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36 Cards in this Set

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How long is the esophagus
Approx. 10 inches
Where is the Meissers plexus located?
What type of nerve endings are in Meisser's plexus?
sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers
postganglionic parrasympathetic neurons
Lamina propia is also known as what?
Diffuse lympathics, or GALT, or BALT or MALT
Where is Auerbach's plexus located?
between the layers of the muscularis externa
If a serosa is not retroperitoneal it is continuous with what?
The mesentary
What special type of APC are found in the mucosa?
microfold cells
How do microfold cells present antigens?
They antigens by transcytosis to the lymphatic tissue found in the underlying lamina propria
In the esophagus, in what layer are mucous glands found?
submucosa... in upper and lower portions of the esophagus there are also mucus glads in the mucosa (ie. cardiac glands)
In what direction does the muscularis mucosa run?
What type of muscel is located in the muscularis externa of the esophagus?
Smooth and skeletal
up1/3 striated
middle1/3 striated and smooth
lower 1/3 smooth
name the four regions of the stomach
cardiac fundus corpus pyloric
longitudinal folds of the mucosa in the stomach
type of epithelium in the stomach
simple columnar with basal nuclei
secrete mucus
what is the size of the narrow band occupied by the cardiac glads in the mucosa of the stomach?
name four types of fundic gland cells
mucous neck cells
parietal cells
chief cells
enteroendocrine cells
Example of hormone secreted by enteroendocrine cells
gastrin in stomach
secretin and CCK in small intestine
what do apical zymogen granules produced by cheif cells in the stomach contain?
the cytoplasm of parietal cells stains...
What is intrinsic factor?
A glycoprotein that complexes with b12 vitamin...necessary for the absorption of b12 in the small intestine
what type of cell secrets intrinsic factor?
Parietal cells of the stomach
Intacellular canaliculi and the tubulovesicular system are involved in the secretion of what in parietal cells?
What are the three layers of SMOOTH muscle in the stomach?
outer longitudinal middle circular inner oblique
does the submucosa of the stomach have any glands?
What is the name of the lymphatic nodules contained in the lamina propria of the small intestine?
Peyer's Patches
describe enterocytes (location, type of epithelium ...etc.)
enterocytes are columnar epithelial cells located in the small intestine mucosa. they have microvilli to aide in the absorption of nutriets. these microvilli and their zonula occludens form the striated border of the small intestine.
How are lipids transported through enterocytes? What takes them up after they are released into the lateral intercellular space?
by chylomicrons which are absorbed by lymphatic lacteals
What are the four types of cells found in the mucosa of the small intestine?
Enterocytes, goblet cells, paneth cells, enteroendocrine
What do paneth cells do?
secret zymogen granules that contain lysozyme
manage the intestinal flora
phagocytize bacteria
Why do I care about lysozyme?
Because it kills all the bacteria I ingest when I put dirt in my mouth
Describe the muscularis mucosa of the small intestine
Two layers. inner circular. outer longitudinal. slips extend into the villi...can cause swaying and contractile movements.
Please name the distinctive glad located in the submucosa of the duodenum.
Brunner's glands
Why are brunner's glands important?
They secret mucus and proteins to counter the acidic chyme that is release into the duodenum from the stomach
What form hemorroids?
The large, thin-walled veins in the lamina propria and submucosa of the erie...i mean...anal canal
Why do the hemorrhoidal vessels swell?
because they lack valves...foo
How many sphincters guard the anal canal?
Two. One internal(enlargement of distal end of muscluaris externa) one external(extrinsic skeletal muscle)