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145 Cards in this Set

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The skin of the gluteal region is innervated by
cluneal nerves
Superior and middle cluneal nerves are branches of...
dorsal primary rami
Inferior cluneal nerves are branches of
posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
What vein passes posterior to the lateral malleolus at the ankle?
Small saphenous
From what does the small saphenous vein arise?
Lateral end of dorsal venous arch
the small saphenous vein passes through deep fascia to join
popliteal vein
what nerve runs parallel to the small saphenous vein?
sural nerve
From where does the great saphenous vein originate?
the medial end of the dorsal venous arch of teh foot
What vein passes anterior to the medial malleolus?
Great Saphenous
What drains the great saphenous vein?
Femoral Vein
What nerve accompanies the great saphenous vein in the leg?
saphenous nerve
What superficial veins join the great saphenous vein near its proximal end?
superficial external pudendal, superficial epigastric and superficial circumflex iliac
What drains the skin and superficial fascia of the medial thigh?
accessory saphenous vein
What nerve passes deep to the inguinal ligament and innervates the skin of the lateral thigh
lateral femoral cutaneous
What nerve innervates skin of anterior thigh and are lateral to the great saphenous
anterior cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve
What nerve innervates the skin of the medial thigh
cutaneous branches of the obturator nerve
The saphenous nerve is a branch of what nerve?
What nerve innervates the anterior and medial aspects of the leg and medial side of the ankle and foot?
What innervates the dorsum of the foot?
superficial fibular nerve
From what nerve do the dorsal digital nerves originate?
superficial fibular nerve
What nerve innervates the skin between the 1 and 2 toes
dorsal digital branches of the deep fibular nerve
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes collect lymph from..
lower limb, lower anterior abdominal wall, gluteal region, perineum and external genitalia
Superficial inguinal lymph nodes drain into
deep inguinal lymph nodes
The anterior compartment of the thigh contains five muscles:
sartorius, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis
The femoral artery passes through what compartment of the thigh?
The femoral sheath does NOT envelope..
Femoral nerve
What are the borders of the femoral triangle?
Superior: inguinal ligament
Lateral: Sartorious
Medial: Adductor longus
Where is the pulse of the femoral artery palpated?
3cm inferior to the midpoint of the inguinal ligament
What three small arteries arise from the femoral artery just distal to the inguinal ligament?
Superficial external pudendal, superficial epigastric and superficial circumfles iliac
What three large arteries arise in the femoral triangle?
Deep artery of the thigh, lateral circumflex and medial circumflex
The skin of the gluteal region is innervated by
cluneal nerves
Superior and middle cluneal nerves are branches of...
dorsal primary rami
Inferior cluneal nerves are branches of
posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
What vein passes posterior to the lateral malleolus at the ankle?
Small saphenous
From what does the small saphenous vein arise?
Lateral end of dorsal venous arch
the small saphenous vein passes through deep fascia to join
popliteal vein
what nerve runs parallel to the small saphenous vein?
sural nerve
From where does the great saphenous vein originate?
the medial end of the dorsal venous arch of teh foot
What vein passes anterior to the medial malleolus?
Great Saphenous
What drains the great saphenous vein?
Femoral Vein
What nerve accompanies the great saphenous vein in the leg?
saphenous nerve
What superficial veins join the great saphenous vein near its proximal end?
superficial external pudendal, superficial epigastric and superficial circumflex iliac
What drains the skin and superficial fascia of the medial thigh?
accessory saphenous vein
What nerve passes deep to the inguinal ligament and innervates the skin of the lateral thigh
lateral femoral cutaneous
What nerve innervates skin of anterior thigh and are lateral to the great saphenous
anterior cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve
The femoral artery courses between what muscles?
sartorius and adductor longus
The deep artery of the thigh courses ..
parallel to teh femoral a. but posterior to the adductor longus m.
What artery supplies the medial and posterior compartments of the thigh?
Deep artery of the thigh
What artery supplies the lateral part of the thigh
lateral circumflex artery
The floor of teh femoral triangle is formed by
the iliopsoas and pectineus muscles
What canal do the femoral vessels pass through to get to the popliteal fossa?
adductor canal
Name the attachments of the sartorius muscle
Distal: medial surface of the tibia
Proximal: ASIS
What lies in the adductor canal?
femoral vessles and the nerve to vastus medialis and the saphenous nerve
Name the four parts of the quadriceps femoris
rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis
What is the ultimate attachment of the quadriceps femoris?
