I
nuclear membrane forms around new nuclei
each chromosome has sister chromatids
Meiosis II
similar to mitosis except no chromosomal replication
new cells have haploid chromosome number
Sexual Reproduction
two parents
results in genetically unique offspring
fusion of 2 gametes(fertilization) to form a zygote
zygote develops into adult
specialized organs that produce gametes
testes-male gonads, produce sperm in seminiferous tubules
ovaries-female gonads, produce oocytes
both functional male and female gonads
Ex. hydra and earthworm
Sperm production
occurs in seminiferous tubules
Spermatagonia (2N) undergo meiosis to produce four haploid sperm (N) of equal size
Sperm have head (nucleus & paternal genome) and tail/flagellum to propel
occurs in the ovaries
diploid female sex cell undergoes meiosis to produce single mature egg
polar body-from meiosis, contains nucleus, rapidly degenerate
ovum-contains cytoplasm, RNA, organelles, and nutrients
union of the egg and sperm nuclei to form a zygote with 2N chromosomes
External Fertilization
Vertebrates that reproduce in water (fish and amphibians)
Female lays eggs in water and male deposits sperm in vicinity
Low chance of fertilization-must lay more eggs
Flagella allow sperm to swim to eggs
Internal Fertilization
Terrestrial vertebrates
Direct route for sperm to egg
Increases fertilization success and females produce fewer eggs
Care for young
Male Reproductive Physiology
Testes-in scrotum (external) 2-4 degrees lower than body temp for sperm survival. Produce testosterone
SEVEN UP Pathway
Seminiferous tubules
Vas Deferens
Ejaculatory Duct
Female Reproductive Anatomy
ovaries-in abdominal cavity, contain thousands of follicles
follicles-layered sac of cells that contains, nourishes, and protect immature ovum
oviduct-where immature ovum travels once a month from ovary
uterus-each fallopian tube opens into. site of fetal development
cervix-narrow end of uterus. connects to vaginal canal
vaginal canal-site of sperm deposition, birth passageway
all ovum present at female birth
Female sex hormones
estrogens, progesterone, LH, FSH (both regulated by GnRH)
steroid hormones
for maturation
stimulate reproductive development, secondary sex characteristics and sex drive
thicken endometrium (uterine wall)
secreted by ovarian follicles and corpus luteum
steroid hormone
secreted by corpus luteum during luteal phase of menstrual cycle
stimulates the development and maintenance of endometrial walls for implantation
Menstrual Cycle
ovary hormones, hypothalamus, and anterior pituitary
Follicular Phase-begins with end of menstrual flow. FSH from ant, pituitary develops follicle, estrogen is secreted
Ovulation-midway through cycle, mature ovarian follicle bursts and releases ovum. Surge in LH preceded by estrogen
Luteal Phase-LH causes follicle to develop into Corpus Luteum (secretes E &P). P causes endometrium to mature and prepares for implantation
Menstruation-If ovum is not fertilized, corpus luteum atrophies, endometrium sloughs off

If fertilized, placenta produces hCG maintaining corpus luteum and e & P to maintain uterus
asexual reproduction
production of offspring without fertilization
offspring formed by division of single parent cell
genetically identical
all plants
simple form of asexual reproduction
prokaryotic organisms
DNA replicates and new plasma membrane and cell wall grow along midline
one-celled organisms
asexual reproduction
replication of nucleus followed by unequal cytokinesis
cell membrane pinches in to form a new cell that will grow
hydra and yeast
regrowth of lost or injured body part
hydra and starfish
development of unfertilized egg into adult organism
bees and ants
Plant Sexual Reproduction
alternation of sporophyte and gametophyte generation
Cycle of Plant Sexual Reproduction
Sporophyte (2N) -->Spore (N) -->Gametophyte (N) --> Gametes (N)-->Fertilization-->Sporophyte (2N)
study of inherited traits
basic unit of heredity
composed of DNA
located on chromosomes
alternative forms of genes
genetic makeup of individual
physical manifestation of genetic makeup
Gregor Mendel
Pea Plants
Basic Principles of Genetics
Performed crosses
1st Law of Genetics
Law of Segregation
genes exist in alleles (alt. forms)
each org has 2 alleles
