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75 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 main structures found in the lower female genital tract?
Where is the predominance of pathology in the lower female genital tract seen?
Around the cervical area
What is the cervix?
The opening of the uterus at the end of the vagina
What are Gartner's cysts?
Remnants of the mesonephric ducts found in the walls of the vagina.
What are 4 types of pathology seen in the Vulva?
-Inflammatory infections
-Non-infectious dermatoses
-Tumors (pre/malignant)
What are cysts in the vulva?
Bartholin gland cysts
At what age can bartholin gland cysts develop, and where in the vulva?
-All ages
-Postero-lateral vestibule
What is the usual etiology of vulva cysts?
A Staph, Strep, or GC infection causing obstruction of the bartholin gland itself, or the duct that drains it.
What are 3 signs/sx of a bartholin gland cyst?
-Regional lymphadenitis
How are Bartholin gland cysts treated?
By excision
What are the 3 most common infections causing inflammation in the vulva?
-Herpes simplex
What is submucosal inflammation of the vestibular glands of the vulva called?
Vestibular adenitis
What causes Vestibular Adenitis?
Etiology is unknown
What are 2 signs/symptoms of Vestibular Adenitis?
-Extreme point tendernes
How is vestibular adenitis treated?
Surgical excision
Where can HSV-2 cause inflammation in the lower GU tract?
What do we normally do when HSV2 infection is found in the lower GU tract of a pregnant woman? Why?
Call in a pap smear because we don't want to deliver by normal vaginal delivery in which it may pass HSV2 on to the newborn
What are the initial signs and symptoms of HSV2 infection, and when do they occur?
-Papules, vesicles, and ulcers
Begin 3-7 days after infection
What happens 1-3 weeks after the initial HSV2 lesions appear?
The lesions heal and HSV2 takes up latency in nerve ganglia
By what method of transmission are babies more likely to get HSV2; intrauterine or during delivery?
During delivery
When results in 50% of cases where the baby does acquire HSV2 in utero?
Premature delivery
What is the treatment for HSV2?
So what are the top 2 most common vaginal infections?
1. HSV2
2. Candida
What are 3 conditions that enhance vulval/vaginal candidiasis?
-Oral contraceptives
What are 3 signs/symptoms of vaginal candidiasis?
-White patch
How is candidiasis treated?
Antifungal ointment
What causes Condyloma latum?
Treponema pallidum/Syphilis
What are the s/sx of Chancroid and what organism causes it?
-Tender ulcer w/ adenopathy
-H. ducreyi
What are the s/sx of Granuloma inguinale and what organism causes it?
-Painless papule/ulcer
-Calymmatobacterium granulomatosis
What are the s/sx of Lymphogranuloma venerum and what organism causes it?
-Ulceration and adenitis
What are 4 noninfectious dermatoses that can be found in the vulva?
-Chronic dermatitis
-Lichen sclerosis
-Lichen simplex chronicus
What types of lesions will psoriasis in the vulva produce?
-Demarcated, Silvery Scale Papules/Plaques
-often symmetrical
What is Dermatitis in the vulva caused by?
Contact allergy
What are the signs/symptoms of dermatitis in the vulva?
In what age of patients can lichen sclerosis of the vulva be found?
Children or adults
In what condition is there increased findings of lichen sclerosis?
Women with vulvar cancer
Is lichen sclerosis premalignant?
What causes Lichen sclerosis?
Thinning and whitening of the vulvar epithelium by an elastase type protease.
What pathologic signs/symptoms result from the thinning and whitening of the vulvar epithelium in Lichen Sclerosis?
-Rectal bleeding
What can the FURBS in children resemble?
Sexual abuse
What is the treatment for Lichen sclerosis?
High potency topical steroids in intervals
What is the relationship of Lichen sclerosis to malignancy?
It is NOT form of premalignancy, though it is seen in higher amts in cases of malignancy.
How does Lichen Simplex Chronicus differ from Lichen Sclerosis?
Simplex chronicus causes THICKENING and RED skin
What is the association between Lichen simplex chronicus and malignancy?
It is increased in women with vulvar cancer, but it is NOT a premalignant state.
What causes Lichen simplex chronicus
Nonspecific response to irritants
What is the treatment for Lichen simplex chronicus?
Topical corticosteroids and antipruretics
What are the 4 histologic features seen in LICHEN SCLEROSIS?
-Thinned epidermis
-Hydropic degeneration of basal layer
-Sclerotic stroma
-Dermal inflammation
What are the 3 histologic features seen in Lichen simplex chronicus?
-Thickened epidermis
-Dermal inflammation
What is the most important pathology in the lower GU tract and where is it concentrated?
HPV - human papilloma virus; concentrated in the cervix
What is it usually called when HPV infects the vulva?
Condyloma accuminatum
What are the 2 forms of HPV that primarily cause vulvar infection?
HPV 6 and 11
What are the 2 main signs/sx of HPV infection?
-Koilocytosis atypia on papsmear
How does HPV progress in the majority of individuals?
Spontaneously regresses
What is the main difference between HPV types 6/11 and 16/18?
Types 6 and 11 are mainly benign
Types 16 and 18 are at high risk of transforming into SCC
Where are lesions caused by HPV types 16 and 18 primarily seen? In what age groups is this increasing?
-Seen in the vulva
-Increasing in 20-35 y/o females
How is the progression of HPV toward malignancy expressed?
In degrees of Vulva Intraepithelial neoplasia (VIN)
What are the 3 degrees of VIN based on?
Which layer of the epithelium is involved with dysplastic cells.
What is VIN I?
Involvement of lower 1/3 of the epithelium
What is VIN II?
Involvement of middle 2/3 of the epithelium
What is VIN III?
Involvement of the entire thickness of the epithelium, aka squamous carcinoma in situ
What is squamous carcinoma in situ at risk of progressing into?
Invasive squamous cell carcinoma
How is VIN treated?
By excision
What is the defining feature of invasive SCC?
Crossing over the basement membrane of the epithelium
What is the most common benign tumor of the vulva?
Papillary hidradenoma
What does Papillary Hidradenoma appear identically to?
Intraductal papilloma of the breast
What is the general histologic appearance/location of a Papillary hidradenoma? What might it be confused with?
-Sharply circumscribed nodule
-Labia majora/interlabial folds
-May confuse with carcinoma
What is the treatment for Papillary hidradenoma?
Just excision
What is the most common malignant lesion in the vulva?
Squamous cell carcinoma
What are 2 other less common malignant lesions that can be found in the vulva?
-Paget's (more common)
What is the avg age at which Paget's can develop in the vulva?
How do the vulvar lesions in Paget's develop?
By the intra-epithelial proliferation of Adenocarcinoma cells of Adnexal gland origin
How does Paget's disease of the vulva differ from that of the breast?
Breast usually involves an underlying tumor; there is usually NO underlying tumor in Vulvar Paget's, just confined to intraepithelial.
What is the appearance of lesions in Paget's? How is it treated?
-Red-pink with white scales
-Treat by excising
What does Paget's have to be differentiated from?
How can you differentiate between Paget's and Melanoma?
With special stains.