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54 Cards in this Set

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What type of joint is the knee joint?
synovial and hinge (but noe true hinge b/c flex/ext is combined with rotation
What bones are in the knee joint?
lat condyle of femur with lat meniscus and lat condyle of tibia; med condyle of femur with med meniscus and med condyle of tibia; patellar surface of femur with patella
What muscle stabilizes knee joint?
quadriceps femoris
How does the femur and tibia move when foot is on ground?
tibia stationary and femur moves on tibia
How does the femur and tibia move when the foot is off the ground?
femur is stationary and tibia moves on femur
What occurs in locking of the knee?
knee is extended and femur is rotated medially and tibia is rotated laterally
What lines the inner surface of the fibrous capsule of the knee?
synovial membrane
What muscle forms the ligamentum patellae?
distal part of quadriceps femoris
Where does the tibial collaral ligament attach?
medial meniscus
Where does the fibular collateral ligament attach?
head of fibula, it is separated from the lateral meniscus by tendon of popliteus
Generally describe the cruciate ligaments
intracapsular but extrasynovial
Function of ACL?
taut when knee is fully extended and prevents post displacement of femur on tibia
Function of PCL?
taut during flexion and prevents ant displacement of femur on tibia
Describe attachments of medial meniscus
is C shaped, outer border attached to fibrous capsule and tibial collateral ligament, inner border free
Describe attachments of lateral meniscus
freely moveable, tendon of popliteus separates lat meniscus from fibrous collateral lig
What knee bursa communicates with joint cavity?
suprapatellar bursa
Where is the anserine bursa?
(pes anserinus) b/t tibial collateral lig and tendons of sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinous
What are the 5 vessels that supply the knee joint?
descending genicular br of femoral, des br of lat circumflex femoral, genicular br of popliteal, recurrent br f ant tibial, circumflex fibular
What in the innervation of the knee joint?
br of femoral and obturator and genicular br of tibial and common peronial
What muscle unlocks the knee? And how does in unlock?
popliteus, lat rotates femur
What nerve is the knee jerk test testing?
femoral n
What is housemaid's knee?
inflammation of prepatellar bursa
What is Baker's cyst?
poplitel bursitis
What are popliteal cysts?
fluid in synovial membrane of knee or distensions of gastrocnemius or semimembranous bursa
Where and how does a meniscal tear occur?
with semiflexed knee in football and vollyball players; occurs in med meniscus b/c of its attachment to tibial collateral lig, central meniscus in avascular=does not heal easily
What is a meniscal tear torn along the long axis?
bucket-handle tear
What is the most common injury with skiing accidents?
Where in the knee joint do you do aspiration?
on the sides of lig patellae
What is patellofemoral syndrome?
pain deep to patella due to excessive running
What is genu valgum?
knock knee due to medial condyle of femur going more medial
What is genu varum?
bow leg due to outward curving of lower limb
Where and what type of joint is the sup tibiofibular joint? inn?
synovial, b/t lat condyle of tibia and head of fibula; n to popliteus and common peronial n
Where and what type of joint is the middle tibiofibular joint?
fibrous, b/t shafts of tibia and fibula and containing the interosseus membrane
Where and what type of joint in the inferior tibiofibular joint? inn?
fibrous, lower ends of tibia and fibula; deep peronial n, tibial n, saphenous n
What type of joint in the ankle joint?
synovial, hinge variety
What is the function of the medial ankle lig?
(deltoid lig) stabilizes ankle joint during eversion and prevents subluxation
What is the inn of the ankle joint?
ant and post tibial n
What are the movements of the ankle joint?
dorsiflextion and plantar flexion
What most commonly occurs in an ankle sprain?
lat lig of ankle is torn with eversion inury
What is the function of the spring lig of the foot?
(plantar calcaneovicular lig) maintains long arch of foot
What causes plantar fasciitis?
inflammation of plantar aponeurosis
What causes cacaneal spur?
ossification in post attachment of plantar aponeurosis
The medial plantar a is a br of what a? It anastosomes with?
post tibial a; anastomoses with 1st dorsal metatarsal a
The lat plantar a is a br of what a?
post tibial a
What a forms the plantar arch?
deep plantar br of lat plantar a and dorsalis pedis a
What are the br of the plantar arch?
4 plantar metatarsal a that divide into digital a
What inn the 1st lumbrical?
1st common digital n, a br of medial plantar n
What inn the lat 3 lumbricals?
deep br of lat plantar n
What inn the first 2 plantar interossei and first 3 dorsal interossei?
deep br of lat plantar n
What inn the 3rd plantar interosseous and 4th dorsal interosseous?
superficial br of lat plantar n
What nerves is the plantar reflex testing?
L4,5, S1,2,3
What is the normal and abn response to the plantar reflex?
normal=plantar flexion of toes;
abn=dosiflexion and fanning of toes (Babinski sign) indicating corticospinal tract damage
What causes flat foot?
subluxation of head of talus and collapse of all arches leading ot pes planus
What causes hammer toe?
weakness of interossei and lumbicals