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31 Cards in this Set

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spring ligament
plantar calcaneonavicular ligament, supports medial arch of foot
genu valgum
genu varum
nerve that runs with great saphenous vein
saphenous nerve
nerve that runs with small saphenous vein
sural nerve
muscles of anterior thigh (flexors of hip)
pectineus, iliopsoas, sartorius
mm of anterior thigh (knee extensors)
QUADS: rectus femoris, vastus medialis, lateralis, intermedius; innervated by FEMORAL n.
mm of medial thigh (adductors of thigh)
gracilis, obdurator externus, adductor magnus, brevis, longus; OBTURATOR n except hamstring portion of add magnus = tibial div of sciatic
gluteal region mm (abductors & rotators of thigh)
medial rotators = glut med, min, tensor fascia lata (superior gluteal n); lateral rotators = glut max (inf glut n), piriformis, obturator internus, sup & inf gemelli, quadratus femoris
nerve to obturator internus mm
obturator internus & superior gemellus
nerve to quadratus femoris mm
quadratus femoris, inferior gemellus
"tailor" mm
SARTORIUS, laterally rotates thigh, flexes thigh & flexes leg
Trendelenburg's test
hip falls to opposite side of injury to L. superior gluteal nerve; mm can't hold up hip when walking...hip falls
swinging gait = loss of ?
obturator nerve, adductor mm
Tom Dick & Harry of Flexor Retinaculum
Tibialis posterior, Flexor Digitorum Longus, Flexor Hallucis Longus
Tarsal Tunnel
formed by flexor retinaculum that crosses the medial maleolus to the calcaneus; passageway for tibial nerve, posterior tibial artery & flexor tendon (Tom, Dick, ANd Harry = tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum, post tibial Artery, tibial Nerve, flexor Hallucis longus)
damage to common peroneal nerve
foot drop bc it supplied the anterior compartment & lateral compartment; person will have "high stepping gait"; sensory loss
damage to deep peroneal n
foot drop, sensory loss in first web space
loss of eversion?
unhappy triad of the knee
ACL, MCL, medial meniscus; damage happens when hit hard from the lateral side
deltoid ligament
medial ligament, very strong; includes anterio & posterior tibiotalar ligaments, tibiocalcaneal, tibionavicular ligaments
on dorsum of foot, btw tendons of extendor digitorum longus & extensor hallucis longus
behind medial malleolus between flexor digitorum longus & flexor hallucis longus tendons
pes anserinus
combined tendinous expansions of sartorius, gracilis, semitendinosus mm; may be used for surgical repair of ACL
prevents hyperextension of the knee; is taught during extension and lax during flexion
lateral ligament of the foot
prevents overinversion; consists of three ligaments: anterior & posterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments
Great Saphenous Vein
begins at the medial end of the dorsal venous arch of the foot, passes anterior to the medial malleolus, runs on the medial side of the lower limb superficial to the fascia, empties into femoral vein at saphenous opening; runs w/ SAPHENOUS NERVE
Small Saphenous Vein
begins at LATERAL end of dorsal venous arch, passes posterior to lateral malleolus, ascends the posterior side of the leg along with the SURAL NERVE
Obturator artery
arises from INTERNAL ILIAC, supplies ADDUCTOR COMPARTMENT of thigh; risks injury during femoral hernia repair
Femoral artery branches
deep femoral, medial & lateral circumflex femoral, descending genicular arteries
Cruciate anastomosis
inferior gluteal artery, the lateral and medial circumflex femoral arteries, and the first perforating artery of the profunda femoris artery