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50 Cards in this Set

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Not True
Inductive Hypothesis
Suppose that for every sentence P whose noc≤k for some arbitrary k in lN is such that P has property...
The sentence on the kth line of the derivation
The set of open assumptions in whose scope P_k lies
Universal Introduction

a doesn't occur in an open assumption
a doesn't occur in (∀x)P
Existential Introduction
Universal Elimination
Existential Elimination
| P(a/x)
| Q

a isn't in an open assumption
a doesn't occur in (∃x)P
a doesn't occur in Q
P is t-f true iff
P is true on every t-v assignment
P and Q of SL are are t-f equivalent iff
there is no t-v assignment on which P and Q have different truth values
An argument of SL is t-f valid iff
there is not t-v assignment on which all the premises are true and the conclusion is false
A derivation is SD
a series of sentences of SL, each which is an assumption or is obtained from previous sentences by 1 of the rules of SD
Theorem in SD
Any sentence in SL that can be derived from the empty set
Inconsistent in SD
There's a derivation of P and ~P from Γ
If Γ⊨P and Γ⊆Γ', then
If ΓU{P}⊨Q, then
If Γ⊨Q and Γ⊨~Q, then
Γ is t-f inconsistent
If ΓU{Q} is t-f inconsistent, then
Outline Completeness
=> ΓU{~P} is t-f inconsistent
=> ΓU{~P} is inconsistent in SD
=> Γ⊢P
Immediate Sentential Components
Sentential Components
2 Sentences connected by main connective
Sentential Components are made up of
-Sentence itself
-Immediate Sentential Components
-Sentential Components of Immediate Sentential Components
Name the 2 types of assumptions
Primary & Auxiliary
A sentence P is true iff
what the sentence says or expresses is the case
A sentence P of SL is derivable in SD from a set Γ iff
there is a derivation in SD in which all the primary assumptions are member of Γ and P occurs within the scope of only the primary assumptions
An argument of SL is valid in SD iff
the conclusion of the argument is derivable in SD from the set consisting of the premises
Equivalence in SD
Q is derivable in SD from {P} and P is derivable in SD from {Q}
Define an interpretation
-Define a UD
-To each 1 place predicate, assign a subset (possibly empty) of UD
-To each 2 place predicate, assign a set of ordered pairs, whose elements come from UD.
-To each 3-place predicate, assign a set of ordered triples, whose elements come from UD.
To each individual constant, assign 1 object from UD.
The scope of a quantifier in a formula P of PL is
the subformula Q of P of which that quantifier is the main logical operator.
Bound variable
A variable x is bound iff it is in the scope of an x-quantifier.
Free Variable
An occurrence of a variable x in a formula P of PL that is not bound
ΓU{P} is inconsistent in SD iff
Γ⊢~P iff
ΓU{P} is inconsistent in SD
ΓU{~P} is inconsistent in SD iff
Γ⊢P iff
ΓU{~P} is inconsistent in SD
For any sentence P of SL, if P is not ϵΓ*, then
Γ*U{P} is inconsistent in SD
If Γ*U{P} is consistent in SD, then
For any sentence P of SL, if Γ*⊢P, then

What's an easy way to prove stuff from 6.4.11?
~PϵΓ* iff P is not ϵΓ*

Create a derivation
P&QϵΓ* iff PϵΓ* and QϵΓ*

Proven by &E
Chris supports neither union members nor administrators
A variant of a variable assignment d that assigns the same value to each variable as d does except it assigns u to x.
A sentence P of PL is derivable in PD from a set Γ of sentences of PL iff
there is a derivation in PD in which all the primary assumptions are members of Γ and P occurs in the scope of only those assumptions
An argument of PL is valid in PD iff
the conclusion of the argument is derivable in PD from the set consisting of the premises
A sentence P is a theorem in PD iff
P is derivable in PD from {}.
d satisfies (∃y)Gy iff
there's at least 1 member of the UD such that d[a/y] satisfies Gy
Quantificationally True
A sentence P of PL is quantificationally true iff P is true on every interpretation I
Sentences P and Q of SL are Quantificationally Equivalent iff
there's no interpretation on which P and Q have different truth-values
A set Γ of sentences of PL is quantificationally consistent iff
there is at least 1 interpretation on which all the members are true.
A set Γ of sentences of PL is quantificationally valid iff
There is no interpretation in which all the premises are true and the conclusion is false
A set Γ of sentences of PL quantificationally entails a sentence P of PL iff
there is no interpretation which all the members of Γ are true and P is false
A sentence is true on an interpretation I iff

false iff
Every variable assignment for I satisfies P

No variable assignment for I satisfies P