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44 Cards in this Set

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1. (adj) 神秘的. 1. (adj.) Difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious. Example: he took the money with an enigmatic smile
1. (adj) 虔心的,虔诚的. Hint: 宗教 2. (adj) 爱说教的. 3. (adj) 神圣的. 1. (adj.) Devoutly religious. 2. (adj.) Making a hypocritical display of virtue. Example: there'll be no pious words said over her
1. (n) 镖,飞镖. 2. (vi) 疾驰,飞奔,猛冲. 1. (n.) A small pointed missile that can be thrown or fired. 2. (n.) A small pointed missile with a feather or plastic tail, used in the game of darts. 3. (Verb) Move or run somewhere suddenly or rapidly. Example: she darted across the street
1. (adj) 数目可观的. 2. (adj) 重大的,重要的. 1. (adj.) Of considerable importance, size, or worth. Example: a substantial amount of cash 2. (adj.) Strongly built or made. Example: a row of substantial Victorian villas
1. (n) 风景画,画面. 2. (n) (用语言描绘的)场面,场景. 1. (n.) A group of models or motionless figures representing a scene from a story or from history; a tableau vivant.
1. (vi) 倒下,坠落. 2. (vi) 翻滚,滚动,打滚. 3. (n) 倒下,跌倒,摔跤. Hint: 跌 4. (n) 翻滚,打滚,滚滚而来(而去). 1. (Verb) (typically of a person) Fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong. Example: she pitched forward, tumbling down the remaining stairs 2. (Verb) Move or rush in a headlong or uncontrolled way. Example: police and dogs tumbled from the vehicle 3. (n.) A sudden or headlong fall. Example: I took a tumble in the nettles
1. (adj) 俗世的,尘世的,世俗的. 2. (adj) 非宗教的,俗世的. 3. (adj) 百年一次的,一世纪一次的. 1. (adj.) Denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis. Example: secular buildings 2. (adj.) (of clergy) Not subject to or bound by religious rule; not belonging to or living in a monastic or other order. Example: secular buildings 3. (n.) A secular priest.
1. (n) 伏都教,巫毒教. Hint: 西印度群岛等地的一种原始宗教 2. (adj) 伏都教的,与巫毒教有关的. 1. (n.) A black religious cult practiced in the Caribbean and the southern US, combining elements of Roman Catholic ritual with traditional African magical and religious rites, and characterized by sorcery and spirit possession. 2. (n.) A person skilled in such practice. 3. (Verb) Affect (someone) by the practice of such witchcraft.
寿衣;裹尸布;覆盖物 a length of cloth or an enveloping garment in which a dead person is wrapped for burial.
adj.没有护卫的(没有陪伴的) 1. (adj.) Not escorted, esp. for protection, security, or as a mark of rank. Example: their task was to prey on unescorted enemy merchant ships and sink them 2. (adj.) Unaccompanied by a social partner. Example: in some bars unescorted women were not served
大声喊叫;强烈抗议 1. (n.) An exclamation or shout. Example: an outcry of spontaneous(自发的,自然的) passion 2. (n.) A strong expression of public disapproval or anger. Example: the public outcry over the bombing
1. (n) 骗子,冒充内行的人. Hint: 轻蔑语 1. (n.) A person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud.
1. (n) 咯咯咯的笑声,刺耳的笑声. 2. (vi) 咯咯咯地笑,刺耳地笑. 1. (Verb) (of a bird, typically a hen or goose) Give a raucous, clucking cry. Example: the hen was cackling as if demented 2. (Verb) Make a harsh sound resembling such a cry when laughing. Example: she cackled with laughter
1. (adj) 有礼貌的,彬彬有礼的. 1. (adj.) Polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.
