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38 Cards in this Set

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What type of joints are the sacroiliac joints?
synovial (ampiarthrosis)
three ligaments of the posterior sacroiliac joints
part of the hip joint that deepens the socket
acetabular labrum
part of the hip joint that encloses the head and part of the neck of the femur
joint capsule
What type of joint is the hip joint?
synovial: diarthrosis
ball and socket
6 movements of the hip joint
flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, lateral rotation, medial rotation
PA and DA of the iliofemoral ligament
PA: Anterior inferior iliac spine
DA: intertrochanteric line
purpose of the iliofemoral ligament
prevent hyperextension
PA and DA of pubofemoral ligament
PA: superior pubic ramus
DA: neck of the femur
purpose of the pubofemoral ligament
prevents hyperabduction
PA and DA of the ischiofemoral ligament
PA: posterior ischium
DA: greater trochanter
purpose of the ischiofemoral ligament
prevents hyperadduction
attachment points of the ligament of the head of the femur (ligamentum teres)
fovea and acetabular notch borders
part of the head of the femur that is not covered with articulation and is origin of the ligament of the head of the femur
main source of blood supply to the femoral head which enters through the ligamentum teres
branch of the obturator artery
What type of joint is the tibiofemoral joint?
synovial: modified hinge joint
3 joint categories of the knee
tibiofemoral joint
patellofemoral joint
proximal tibiofibular joint
The joint capsule of the knee is made up of a ___________ membrane
distinct thickening and major ligament on the medial side of the knee
tibial collateral ligament OR medial collateral ligament
C-shaped ligament of the knee
larger in men
on tibial condyles
medial meniscus
_________ ligament joins the medial and lateral menisci
__________ ligament joins the meniscus with the joint capsule
smaller oval shaped meniscus
lateral meniscus
muscle that attaches to the posterior lateral meniscus
two cruciate ligaments
posterior cruciate
anterior cruciate
What type of joint are the cruciate ligaments?
extrasynovial and intracapsular
PA and DA of the Anterior cruciate ligament
PA: posterior lateral femoral condyle
DA: anteromedial tibia
3 distinct bands of fibers of the anterior cruciate ligament
3 functions of the anterior cruciate ligament
prevents anterior displacement of tibia
prevents excessive internal rotation of tibia
supports varas and valgas forces
PA and DA of the posterior cruciate ligament
PA: lateral surface of the medial femoral condyle
DA: posterior-lateral tibia
3 functions of the posterior crucial ligament
prevent posterior displacement of the tibia
prevent hyperextension
restrain vara and valga forces
2 components of the medial cruciate ligament
deep fibers
superficial fibers
function of the medial collateral ligament
restrict valgus forces
PA and DA of the fibular collateral ligament
PA: lateral femoral condyle
DA: head of the fibia
purpose of the fibular collateral ligament
protect against vara forces
little water balloons in the knee
well innervated and vascularized, lies in deep to patellar ligament, attaches to tibia and anterior horns of both menisci
infrapatellar fat pad
patella rests in ______ of femur