segregation during meiosis=>each gamete has 1 allele
Mendel's Law of Dominance
If two alleles are different, 1 will be dominant and one will be recessive
Homozygous-2 copies of same allele
Heterozygous-2 different alleles
Monohybrid Cross
Illustrate Mendelian inheritance
Punnett Square
way to predict expected genotypes
Dominant org. of unknown genotype crossed with homozygous recessive org to i.d. the unknown genotype
2nd Law of Genetics
Law of Independent Assortment
alleles go into gametes independently unless they are linked genes
Incomplete Dominance
color blend in heterozygous genotype
multiple alleles exist for gene and more than one is dominant
both expressed
blood type
22 chromosomes
sex chromosomes
1 pair
females-homologous x
males-heterologous yx
gender determined by contribution of male gamete (sperm)
genes on x or y chromosome
most are on x
recessive genes masked in females (usually) but more common for men
hemophilia, color-blind
Drosophila Melanogaster
Useful for research bc:
short life cycle
large reproductive numbers
chromosomes are large and easily recognized
few chromosomes
frequent mutations
failure of homologous chromosomes so separate properly during meiosisI or failure of sister chromatids to separate during meiosis II
Could result in trisomyor monosomy
Chromosomal Breakage
spontaneously occurs, or induced by environmental factors
changes in genetic information of a cell in the DNA
somatic cell mutation can cause tumors
sex cell mutations are transmitted to offspring
Most mutations are silent
Mutations that change amino acid sequences are recessive and deleterious
Mutagenic Agents
Induce mutations
mustard gas
Mutation types
Disease with inability to produce enzyme to metabolise phenylalanine
Sickle-Cell Anemia
Disease where hemoglobin becomes misshaped
Hemoglobin carries less oxygen
Caused by base pair substitution
Information coded in sequence of its base pairs
DNA can self-replicate
Basis of heredity
Mutable and altered under conditions
Mutations passed on, basis for evolution
Basic unit of DNA
Deoxyribose, phospate group and nitrogenous base
Purines and Pyrimidines
Adenine and Guanine
Thymine and Cytosine
DNA strand
sugar phosphate backbone
T double-bonds to A
C triple-bonds to G
DNA replication
molecule unwinds and separates into two strands
each new helix containes strand from parent
Genetic code
proteins coded for by 20 amino acids
triplet code is a sequence of mRNA translated as codons
many amino acids have several codons-->degeneracy of the genetic code
DNA Replication
new DNA synthesized in 5'-3' direction
DNA Transcription
new RNA synthesized in 5'-3' direction
RNA Translation
mRNA read in 5'-3' direction
single stranded
transports DNA sequence from nucleus to the ribosomes where protein synthesis occurs
mRNA has inverted codes
monocistronic-one strand codes for one polypeptide
Transfer RNA tRNA
found in cytoplasm
translates mRNAs nucleotide code into amino acid sequences
one type of tRNA for each amino acid
RIbosomal RNA -rRNA
structural component of ribosomes
synthesized in the nucleolus
Protein Synthesis
Transcription-info in the DNA sequence is transcribed into mRNA and leaves the nucleus
Translation-mRNA codons are translated into amino acids. Occurs in the cytoplasm. tRNA brings amino acids to ribosomes for synthesis has anticodon which is complementary to mRNA codons. RIbosomes composed of two subuntits that bind during synthesis. Polypeptide synthesis occurs with initiation (start AUG codon), elongation (h-bonds between mRNA codon and anticodon) and termination (stop codons UAA UAG or UGA arrives in A site)
Cytoplasmic Inheritance
DNA in chloroplasts and mitochondria
Bacterial Genome
Single circular chromosome in nucleoid region. contain small circular DNA rings called plasmids
Episomes can be integrated into bacterial genome
Bacterial Replication
begins at origin of replicaiton and proceeds in both directions
synthesized in 5'-3' direction
Bacterial Genetic Variance
reproduce by binary fission
asexual reproduction
Bacterial Transformation
foreign chromosome fragment is incorporated into bacterial chromosome via recombination
Bacterial Conjugation
"sexual mating"
transfer of genetic material between two bacteria