1. (n) 面纱,头纱. Hint: 婚礼 2. (n) 面纱,蒙面罩. Hint: 中东,伊斯兰 1. (n.) A piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face. Example: a white bridal veil 2. (n.) A piece of linen or other fabric forming part of a nun's headdress, resting on the head and shoulders. Example: a white bridal veil 3. (Verb) Cover with or as though with a veil. Example: she veiled her face
1. (n) 阴谋,密谋. 2. (vtr) 使着迷,引起…的兴趣. 3. (n) 情节. Hint: 小说 1. (Verb) Arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate. Example: I was intrigued by your question 2. (Verb) Make secret plans to do something illicit or detrimental to someone. Example: the delegates were intriguing for their own gains 3. (n.) The secret planning of something illicit or detrimental to someone. Example: the cabinet was a nest of intrigue
1. (n) 驼背的人,驼子. 2. (n) 驼背. 1. (n.) A back deformed by a sharp forward angle, forming a hump, typically caused by collapse of a vertebra. 2. (n.) offensive. A person with such a deformity.
幽灵;妖怪1. (n.) A ghost. 2. (n.) Something widely feared as a possible unpleasant or dangerous occurrence. Example: the specter of nuclear holocaust(大屠杀;浩劫;)
1. (n) 桶的口端,桶口. Hint: 本义 2. (n) 肛门. Hint: 比喻,俚语,粗俗用语 1. (n.) An aperture through which a cask can be filled or emptied. 2. (n.) The anus.
1. (n) 助产妇,接生员. 2. (n) 促成某事之人. 1. (n.) A person (typically a woman) trained to assist women in childbirth. 2. (n.) A person or thing that helps to bring something into being or assists its development. Example: he survived to be one of the midwives of the Reformation((十六世纪欧洲的)宗教改革运动) 3. (Verb) Assist (a woman) during childbirth.
车辙;槽;凹痕;发情;陈旧不变的一套;常规 1. (n.) A long deep track made by the repeated passage of the wheels of vehicles. 2. (n.) A habit or pattern of behavior that has become dull and unproductive but is hard to change. Example: the administration was stuck in a rut and was losing its direction 3. (n.) An annual period of sexual activity in deer and some other mammals, during which the males fight each other for access to the females. 4. (Verb) Engage in such activity. Example: a rutting stag
1. (vi) 坐立不安,烦躁不安,烦乱. 1. (Verb) Make small movements, esp. of the hands and feet, through nervousness or impatience. Example: the audience had begun to fidget on their chairs 2. (Verb) Make (someone) uneasy or uncomfortable. Example: she fidgets me with her never-ending spit and polish
1. (n) 暴食. 2. (n) 狂饮. 3. (vi) 暴食. 4. (vi) 狂饮. 1. (n.) A short period devoted to indulging in an activity, esp. drinking alcohol, to excess. Example: he went on a binge and was in no shape to drive 2. (Verb) Indulge in an activity, esp. eating, to excess. Example: some dieters say they cannot help binging on chocolate
1. (n) 相互指责,相互揭短. 1. (n.) An accusation in response to one from someone else. Example: there are no tears, no recriminations
1. (n) 天窗. 1. (n.) A window installed in a roof or ceiling. 2. (n.) Light emanating from the sky.
[绘]经过修改或颜料遮盖的原来笔画[图象]之再现 1. (n.) A visible trace of earlier painting beneath a layer or layers of paint on a canvas.
1. (adj) 矜持的,娴静的,端庄的. Hint: 人 1. (adj.) (of a woman or her behavior) Reserved, modest, and shy. Example: a demure little wife who sits at home minding the house 2. (adj.) (of clothing) Lending such an appearance. Example: a demure little wife who sits at home minding the house
1. (n) 宪法. Hint: 国家 2. (n) 体质,体格. 3. (n) 构造,构成. 1. (n.) A body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed. 2. (n.) A written record of this. Example: the preamble(前文 前言) to the constitution of UNESCO
吐露;委托;信赖 1. (Verb) Tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others. Example: he confided his fears to his mother 2. (Verb) Trust (someone) enough to tell them of such a secret or private matter. Example: he confided in friends that he and his wife planned to separate
门厅;休息室1. (n.) An entrance hall or other open area in a building used by the public, esp. a hotel or theater. 2. (n.) An entrance hall in a house or apartment.
