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54 Cards in this Set

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Rectus Abdominis
O - Pubic crest and pubic symphysis
I - Cartilage of 5th- 7th ribs & xiphoid process
*A - Flexes vertebral column, supports pelvic girdle, & supports abdominal viscera
*N - Anterior rami of (thoracic nerves T7-T12)
External Oblique
O - Lower 8 ribs
I - Iliac crest and linea alba
*A - Compresses abdomen, laterally bends & rotates vertebral column
*N - Anterior rami of (thoracic nerves T7-T12)
** Has jagged edge appearance & connect w/ serratus anterior; most superficial; the inferior portion of its aponeurosis forms part of the inguinal ligament
Internal Oblique
O - Iliac crest, inguinal ligament, & thoracolumbar fascia
I - Cartilage of 9th-12th ribs & linea alba
*A - Compresses abdomen, laterally bends & rotates vertebral column
*N - (Anterior rami of) spinal nerves T8-T12
** In between external oblique and transversus abdominis; innervated by same nerves as transversus abdominis
Linea alba
Band of CT in middle of abdomen that runs from sternum to pubis & serves as site of attachment for 2 oblique muscles & transverse abdominus
Transversus Abdominis
O - Iliac crest, inguinal ligament, lumbar fascia, & cartilage of 7th -12th ribs
I - Xiphoid process, linea alba, & pubic crest
*A - Compresses abdomen & laterally bends trunk
*N - Anterior rami of (spinal nerves T8-T12)
** Deepest; has aponeurosis that strengthens it
Quadratus Lumborum
O - Posterior iliac crest
I - 12th rib & upper 4 lumbar vertebrae
A - Laterally flexes vertebral column, supports pelvic girdle, & fixes and depresses the 12th rib for the pull of the diaphragm during respiration
N - Thoracic nerves T12-L1
Erector Spinae Muscle
a) Spinalis Thoracis
O - Lumbar aponeurosis & vertebrae
I - Long interspinal fibers inserting into spinous process of upper thoracic vertebrae
A - Hold vertebrae erect & maintains lower back posture
N - Posterior rami of spinal nerves T7-L4
** important in posture, antagonist muscles - abdominals; most medial
Erector Spinae Muscle
b) Longissimus Thoracis
O - Lumbar aponeurosis & vertebrae
I - Largest, longest & thickest part of the erector spinae which inserts laterally into the lower 10 ribs & medially into all the thoracic transverse processes
A - Hold vertebrae erect & maintains lower back posture
N - Posterior rami of spinal nerves T7-L4
** important in posture, antagonist muscles - abdominals; middle
Erector Spinae Muscle
c) Iliocostalis Lumborum
O - Lumbar aponeurosis & vertebrae
I - insert by flat tendons into the lower 6 ribs
A - Hold vertebrae erect & maintains lower back posture
N - Posterior rami of spinal nerves T7-L4
** important in posture, antagonist muscles - abdominals; most lateral; attaches to iliac crest & ribs
(anterior hip)
O - Iliac fossa
I - Lesser trochanter of femur (w/ tendon of psoas major)
A - Primary flexor of thigh; laterally rotates thigh; flexes vertebral column
N - Femoral nerve
Psoas Major
(anterior hip)
O - Transverse processes and bodies of all 5 lumbar vertebrae
I - Lesser trochanter w/ tendon of iliacus
A - Flexes thigh & vertebral column
N - Femoral nerve
Psoas Minor
(anterior hip)