cytoplasmic conjugation bridges formed between two cells and genetic material
Only bacteria with sex factors (F factor) can conjugate
Bacterial Transduction
fragments of chromosome accidentally package into viral progeny produced during viral infection
Bacterial Recombination
when linked genes are separated
breakage and rearrangements of adjacent DNA regions of DNA
Bacterial Gene Regulation
RNA polymerase binds to promoter-->structural genes transcribed
Repressor binds to operator-->structural genes not transcribed
Inducer binds to repressor-->no binding to operator-->structural genes transcribed
virus that infects host bacterum by injecting its DNA:
Lytic-phage DNA manufactures numerous progeny, bacterial cell lyses releasing new virions which can infect other bacteria
kill host
Lysogenic- integrated into bacterial genome, in harmless form. can spontaneously enter lytic cycle
Southern Blot
allow detection of specific DNA sequence in DNA sample. DNA cleaved into restriction fragments by restriction endonucleases at specific sites. fragments separated by gel electrophoresis
Polymerase Chain Reaction
amplification of genes
composed of three steps, denaturation-to separate strands
primer annealing-single strand acts as template DNA, primers join templates
primer extension-joins dNTPs to primers, adding nucleotides to template
study of development of univellular zygote into multicellular organism
egg can be fertilized 12-24 hrs after ovulation
occurs in widest part of oviduct when sperm can encounter an egg. if more than one egg is fertilized, fraternal twins
Early development has rapid mitotic divisions-->increase in cell number without increasing cytoplasm
smaller cells increases nuclear to cytoplasm ratio
increase surface area-volume ratio which improves nutrient and gas exchange
Indeterminate Cleavage
results in cells that retain ability to become a complete organism
identical twins
determinate cleavage
cells whose differentiaion is determined early
morula-solid ball of embryonic cells=>blastocoel-morula develops fluid filled cavity=>blastula-hollow sphere of cells
blastula=> gastrula is 3 layered
ectoderm-integument (skin, hair, nails, nose, mouth and anal canal, eye lens, and nervous system
endoderm-epithelial linings of digestive and respiratory tracts, lungs, liver, pancreas, thyroid, bladder
mesoderm-musculoskeletal system, circulatory system, excretory system, gonads, connective tissus, digestive and respiratory
External Development
Fish and amphibians-lay eggs that are fertilized externally
Reptiles, birds, and some mammals develop externally in on land
lines inside of eggshell. moist membrane permits gas exchange
sac-like structure in respiration and excretion and has blood vessels to transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, salt, nitrogenous wastes
membrane in egg encloses amniotic fluid. provides aqueous environment, to protect embryo
yolk sac
encloses the yolk in the egg. blood vessels in sac transfer food to developing embryo
Non-placental Internal Developments
develop in mother without a placenta
Placental Internal Development
fetus recieves oxygen across placenta
supplies oxygen and nutrient, removes carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes through placenta and umbilical cord
strong uterine contractions
1st stage-cervix thins and dilates, amniotic sac ruptures, mild contractions
2nd stage-rapid contactions, birth of baby, cut umbilical cord
3rd stage-uterus contracts expelling placenta and umbilical cord
Protozoan circulation
movement of gases and nutrients by simple diffusion
Cnidarian circulation
body walls are 2 cells thick
all cells are in direct contact with internal or external environments
no circulatory system
Arthropod Circulation
open circulatory system
blood in direct contact with body tissues.
circulation by body movements, flows through dorsal vessel and into sinuses where exchange occurs
Annelid Circulation
Closed circulation system to deliver materials to cells not in direct contact with external environment
Blood confined to blood vessels, heart coordinates contractions
Aortic loops connect dorsal vessel to ventral vessel and act as pumps
Human circulation
4 chambered heart, blood vessel network, blood.
