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17 Cards in this Set

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Adductor Brevis

Adductor Brevis

Action:Adducts and flexes the thigh, and helps to laterally rotate the thigh

Adductor Longus

Adductor Longus

Action:Adducts and flexes the thigh, and helps to laterally rotate the hip joint

Adductor Magnus

Adductor Magnus

Action:Powerful thigh adductor; superior horizontal fibers also help flex the thigh, while vertical fibers help extend the thigh

Biceps Femoris - Long Head

Biceps Femoris - Long Head


Action:Flexes the knee, and also rotates the tibia laterally; long head also extends the hip joint

Biceps Femoris - Short Head

Biceps Femoris - Short Head


Action:Flexes the knee, and also rotates the tibia laterally; long head also extends the hip joint

Quadratus Femoris

Quadratus Femoris

deep external hip rotator

Action:Rotates the hip laterally; also helps adduct the hip

Obturator Externus

Obturator Externus

deep external hip rotator

Action:Rotates the thigh laterally; also helps adduct thigh

Obturator Internus

Obturator Internus

deep external hip rotator

Action:Rotates the thigh laterally; also helps abduct the thigh when it is flexed

Superior Gemellus

Superior Gemellus

deep external hip rotator

Action:Rotates the thigh laterally; also helps abduct the flexed thigh

Inferior Gemellus

Inferior Gemellus

deep external hip rotator

Action:Rotates the thigh laterally; also helps abduct the flexed thigh



deep external hip rotator

Action:Lateral rotator of the hip joint; also helps abduct the hip if it is flexed

Gluteus Maximus

Gluteus Maximus

Origin:Posterior aspect of dorsal ilium posterior to posterior gluteal line, posterior superior iliac crest, posterior inferior aspect of sacrum and coccyx, and sacrotuberous ligament

Insertion:Primarily in fascia lata at the iliotibial band; also into the gluteal tuberosity on posterior femoral surface

Action:Major extensor of hip joint, assists in laterally rotating the thigh; upper and middle third section of the muscle are abductors

Gluteus Medius

Gluteus Medius

Origin:Dorsal ilium inferior to iliac crest

Insertion:Lateral and superior surfaces of greater trochanter

Action:Major abductor of thigh; anterior fibers help to rotate hip medially; posterior fibers help to rotate hip laterally

Gluteus Minimus

Gluteus Minimus

Origin:Dorsal ilium between inferior and anterior gluteal lines; also from edge of greater sciatic notch

Insertion:Anterior surface of greater trochanter

Action:Abducts and medially rotates the hip joint

Tensor Fascia Lata

Tensor Fascia Lata

Origin:Anterior superior iliac spine, outer lip of anterior iliac crest and fascia lata

Insertion:Iliotibial band

Action:Helps stabilize and steady the hip and knee joints by putting tension on the iliotibial band of fascia



Origin:Upper 2/3 of iliac fossa of ilium, internal lip of iliac crest, lateral aspect of sacrum, ventral sacroiliac ligament, and lower portion of iliolumbar ligament

Insertion:Lesser trochanter

Action:Flex the torso and thigh with respect to each other



Origin:Anterior surfaces and lower borders of transverse processes of L1 - L5 and bodies and discs of T12 - L5

Insertion:Lesser trochanter

Action:Flex the torso and thigh with respect to each othe