The tibial tuberosity
What is the action of the rectus femoris m.
Flexes thigh and extends leg
Name the 5 muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh
adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis and obturator externus
What is the function of all of the muscles in the middle compartment of the thigh?
Adduct the thigh
What is the action of the gracilis mucsle
adducts thigh and assists in flexion of LEG
Name the muscles whose proximal attachment is the public bone
pectineus, adductor longus and gracilis
What is the action of pectineus?
adduct the thigh
What artery passes between the pectineus and adductor longus muscles?
Deep artery of the thigh
What muscle separates anterior from posterior branches of the obturator nerve?
Adductor brevis
What are the actions of the adductor magnus muscle?
Adducts and EXTENDS the thigh
What is the action of the obturator externas
laterally rotates the thigh
What nerve innervates the muscles of themedial compartment of the thigh
What nerve supplies the gulteus maximus
Inferior gluteal
What is the action of the gluteus medias
abducts thigh
What is the action of the periformis muscle?
laterally rotates thigh
What nerves and vessels appear at the inferior border of teh piriformis muscle?
sciatic n., posterior cuteneous n. of thigh, inferior gluteal vessels, inferior gluteal n., pudendal n., interal pudendal vessels
What nerve lies on the medial side of the sciatic nerve?
Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh.
What muscle exits the lesser pelvis by passing through the lesser sciatic foramen?
Obturator internus
What is the action of the obturator internus
laterally rotates the thigh
What is the action of the glemellus muscles
laterally rotates thigh
What is the action of the quadratus femoris
laterally rotates thigh
is located inferior to the inferior gemellus
What is the action of the gluteus medius?
Abducts thigh
What is the action of the tensor fascia lata?
Abducts and medially rotates thigh
What muscles laterally rotate the thigh?
piriformis, obturator internus, superior gemellus, inferior gemellus and quadratus femoris
Name the muscles of the posterior compartment of the thigh
biceps femoris, semimembranosus and semitendinosis
What are the attchments of the long head of the biceps femoris?
Priximal: ischial tuberosity
Distal: head of the fibula
Injury to teh sciatic nerve causes
paralysis of the flexors of teh knee and all muscles below the knee, and widespread numbness of the skin of teh posterior aspect of the lower limb
What are the borders of the popliteal fossa
Superolateral- biceps femoris
Superomedial-semitendinosis and semimembranosis m.
Inferolateral and medial - gastrocnemius m.
Posterior - skin/fascia
Anterior - popliteal surface of the femur and popliteus muscle
What muscles converge on the proximal end of teh tibia in an arrangement known as pes anserinus.
sartorius, gracilis and semitendinosus
What are the 7 tarsal bones?
Talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid and three cuneiform
Name the four muscles of the anterior compartment of the leg
tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus and fibularis tertius
What nerve innervates the anterior compartment?
Deep fibular nerve
What are transverse thickenings of teh deep fascia of the leg that hold tendons in place?
What is the action of the tibialis anterior muscle?
dorsiflexes and inverts the foot
What is the action of extensor hallucis longus
extends teh great toe and dorsiflexes the foot
What is the action of extensor digitorum longus
extends the toes and dorsiflexes the foot
The anterior tibial artery runs between what two muscles?
extensor digitorum longus and tibialis anteriorz: it also lies on the anterior border of the interosseous membrane
What nerve joins the anterior tibial artery just below the knee?
Deep fibular nerve
What nerve supplies the motor component of the anterior compartment of the leg and dorsum of the foot?
deep fibular nerve
What does the anterior tibial artery change to when it crosses the ankle joint?
dorsalis bedis artery
What muscles share a belly that attaches to the calcaneus?
Extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis; extend toes 1-4 and are innervated by deep fibular n.
From what artery do the dorsal metatarsal arteries originate?
Arcuate artery
What nerve innervates the extensor hallicus brevis and extensor digitorum brevis?
Deep fibular nerve
What nerve innervates the dorsum of the foot.. except the skin between the great toe and second toe?
superficial fibular nerve (the deep fibular nerve innervates skin btwn toes 1 and 2)
All muscles in the anterior compartment of the leg and dorsum of the foot are innervated by...
