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60 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following describes a characteristic of atelectasis?
Collapse of lung tissue and airspaces
The FEV1 / FVC ratio is near normal in?
Inflammatory changes seen in asthma are seen in which part of the lungs?
Which of the following does not contribute to the inflammatory processes is asthma in major way?
CD4+ TH1 cells
Atopy is associated with ______ and ______asthma?
. IgE / extrinsic
Permanent enlargement of the _________ is seen in emphysema.
Which of the following is not an obstructive lung disease?
acute respiratory distress syndrome
Antibodies to both glomerulai and pulmonary basement membranes is?
Goodpastures’s syndrome
More than 95% of pulmonary emboli arise from?
The most common cause of acute hacierial pneumonia is
large deep veins of the lower extremities
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Although pneumonia can develop with several underlying diseases, it ypically follows
viral upper respiratory tract infections
Which of the following is the correct sequence, from the iniial stage to final stage of
congestion > red hcpatization > gray hepatizalion > resolution
The most common cause ot nosocomnial acquired pneumonia is
P. aeruginosa
Regarding tuberculosis, a person -- if he (she) manifests clinical symptoms.
is diseased
If a person has a positive _________ tests and does not have symptoms of TB, then that
person is said to be __________?
Mantoux / infected
If the TB organisms in the _______ focus escape and arc carried through the lymphatic's. seeding of the organism throughout the body will produce tuberculosis.
Ghon / miliary
Spread of the TB organism to the vertebrae is called __________ disease.
Secondary TB is classically localized the ________ of the lungs.
apex of upper lobes
Ninety-five percent of primary lung cancers develop in the
bronchial epithelium
Apical lung tumors arc termed as________ tumors.
Normally, the plasma BUN (blood urea nitrogen) is about?
7- 20 mg/dl
The combination of _______ results in a biochemical abnormality termed.
urea and creatinine
Greater than 3.5 gm/day excretion of protein in the urine is called,
nephrotic syndrome
In a glomerulus, fenestrated endothelial cells are found the
Pedicels and Filtration slits arc formed by the _______ of the glomerulus.
visceral epithelium
The above correct answer in question # 25 has another term for the epithelium that have
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the nephrotic syndrome?
Which of the following is relatively benign and is the most frequent cause of nephrotic syndrome in children?
lipoid nephrosis
Rapidly progressive (crescentic) glonierulosclerosis for the most part seen as having
proliferation of which glomerular cell type?
parielal epithelium
Which of the following is one of the most common causes of recurrent hematuria.
IgA ncphropithy
The term used to describe infection of the renal pelvis is
The principal cause of acute pyelonephritis is the organism, ____________
E. coli
Which of the following is nor a common cause of pyelonephritis?
food poisoning
Adult polycystic disease is due to a defect in a protein called,
Super saturation of dissolved substances in urine may result in a painful problem
called, ______
aking too many analgesics for pain may result in a kidney problem called.
papillary necrosis
Which of the following is not a way of preventing kidney stones?
Drinking as little fluids as possible.
If there is impediment to urine emptying into the urinary bladder, -— may
Renal cell carcinomas may extend from the kidney a travel in which of the following?
inferior vena cava
Wilm’s tumor of the _______ is seen predominately in __________.
herpes simplex I virus is associated with which of the following?
cold sores
Loose fitting dentures, smoking, or chronic alcohol abuse could lead to
For the correct answer (# 42) above, what can (leVelop in 5-15% of its cases?
squamous cell carcinoma
Esophageal tears, seen most frequently in alcoholics with bouts of retching, is which
of the following?
Mallory-Weiss syndrome
Replacement of stratified squamous epithelium in the esophagus due to long-standing
esophageal reflux is which of the following?
Barrett’s esophagus
Of clinical significance relative to the correct answer (#45) above, there is a 30-40 fold risk of developing ____________
Vomiting blood from the stomach is called, ______
Chronic gastritis may or may not be painful. Whatever its causes (drugs, alcohol,
stress) the damage is usually confine to the
__________, describe the type of damage to the structure in question #48.
Classical features of -_______ may include pain that tends to be worse at night
and occurring 1-3 hours after a meal.
peptic ulcers
In Ilirschprung’s disease (congenital megacolon). which of the following is true?
The unaffected portion has Meissncrs and Auerhach’s plexuses.
Acquired megacolon can be caused by several things, including __________ disease.
Bloody, low-volume, and painlut stools is called. ______
When insoluble wheat protein, gliadin, affects some people in a way [hat produces a
malabsorption syndrome, this particular problem is called.
celiac sprue
An idiopathic inflaniniatory bowel disease that can affect any pan of the UI tract,
produce skip lesions, and fistulas is. ______
Crohn’s disease
Which of the following is an idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease that begins in the
distal colon, works its way proximally, and may go to cancer?
ulcerative colitis
Which of the following is true if diverticuli?
Ninety-five percent are found in the sigmoid colon
Telescoping of bowel into itself is called. ___________
Which of the following is a tumorous, epithelial growth that grow into the lumen of the
Ninety-eight percent of all cancers in the large intestine are _______ that arise from __________.
adenocarcinoma.s / adenomatous polyps