O - Transverse processes & bodies of T12-L1 vertebrae
I - Iliopubic eminence
A - Upward rotation & support of pelvic girdle
N - Anterior rami of spinal nerve L1
** A vestigial structure that 25% of the population doesn't have because it's not functionally important.
Name often given to the iliacus and psoas major due to their common insertion on the lesser trochanter
Inguinal Ligament
Formed by collagenous fibers & the aponeurosis of interior portion of external oblique; runs from anterior superior iliac spine to pubic tubercle and serves as the anatomical landmark separating hip (above) from thigh (below). Contains the inguinal canal through which the spermatic chord passes on its way to the testes in males & through which the round ligament of the uterus passes in females
Tensor Fascia Latae
(posterior hip)
O - Anterior iliac crest
I - Tibia via iliotibial tract (IT band)
A - Flexes & abducts thigh
N - Superior gluteal nerve
**Its tendon along with the tendon of gluteus maximus form the iliotibial tract
Gluteus Maximus
(posterior hip)
O - Posterior iliac crest, posterior surfaces of sacrum & coccyx
I - Gluteal tuberosity (long bump inferior to greater trochanter & lateral to less trochanter)
A - Extends thigh against resistance, laterally rotates thigh & helps adduct thigh; when femur is stabilized, it extends the trunk
N - Inferior gluteal nerve (only muscle this nerve controls)
**Its tendon along with the tendon of tensor fascia latae form the iliotibial tract
Gluteus Medius
(posterior hip)
O - Lateral surface of ilium between anterior & posterior gluteal lines
I - Greater trochanter
A - Abducts & medially rotates thigh, support of pelvis when body weight is supported on only one of the lower extremities
N - Superior gluteal nerve
** Only difference with gluteus minimus is its origin
Gluteus Minimus
(posterior hip)
O - Anterior & inferior gluteal lines
I - Greater trochanter
A - Abducts & medially rotates thigh, support of pelvis when body weight is supported on only one of the lower extremities
N - Superior gluteal nerve
** Only difference with gluteus medius is its origin
(posterior hip)
O - Anterior sacrum
I - Greater trochanter
*A - Laterally rotates thigh
*N - Nerve to piriformis
Superior Gemellus
(posterior hip)
O - Ischial spine
I - Medial side of greater trochanter via tendon of obturator internus
*A - Laterally rotates thigh
*N - Nerve to obturator internus
Obturator Internus
O - Superior margin of obturator foramen
I - Medial side of greater trochanter
*A - Laterally rotates thigh
*N - Nerve to obturator internus
** Runs between superior & inferior gemellus
(posterior hip)
Inferior Gemellus
(posterior hip)
O - Ischial tuberosity
I - Medial side of greater trochanter via tendon of obturator internus
*A - Laterally rotates thigh
*N - Nerve to quadratus femoris
Quadratus Femoris
(posterior hip)
O - Ischial tuberosity
I - Intertrochanteric crest
*A - Laterally rotates thigh
*N - Nerve to quadratus femoris
**Inferior border serves as an anatomical landmark separating the hip from the thigh and it is the point at which the sciatic nerve dives deep to innervate the muscles of the posterior thigh
Obturator Externus
(posterior hip)
O - Anterior & inferior to obturator foramen
I - Trochanteric fossa
*A - Laterally rotates thigh
*N - Obturator nerve
Fascia Lata
Deep fascia that encircles entire thigh; very well developed laterally where together w/ tendons of tensor fascia lata & gluteal maximus it forms the iliotibial band
Sciatic nerve
Comes of sacral plexus and divides at the inferior border of quadratus femoris, dives deep & innervates posterior muscles of thigh; when it reaches popliteal fossa it bifercates into the tibial and common peroneal nerves
Tibial Nerve
Innervates all posterior muscles of the leg and bifercates into medial and lateral plantar nerves which innervate all intrinsic muscles of the foot
Common Peroneal Nerve
When it reaches head of fibula it bifercates into:
1) Superficial peroneal nerve innervates lateral muscles of leg (peroneus longus & brevis)
2) Deep peroneal nerve innervates anterior muscles of leg (peroneus tertius, extensor digitorum longus, extensor hallucis longus, tibialis anterior)
(anterior/extensor thigh)
O - Anterior superior iliac spine
I - Proximal medial surface of tibial shaft
A - Flexes & laterally rotates thigh, flexes leg & medially rotates tibia (i.e., tailor's muscle)
N - Femoral nerve
** Most superficial, crosses 2 joints
Quadriceps Femoris
a) Rectus Femoris
(anterior/extensor thigh)
O - Anterior inferior iliac spine & upper lip of acetabulum
I - Tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)
A - Flexes thigh & extends leg (i.e., kicker's muscle)
N - Femoral nerve
** Only quad muscle that crosses 2 joints
Quadriceps Femoris
b) Vastus Lateralis
O - Greater trochanter & linea aspera (ridge on posterior shaft) of femur
I - Tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)
A - Extends leg & provides support to knee joint
N - Femoral nerve