Deep fibular nerve
What are the two muscles of the lateral compartment of the leg?
fibularis brevis and fibularis longus
What is the nerve of the lateral compartment of the leg?
superficial fibular
What is the group action of the muscles in the lateral compartment of the leg?
evert the foot and plantar flexion of foot
What is the most commonly injured nerve in the body?
common fibular because of its superficial position with relation to the head and neck of the fibula
The superficial posterior group of the leg contains what three muscles?
gastrocnemius, soleus and plantaris
What is the group action of the superficial posterior muscles of the leg?
Plantar flexion of the foot
The deep posterior group of the leg contains what four muscles?
popliteus, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallicis longus
What is the group action of the deep posterior muscles of the leg?
inversion of the foot, plantar flexion of the foot and flexion of the toes
What nerve innervates the posterior compartment of the leg?
tibial nerve
What are the attachments of the gastrocnemius?
Proximal: femoral condyles
Distal: calcaneal tuberosity
Where are the tibial nerve and posterior tibial vessels located as they course down the leg?
the transverse intermuscular septum
Where does the popliteal artery bifurcate?
inferior border of the popliteus to for posterior tibeal arter and anterior tibial artery
What is the action of the popliteus muscle?
Unlocks the knee and is a weak flexor of the leg
What lies between the tendons of the flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus muscles?
posterior tibial artery and tibial nerve
What artery courses between the tibialis posterior muscle and the flexor hallucis longus m.?
Fibular artery
What supports the longitudinal arch?
Plantar aponeurosis
What are the muscles of the 1st layer of the foot?
abductor hallucis, flexor digitorum brevis, abductor digiti minimi
What are the muscles of the 2nd layer of the foot?
quadrutus plantae, lumbricals
What are the muscles of the 3rd layer of the foot?
flexor hallucis brevis, adductor hallicis, flexor digiti minimi brevis
What are the muscles of the 4th layer of the foot?
extensor digitorum brevis, extensor hallucis brevis.
What forms the great saphenous vein?
the dorsal vein of the big toe and the doral venous arch
What forms the small saphenous vein?
dorsal vein of the little toe and dorsal venous arch of the foot
What vein does the small saphenous vein join?
The femoral nerve comes from which rami?
The obturator nerve comes from which rami?
The Superior gluteal nerve comes from what rami?
The inferior gluteal nerve comes from what rami?
What nerve travels with the great saphenous vein?
saphenous nerve (innervates skin of teh medial side of leg and foot)
What nerve travels with the small saphenous vein?
The common fibular nerve comes from what rami?
The tibial nerve somes from what rami?
What results from an injury to the superior gluteal nerve?
function of the glut. min and max. are lost; (ability to pull pelvis down and abduction of thigh are lost); "waddling gait" (Positive trendelenburg sign)
What results from an injury to the inferior gluteal nerve?
Gluteus maximus function is lost; ability to rise from a seated position, climb stairs or jump is lost; patient will lean back at heel strike
What results from an injury to the common fibular nerve?
eversion of the foot is lost, dorsiflexion lost, extensio of toes lost, sensory loss on anterolateral leg and dorsum of foot
What results from an in jury to the tibial nerve?
Inversion of foot weakened, plantar flexion lost, flexion of toes lost, sensory on sole of foot lost, patient cannot stand on toes
Where do the superior and inferior gluteal vessels and nerve emerbe?
superior are superior to piriformis and inferior are inferior to piriformis
Where is a safe place to do an IM guteal injection?
superolateral portion of the buttock
What ligament carries the artery to the head of the femur?
Ligamentum teres (HYGA p. 250)
What is the largest ligament of the hip joint?
Iliofemoral - reinforces anteriorly
What part of NAVEL is NOT in the femoral sheath?
the femoral nerve
Which ligament prevents abduction of the knee joint?
Medial collateral ligament
Which ligament prevents adduction of the knee joint?
Lateral colateral ligament
What type of injury will stretch the anterior cruciate ligament?
Hyperextension Injury
What type of injury will stretch the posterior cruciate ligament?
Hyperflexion Injury
A patient with an ACL injury will have what sign?
Anterior Drawer Sign
A patient with a PCL injury will have what sign?
Posterior drawer sign