oxygenated blood pumped from left ventricle to aorta which branches in to arteries, arterioles, capillaries. Gas and nutrient exchange occurs across capillaries. Capillaries go to venules, veins, leading deoxygenated blood into vena cava. Blood enters right atrium and right ventricle, which pumps blood through pulmonary arteries to lungs to pick up oxygen. oxygenated blood returns to heart through pulmonary veins into left atrium
Driving force of the circulatory system
Right side pumps deoxygenated blood into pulmonary circulation
Left side pumps oxygenated blood to systemic circulation
Atria are thin
Ventricles are muscular
Blood Vessels
Arteries-thick-walled, muscular, elastic vessels. transport blood away from heart
Veins-have valves to prevent backflow from gravity
Capillaries-thin walls composed of epithelial cells which respiratory gases diffuse across, smallest vessel
Lymph Vessels
secondary circulatory system
transport excess interstitial fluid called lymph to cardiovascular system, keeping fluid level in body constant. lymph nodes are swellings alond lymph vessels containing phagocytic leukocyes to filer lymph and destroy pathogens
4-6 L
55% Plasma, 45% erythrocytes-rbcs, carry oxygen, has hemoglobin molecules, each binds 4 molecules of oxygen. Formed from stem cells in blood marrow
leukocytes-wbcs, phagocytize foreign matter, mature to macrophages, or lymphocytes act in immune response
platelets-cell fragments without nuclei and help clot
Transport of Gases
erythrocytes transport oxygen throughout circulatory system. hemoglobin binds 4 molecules of oxygen. also binds co2.
Transport of Nutrients and Wastes
amino acids and simple sugars are absorbed into bloodstream. metabolic waste products delivered to excretory organs
platelets come into contact with collagen of damaged vessel forming a platelet plug. Release thromboplastin which converts fibrinogen into fibrin and coats damaged area and traps blood cells to form a clot
Immunological Reaction
Humoral Immunity-production of antibodies specific to antigen. Antibodies (Igs) recognize and bind to specific antigens to trigger immune system to remove them. Attract leukocytes to remove antigen or cause clumping and form complexes
Cell-mediated Immunity-cells combat fungal and viral infection. vaccination can stimulate immune system to produce specific antibodies. can take weeks. passive immunity is acquired at birth
Nonspecific Defense Mechanism
Skin-physical barrier against bacteria
Mucous-coated epithelia passages- filter and trap foreign particles
Macrophages-engulf and destroy foreign particles
Inflammatory Resoponse- initiated by body in response to physical damage. Injured cells release histamines and blood vessels dilated increasing blood flow. Fever
Interferons-proteins produced when cells are under attack. diffuse to other cells and prevent spread of virus
Transplant Rejections
organs detected as foreign bodies by recipient. Immune response can cause transplant to be rejected. Use immuno-suppressing druges
ABO Blood Types
RBC antigens are ABO group and Rh factor-+ or -, important during pregnancy if the mother and fetus are not the same
AB-universal recipient
O-universal donor
Endocrine System
internal communication, coordinating organ systems. glands synthesize and secrete hormones into circulatory system.
Pituitary, hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, testes, ovaries, pineal, kidneys, gastrointestinal, heart, and thymus
Adrenal Glands
on top of kidneys
adrenal cortex-ACTH stimulates to synthesize and secrete corticosteroids.
adrenal medulla-produces epinephrine, norepinephrine, which are catecholamines
Adrenal Hormones are under the control of ACTH which is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland
glucocorticoids-cortisol, cortisone help with glucose regulation and protein metabolism. raise glucose levels by promoting protein breakdown and gluconeogenesis and decreasing protein synthesis. Raise plasma glucose levels.
Mineralocorticoids-aldosterone, regulate plasma levels of sodium and potassium. nephron reabsorbs sodium and water
Cortical sex hormones-adrenal cortex secretes andogens like androstenedione and dehydroepiandrosterone in males and females. overproduction in females can cause masculinization.