** Outer part of thigh that you grab when you hit the side of your thigh
(anterior/extensor thigh)
Quadriceps Femoris
c) Vastus Medialis
(anterior/extensor thigh)
O - Spiral line (continuation of intertrochanteric line) & linea aspera (ridge on posterior shaft) of femur
I - Tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)
A - Extends leg & provides support to knee joint
N - Femoral nerve
Quadriceps Femoris
d) Vastus Intermedius
O - Anterior (& lateral) surface of femur
I - Tibial tuberosity (via patellar ligament)
A - Extends leg
N - Femoral nerve
(anterior/extensor thigh)
O - Symphysis pubis (& pubic arch); same as adductor longus
I - Proximal medial surface of tibia shaft; same as sartorius
A - Adducts & flexes thigh; flexes & medially rotates leg
N - Obturator nerve
O - Pectineal line of pubis
I - Pectineal line of femur
A - Adducts, flexes, & laterally rotates thigh
N - Femoral nerve
Adductor Longus
(medial muscle)
O - Symphysis pubis
I - Linea aspera of femur
A - Adducts, flexes, & laterally rotates thigh
N - Obturator nerve
Adductor Brevis
(medial muscle)
O - Interior ramus of pubis
I - Linea aspera of femur
A - Adducts, flexes, & laterally rotates thigh
N - Obturator nerve
Adductor Magnus
(medial muscle)
O - Ramus of ischium & ischial tuberosity
I - Linea aspera & adductor tubercle (above medial epicondyle) of femur
A - Inferior portion extends & laterally rotates thigh; superior portion flexes & medially rotates thigh
N - Obturator nerve
(posterior thigh/hamstrings)
O - Ischial tuberosity
I - Medial condyle of tibia
A - Extends thigh, flexes leg, serves postural function by pulling pelvic girdle posterior & inferiorly
N - Tibial nerve branch of sciatic nerve
Peroneus Tertius
(anterior leg)
O - (Distal 1/3 of anterior) fibula
I - Dorsal surface of 5th metatarsal
A - Dorsiflexes & everts foot
N - Deep peroneal nerve
Extensor Digitorum Longus
(anterior leg)
O - (Lateral condyle of) tibia & (anterior surface of) fibula
I - 2nd-5th middle & distal phalanges
A - Extends 2nd-5th phalages & dorsiflexes & everts foot
N - Deep peroneal nerve
Extensor Hallucis Longus
O - (Mid-anterior surface of) fibula (& anterior interosseus membrane
I - 1st distal phalange
A - Extends 1st phalange & dorsiflexes foot
N - Deep peroneal nerve
(anterior/extensor leg)
Peroneus Longus
O - (Head & shaft of) fibula & (lateral condyle of) tibia
I - 1st metatarsal & 1st cuneiform; same as tibialis anterior
A - Plantar flexes & everts foot, supports arches
N - Superficial peroneal nerve
lateral leg
Peroneus Brevis
(lateral leg)
O - Shaft of fibula
I - 5th metatarsal
A - Everts foot
N - Superficial peroneal nerve
(posterior leg)
O - Lateral and medial condyles of femur & articular capsule of knee joint
I - Tuber calcaneus via Achilles tendon (Calcaneus tendon); same as soleus
A - Plantar flexes foot (major action) & flexes leg
N - Tibial nerve
** 2 heads form part of triceps surae
(posterior leg)
O - Posterior surface & head of fibula; medial & posterior surface of tibia
I - Tuber calcaneus via Achilles tendon (Calcaneal tendon); same as gastrocnemius
A - Plantar flexes foot
N - Tibial nerve
**Forms part of triceps surae
(posterior leg)
O - Lateral surface of femur deep to lateral head of gastrocnemius & articular capsule of knee joint
I - Calcaneus medial to insertion of Achilles tendon
A - Flexes leg (weak) & plantar flexes the foot (i.e., also known as Fool's Nerve)
N - Tibial nerve
**white, shiny, small muscle belly, mostly tendon
(posterior leg)
O - Lateral condyle of femur
I - Medial condyle of tibia
A - Flexes leg, medially rotates tibia, & pulls lateral meniscus out of the way in medial rotation of tibia
N - Tibial nerve
Tibialis Posterior
(posterior leg)
O - (Posterior interosseus membrane, lateral-posterior) tibia and (medial-posterior) fibula
I - Navicular, 3rd cuneiform, cuboid, & 2nd-4th metatarsals
A - Plantar flexes & inverts foot, supports arch
N - Tibial nerve
Flexor Digitorum Longus
O - (Posterior surface of) tibia
I - 2nd-5th distal phalanges
A - Plantar flexes and inverts foot and flexes 2nd-5th phalanges
N - Tibial nerve
(posterior leg)
Flexor Hallucis Longus
O - (Mid-posterior) fibula
I - 1st distal phalange
A - Flexes 1st phalange (and helps plantar flex foot)
N - Tibial nerve
Biceps Femoris
(posterior thigh/hamstrings)
O - (Long head from) ischial tuberosity & (short head from) linea aspera
I - Head of fibula & lateral condyle of tibia
A - Extends thigh, flexes leg; serves postural function by pulling pelvic girdle posterior & inferiorly
N - Tibial nerve branch of sciatic nerve
** Crosses 2 joints
O - Ischial tuberosity
I - Proximal medial surface of tibial shaft; same as sartorius & gracilis
A - Extends thigh, flexes leg; serves postural function by pulling pelvic girdle posterior & inferiorly
N - Tibial nerve branch of sciatic nerve
** Longer, sits on top of semimembranosus
(posterior thigh)
Tibialis Anterior
O - (Lateral condyle & body of) tibia & anterior interosseus membrane
I - 1st metatarsal & 1st cuneiform; same as peroneus longus
A - Dorsiflexes & inverts foot
N - Deep peroneal nerve