1. (n) 恶心,作呕,反胃. 2. (n) 憎恶,厌恶. 1. (n.) A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit. 2. (n.) Loathing; revulsion. Example: intended to induce a feeling of nostalgia, it only induces in me a feeling of nausea
1. (n) 平版印刷品. 1. (n.) A lithographic print. 2. (Verb) Print by lithography. Example: a set of lithographed drawings
1. (n) 厌恶,嫌恶,憎恶. 1. (n.) A sense of disgust and loathing. Example: news of the attack will be met with sorrow and revulsion 2. (n.) The drawing of disease or blood congestion from one part of the body to another, e.g., by counterirritation. Example: news of the attack will be met with sorrow and revulsion
1. (n) 扭曲,歪曲.
1. (n) 肢解. Hint: 本义 2. (n) 分离,分割,拆卸,拆开. Hint: 比喻
1. (n) 帆布. 2. (n) 画布. 1. (n.) A strong, coarse unbleached cloth made from hemp, flax, cotton, or a similar yarn, used to make items such as sails and tents and as a surface for oil painting. Example: a canvas bag 2. (n.) A piece of such cloth prepared for use as the surface for an oil painting. 3. (Verb) Cover with canvas. Example: the door had been canvased over
1. (n) 惊奇 , 惊叹 , 敬畏. 2. (n) 惊惧. 3. (vtr) 使惊奇 , 使惊叹 , 使敬畏. 1. (n.) A feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. Example: they gazed in awe at the small mountain of diamonds 2. (n.) Capacity to inspire awe. Example: is it any wonder that Christmas Eve has lost its awe? 3. (Verb) Inspire with awe. Example: they were both awed by the vastness of the forest
1. (adj) 裸体的. 2. (n) 裸体画,裸体人像. 1. (adj.) Wearing no clothes; naked. Example: a painting of a nude model 2. (adj.) Depicting or performed by naked people. Example: he was asked to act in a frank nude scene 3. (n.) A naked human figure, typically as the subject of a painting, sculpture, or photograph. Example: a study of a kneeling nude
1. (n) 大教堂,主教座堂. 2. (adj) 主教座堂的,大教堂的. 1. (n.) The principal church of a diocese(主教教区), with which the bishop(主教;(国际象棋中的)象) is officially associated. Example: St. Paul's Cathedral
1. (n) 玩具屋,儿童游乐室,玩偶之家. Hint: 美国用法 1. (n.) A miniature toy house used for playing with dolls.
1. (adj) 鲜明的,鲜艳的. Hint: 色彩 2. (adj) 生机勃勃的,热闹的,活跃的,生气盎然的. 1. (adj.) Full of energy and enthusiasm. Example: a vibrant cosmopolitan city 2. (adj.) Quivering; pulsating. Example: Rose was vibrant with anger
阳伞;伞式单翼飞机 1. (n.) A light umbrella used to give shade from the sun. 2. (n.) A widely distributed large mushroom with a broad, scaly, grayish-brown cap and a tall, slender stalk, growing typically in grassy places.
1. (n) 对称(性). 2. (n) 相似,相仿. Hint: 比喻 1. (n.) The quality of being made up of exactly similar parts facing each other or around an axis. Example: this series has a line of symmetry through its center 2. (n.) Correct or pleasing proportion of the parts of a thing. Example: an overall symmetry making the poem pleasant to the ear
葡萄园;酿酒庄园 1. (n.) A plantation of grapevines, typically producing grapes used in winemaking. 2. (n.) A sphere of action or labor (in allusion to Matt. 20:1). Example: women professors laboring in feminist vineyards