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67 Cards in this Set

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Posterior Abdominal Wall muscles (3)
Quadratus lumborum
Psoas major
Psoas minor
Quadratus lumborum
Origin: L5 Transverse process; iliac crest
Insertion: L1-4 vertebrae; rib 12
Innervation: Lumbar plexus
Action: Extends, laterally bends vertebral column
Psoas major
Origin: Vertebral bodies & transverse processes of T12 & L1-5
Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur
Innervation: Lumbar plexus
Action: Flexes thigh at hip; stabilizes trunk
Psoas minor
Origin: Vertebral bodies & transverse processes of T12 & L1
Insertion: Pectineal line of pubis
Innervation: Lumbar plexus
Action: Weak flexor of vertebral column
Pelvic & Gluteal Muscles (11 total)
6 deep external hip rotators
- Piriformis
- Superior Gemellus
- Obturator internus
- Inferior Gemellus
- Obturator externus
- Quadratus femoris
3 Gluteals & TFL
- Gluteus maximus
- Gluteus medius
- Gluteus minimus
- Tensor fascia lata
Origin: Iliac fossa
Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur
Innervation: femoral nerve
Action: flexes thigh at hip, stabilizes trunk
Origin: Anterior surface of sacrum
Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur
Innervation: Sacral plexus
Action: Laterally rotates thigh; stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum
Superior Gemellus
Origin: Ischial spine
Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur
Innervation: Sacral plexus
Action: laterally rotates thigh; stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum
Obturator internus
Origin: Deep surface of obturator membrane & surrounding bone
Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur
Innervation: Sacral plexus
Action: Laterally rotates thigh; stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum
Inferior Gemellus
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur
Innervation: Sacral plexus
Action: Laterally rotates thigh; stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum
Obturator externus
Origin: Superficial surface of obturator membrane & surrounding bone
Insertion: Trochanteric fossa of femur
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Action: Laterally rotates thigh; stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum
Quadratus Femoris
Origin: Lateral border of ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Intertrochanteric crest
Innervation: Sacral plexus
Action: Laterally rotates thigh; stabilizes femoral head in acetabulum
Gluteus Maximus
Origin: Posterior/medial surface of ilium & iliac crest; Posterior surface of sacrum & coccyx; sacrotuberous ligament
Insertion: Iliotibial tract; gluteal tuberosity
Innervation: Inferior gluteal nerve
Action: Extends & laterally rotates thigh
Gluteus medius
Origin: External surface of ilium between anterior & posterior gluteal lines
Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur
Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve
Action: Abducts thigh at hip joint; keeps pelvis level over stance leg (prevents pelvic drop)
Gluteus minimus
Origin: External surface of ilium between anterior & inferior gluteal lines
Insertion: Greater trochanter of femur
Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve
Action: Abducts thigh at hip joint; keeps pelvis level over stance leg (prevents pelvic drop)
Tensor Fascia Lata
Origin: ASIS; ant par of iliac crest
Insertion: iliotibial crest
Innervation: Superior gluteal nerve
Action: Weak thigh flexor at hip; tenses the fascia latae of the thigh
Muscles of the Anterior compartment of the thigh (6 muscles)
2 inner thigh muscles
- Sartorius
- Pectineus
4 quadriceps muscles
- Rectus Femoris
- Vastus lateralis
- Vastus medialis
- Vastus intermedius
Origin: ASIS
Insertion: Superior part of medial surface of tibia
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Action: Flexes, abducts & laterally rotates thigh at hip joint; flexes leg at knee joint
Origin: Superior pubic ramus
Insertion: Pectineal line of femur, just inferior to lesser trochanter
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Action: Adducts & flexes thigh; assists with medial rotation of thigh
Rectus Femoris
Origin: AIIS
Insertion: Quadriceps tendon
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Action: Flexes thigh at hip; extends leg at knee
Vastus lateralis
Origin: Greater trochanter of femur; lateral lip of linea aspera
Insertion: Quadriceps tendon
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Action: Extends leg at knee joint
Vastus medialis