Pituitary Gland
lies at base of brain
Anterior Pituitary:
Direct Hormones-Growth Hormone, Prolactin
Tropic hormones-Adrenocorticotropic Hormone, Thyroid-stimulating hormone, Luteinizing hormone, Follicle-stimulating hormone, Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
Posterior Pituitary:
Oxytocin, Antidiuretic Hormone
Growth Hormone
promotes bone and muscle growth, can lead to dwarfism or gigantism in children or acromegaly in adults
stimulates milk production and secretion
stimulates adrenal cortex to synthesize and secrete glucocorticoids and is regulated by the releasing hormone corticotrophin releasing factor
Thyroid-stimulating hormone
stimulates thyroid gland to synthesize and release thyroid hormone including thyroxin
Luteinizing hormone
stimulates ovulation and formation of corpus luteum in females. in males, stimulates maturation of seminiferous tubules and sperm production
Follicle-stimulation hormone
in females causes maturation of ovarian follicles begin secreting estrogen. in males, stimulates matur of seminiferous tubules and sperm production
Melanocyte-Stimulating Hormone
secreted by intermediate lobe of pituitary. in frogs, causes darkening of the skin
secreted during childbirth, increases strength and frequency of uterine muscle contractions. also induced by suckling, stimulates milk secretion in mammary glands
Antidiuretic Hormone
increases permeabiliry of nephron's collecting duct to water, promoting water reabsoption and increasing blood volume. secreted when plasma osmolarity increases, sensed by osmoreceptors in hypothalamus or when blood volume decreases as detected by baraoreceptors
part of forebrain directly above the pituitary gland
Interacts with anterior pituitary
Hypothalamus ->(Hypothalamic Hormone)->Anterior Pituitary->(Ant. Pit. Hormone)->Peripheral Endocrine Gland->Peripheral gland hormone->targets

Exhibits negative feedback
bi-lobed gland on ventral surface of trachea
produces and secretes thyroxin(T4), triiodothyronine(T3), calcitonin
T4 & T3
Derived from iodination of tyrosine
Increase rate of metabolism
both can result in goiter (neck bulge)
Produced and secreted by Thyroid
decreases plasma Ca2+ by inhibiting release from bone.
Antagonistic to parathyroid hormone
exocrine and endocrine
Endocrine-Islets of Langerhans have alpha and beta cells
Alpha Cells in Islets of Langerhans
stimulates protein and fat degradation, conversion of glycogen to glucose, and glucogenesis. Increases glucose levels
Beta cells of Islets of Langerhans
protein hormone that responds to high blood glucose conc.
Stimulates glucose uptake by muscle and adipose cells and glucose storage as glycogen. Stimulates fat synthesis and amino acid uptake
Parathyroid Glands
four structures embedded in posterior of thyroid
Synthesize and secrete ParaThyroid Hormone (PTH)-increases Ca2+ by increasing bone deposition
Renin-enzyme produced when blood volume falls to convert angiotensinogen to angiotensin I to angiotensin II to stimulate adrenal cortex to release aldosterone which increases Na+ reabsobtion and increasing water. Neg. feedback
Gastrointestinal Hormones
Gastrin-released by stomach. Stimulates gastric glands to secrete HCl in response to food
Secretin-released by small intestin, stimulates solution from pancrease to neutralize acidity of chyme
Cholecystokinin-released from small intestine in response to fats. Gallbladder contracts and bile is release to digest the fats
Pineal Gland
Base of brain
Melatonin-drowsiness. Regulated by light and dark cycles in environment
Peptide Hormone
Surface Receptors
Secondary Messengers
Steroid Hormone
Intracellular Receptors
Hormone/Receptor binding to DNA promotes transcription of specific genes
Nervous System
Enables organisms to receive and respond to stimuli from external and internal environments
Functional unit of nervous system
Convert stimuli into electrochemical signals that are conducted rapidly through nervous system
Dendrites, Cell body, Axon
Cytoplasmic Extention
Receives info and transmits toward cell body
Cell Body (Neuron)
Contains nucleus and controls metabolic activity of neuron
Axon (Neuron)
Long cellular process that transmits impulses away from cell body
Covered in myelin to convey faster
End in swelling Synaptic terminals
Myelin (Neuron)
Produce by Glial Cells
Gaps called Nodes of Ranvier
Released from synaptic terminals into synapse (gap between axon and dendrite)