Origin: Intertrochanteric line; medial lip of linea aspera
Insertion: Quadriceps tendon
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Action: Extends leg at knee joint
Vastus intermedius
Origin: Anterior & Lateral surface of femoral shaft
Insertion: Quadriceps tendon
Innervation: Femoral nerve
Action: Extends leg at knee joint
Muscles of the medial compartment of the thigh (4)
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
Adductor magnus
- adductor part
- hamstring part
Adductor Longus
Origin: Body of pubis
Insertion: Linea aspera middle 1/3
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Action: adducts & medially rotates thigh at hip joint
Adductor Brevis
Origin: Body of pubis; Inferior pubic ramus
Insertion: linea aspera upper 1/3
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Action: adducts thigh at hip joint
Adductor magnus (adductor part)
Origin: Ischiopubic ramus
Insertion: Gluteal tuberosity & proximal linea aspera
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Action: adducts & medially rotates thigh at hip joint
Adductor magnus (hamstring part)
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Adductor tubercle of femur
Innervation: Sciatic nerve
Action: Adducts & medially rotates thigh at hip joint; extends thigh at hip joint
Origin: Body of pubis; Inferior pubic ramus
Insertion: Medial surface of proximal shaft of tibia
Innervation: Obturator nerve
Action: Adducts thigh at hip joint; flexes leg at knee joint
Muscles of Posterior compartment of the thigh (3 hamstrings)
Biceps femoris
- short head
- long head
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Medial surface of proximal tibia
Innervation: Sciatic nerve
Action: Extends thigh at hip joint; flexes leg at knee joint
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Posterior aspect of medial condyle of tibia
Innervation: Sciatic nerve
Action: Extends thigh at hip joint; flexes leg at knee joint
Biceps femoris (long head)
Origin: Ischial tuberosity
Insertion: Head of fibula
Innervation: Sciatic nerve
Action: Extends thigh at hip joint; flexes leg at knee joint
Biceps femoris (short head)
Origin: Lateral lip of linea aspera
Insertion: Head of fibula
Innervation: Sciatic nerve
Action: Flexes leg at knee joint
Muscles of the Posterior Compartment of the Leg (7 muscles)
Superficial posterior compartment
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Plantaris
Deep posterior compartment
- Popliteus
- Flexor digitorum longus
- Flexor hallucis longus
- Tibialis posterior
Origin: Lateral side of lateral femoral condyle (lateral head); Posterior femur superior to medial condyle (medial head)
Insertion: Posterior surface of calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
Innervation: Tibial nerve
Action: Flexes leg at knee joint; plantar flexes foot at ankle joint
Origin: Soleal line of tibia; Posterior aspect of fibular head
Insertion: Posterior surface of calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
Innervation: Tibial nerve
Action: Powerful plantarflexor of the foot
Origin: Lateral supracondylar line of the femur
Insertion: Posterior surface of calcaneus via calcaneal tendon
Innervation: Tibial nerve
Action: Flexes leg at knee & weakly plantarflexes foot
Origin: Lateral condyle of femur; lateral meniscus
Insertion: Posterior surface of proximal tibia, superior to soleal line
Innervation: Tibial nerve
Action: “unlocks” the knee (laterally rotates femur on fixed tibia)
Flexor digitorum longus
Origin: Medial side of posterior surface of tibia
Insertion: Plantar surface of bases of distal phalanges of lateral 4 toes
Innervation: Tibial nerve
Action: Plantarflexion of foot at ankle; flexes lateral 4 toes
Flexor hallucis longus
Origin: Posterior surface of fibula & interosseous membrane
Insertion: Plantar surface of distal phalanx of great toe
Innervation: Tibial nerve
Action: Plantar flexion of foot at ankle; flexes great toe
Tibialis Posterior
Origin: Posterior surface of interosseous membrane, tibia & fibula
Insertion: Navicular & medial cuneiform
Innervation: Tibial nerve
Action: Inversion of foot; plantarflexion of foot at ankle; support of medial longitudinal arch
First (Superficial) Layer of Plantar Foot
Abductor hallucis
Flexor digitorum brevis
Abductor digiti minimi
Abductor hallucis
Origin: Calcaneal tuberosity
Insertion: Medial side of base of 1st proximal phalanx
Innervation: Medial plantar nerve
Action: Abducts & flexes great toe at MTP joint
Flexor digitorum brevis
Origin:Calcaneal tuberosity & plantar aponeurosis
Insertion: Sides of middle phalanges of lateral 4 toes
Innervation: Medial plantar nerve
Action: Flexes lateral 4 toes at proximal IP joints
Abductor digiti minimi
Origin: Calcaneal tuberosity & plantar aponeurosis
Insertion: Lateral side of base of 5th proximal phalanx
Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve
Action: Abducts/flexes digit 5 at MTP joint
2nd Layer of Plantar Foot
Quadratus plantae
Lumbricals (4)
Quadratus plantae
Origin: Plantar surface of calcaneus
Insertion: Lateral side of tendon of flexor digitorum longus
Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve
Action: Assists flexor digitorum longus in flexing the lateral 4 toes
Lumbricals (4)
Origin: Tendons of the flexor digitorum longus
Insertion: Medial side of extensor hoods to digits 2-5
Innervation: Medial plantar nerve (1st lumbrical); Lateral plantar nerve (lumbricals 2-4)
Action: Flex MTP joints; extend IP joints
3rd Layer of Plantar Foot
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Adductor Hallucis
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Flexor Hallucis Brevis
Origin: Plantar surface of cuboid & lateral cuneiform; tendon of tibialis posterior
Insertion: Lateral & medial sides of proximal phalanx of great toe
Innervation: Medial plantar nerve
Action: Flexes MTP of great toe
Adductor Hallucis
Origin: Plantar ligaments of lateral 3 MTP joints (transverse head); Bases of metatarsals 2-4 & sheath covering fibularis longus (oblique head)
Insertion: Lateral side of base of proximal phalanx of great toe
Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve
Action: Adducts great toe at MTP joint
Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis
Origin: Base of 5th metatarsal
Insertion: Lateral side of base of 5th proximal phalanx
Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve
Action: Flexes digit 5 at MTP joint
4th (Deep) Layer of Plantar Foot
Plantar Interossei (3)
Dorsal Interossei (4)
Plantar Interossei (3)
Origin: Medial sides of metatarsals 3-5
Insertion: Medial sides of bases of proximal phalanges 3-5
Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve
Action: Adduct digits 3-5 (PAD)
Dorsal Interossei (4)
Origin: Adjacent sides of metatarsals 1-5
Insertion: Medial side of proximal phalanx of digit 2 (1st); lateral sides of proximal phalanges of digits 2-4 (2nd-4th)
Innervation: Lateral plantar nerve
Action: Abducts digits 2-4 (DAB)
Muscles of the Dorsum of the Foot
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Extensor Hallucis Brevis
Extensor Digitorum Brevis
Origin: Dorsal surface of calcaneus
Insertion: Lateral side of extensor expansions of digits 2-4
Innervation: Deep fibular nerve
Action: Assists extensor digitorum longus in extending toes
Extensor Hallucis Brevis
Origin: Dorsal surface of calcaneus
Insertion: Base of proximal phalanx of great toe
Innervation: Deep fibular nerve
Action: Assists extensor hallucis longus in extending great toe
Muscles of the Anterior Compartment of the leg
Tibialis Anterior
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Fibularis (Peroneus) Tertius
Tibialis Anterior
Origin: Lateral condyle, lateral surface of tibia & interosseous membrane
Insertion: Medial cuneiform; base of 1st metatarsal
Innervation: Deep fibular nerve
Action: Dorsiflexes ankle & inverts foot
Extensor Digitorum Longus
Origin: Lateral condyle of tibia; medial surface of fibula & interosseous membrane
Insertion: Middle & distal phalanges of digits 2-5
Innervation: Deep fibular nerve
Action: Dorsiflexes ankle & extends lateral 4 toes
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Origin: Middle part of anterior surface of fibula & interosseous membrane
Insertion: Base of distal phalanx of hallux
Innervation: Deep fibular nerve
Action: Dorsiflexes ankle & extends great toe
Fibular is (Peroneus) Tertius
Origin: Inferior 1/3 of anterior surface of fibula & interosseous membrane
Insertion: Base of 5th metatarsal
Innervation: Deep fibular nerve
Action: Dorsiflexes ankle & assists in eversion of foot
Muscles of the Lateral Compartment of the Leg
Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus
Fibular is (Peroneus) Brevis
Fibularis (Peroneus) Longus
Origin: Head & superior 2/3 of lateral side of fibula
Insertion: Base of 1st metatarsal & medial cuneiform
Innervation: Superficial fibular nerve
Action: Weakly plantar flexes ankle & everts foot
Fibularis (Peroneus) Brevis
Origin: Inferior 2/3 of lateral surface of fibula
Insertion: Tuberosity at base of metatarsal 5
Innervation: Superficial fibular nerve
Action: Weakly plantarflexes ankle & everts foot