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56 Cards in this Set

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Acute stress disorder
an anxiety disorder that occurs w/in one month of encountering a distressing situation and results in recurrent thoughts, dreams, flashbacks
Adjustment disorder
maladaptive resp. of no more than six months duration to a specific psychosocial stressor, such as divorce or loss of job; response occurs within 3 months of the onset of the stressor event and impairs life functioning
the range, intensity, and appropriateness of a persons emotional response
substance that acts to "trick" the body into reacting as if the endogenous chemicals were present
loss of recognition of familiar objects
complete or partial loss of muscle movement
inability to identify and articulate feelings or needs, or experience and express emotion except through physical symptoms; common in PTSD and somatoform disorders
speech disturbance in which a person talks very little and responds to questions in brief, mostly concrete answers; this negative symptom of schizophrenia is sometimes referred to as impoverishment of speech
an emotional state in which the person lacks the full capacity to experience pleasure in situations that do seem pleasurable to others
absence of the sense of smell
Antisocial PD
Cluster B PD characterized by a long and involved history of lying, theft, SU, illegal activities, rejection of social norms, lack of remorse for any hurtful actions directed toward others; this disorder exhibits itself in a disregard for the rights of others; onset may be as early as age 10
Anxiety disorder
chronic or recurring state of tension, worry, fear and uneasiness that can come from uknown or unrecognized perceptions of danger of conflict
Associations (loosening of)
illogical and disturbed thought process; one of the four A's used to id the splitting of external reality found in schizophrenia
impairment in social interactions and communication as well as restricted patterns of behavior, interest or activity. One of the four A's.
Avoidant personality disorder
cluster c PD, pervasive pattern of social inhibition, hyper sensitivity to criticism and feelings of personal inadequacy
negative symptom of schizophrenia, lack of interest in and inability to initiate or sustain goal directed activity
Bipolar disorder
major mood disorder with a distinct period during which the predominant mood is elevated, expansive or irratable, accompanied by symptoms such as hyperactivity, pressured speech, racing thoughts, inflated self esteem, etc.
Bipolar I
severe or manic symptoms accompanied by one or more periods of major depression
Bipolar II
same patterns of symptoms found in bipolar I, but without the same degree of disability, less severe, does not lead to psychotic behavior
Borderline PD
cluster B PD, marked impulsivity, poor and unstable interpersonal relationships and disturbances in affect and self image
Brief Psychotic Disorder
includes one or more positive symptoms of schizophrenia lasting more than one day but less than one month; often occurs following a severe life stressor
stupor or motor immobility
state of mental disorder in which person seems detached from reality and oblivious to enviro. stimuli and whose behavior alternates between immobility and excited agitation; diagnosed as catatonic type schizophrenia
Cluster A PD
paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal personality disorders
Cluster B PD
highly emotional or erratic; antisocial, histrionic, borderline and narcissistic
existence of two or more diseases or syndromes with a single affected person
Competency-based assessment model
framework for understanding human behavior that includes not only interpersonal factors but also social, cultural and envior. influences on the individual; goal is to id strengths to be used as a resource for dissolving dysfunction
Conversion disorder
type of somatoform disorder in which the affected individual experiences loss or change in physical functioning that suggests the presence of a physical disorder but cannot be explained by any physiologic mechanism
minor mood disorder; chronic or cyclic mood disturbances that lasts at least two years and has many of the same features found in MDD;ups and downs fluctuate and occur over a long period of time
syndrome with temporary but prominent disturbances in alertness, confusion and disorientation
psychotic symptom involving false or fixed belief based on incorrect deductions or misrep. of reality; beliefs are not normative with the persons culture or religious group
Dependent PD
Cluster C PD; pervasive pattern of being unable to act independently of others; individual exhibits submissive, clinging behaviors; unable to assert themselves when needed
Depressive neurosis (Dysthymic Disorder)
sadness, pessimism, sleep disorder, poor appetite or overeating, irritability, fatigue, low self-esteem, and indecisiveness; symptoms occur most of each day, on most days, and for at least two years
characteristic of disorganized speech in which the affected person randomly leaps from topic to topic
alteration of consciousness by estrangement from the self of envior; often a mechanism of defense to ward off the emotional impact of traumatic or abusive events and memories
Dissociative identity disorder
formerly known as MPD; form of dissociative disorder where the indiv. has two or more distinct personalities; individuals may not be aware of the existence of these other personalities
Double depression
coexistence of dysthymic disorder and major depressive disorder
inability to control voluntary movements
Dsyphoric mood (dysphoria)
general dissatisfaction with life and feelings of unhappiness, exhibited as anxiety, hypersensitivity, anger or depression
Ecological perspective
framework emphasizing dynamic interactions between individuals and their environments
Flat affect
observable absence of facial expression as if the person is unaffected by the contextual environment that surrounds them
Folie a deux (shared psychotic disorder)
communicated insanity, infectious insanity or double insanity; main features include gradual development of delusions resulting from the excessively close relationship between two people, one of whom is dominant over the other
type of psychosis characterized by silly and immature emotionality; also known as disorganized schizophrenia
Histrionic PD
Cluster B PD; excessive emotionallity, extreme attention seeking behaviors, self-centerdness; affected individuals demonstrate an inability to maintain strong, reciprocal, and long lasting friendships and are often described as colorful, dramatic, extroverted and over emotional
Hypomanic episode
symptoms of at least four days duration that are less extreme and less disruptive than that of a full-blown manic episode
Korsakoff psychosis
amnestic disorder caused by damage to the thalamus as a result of chronic heavy alcohol use
Major depression
characterized by depressed mood with related functional changes in behavioral, physical, and cognitive areas lasting at least two weeks
the conscious and intentional maintaing of the sick role for some material or financial gain; symptoms are intentionally produced by the individual to avoid some task, for advantage in legal actions or to obtain disability status
period of abnormally elevated or euphoric mood; associated with Bipolar PD
Mixed manic episode
condition where the affected person experiences both elation and depression or anxiety at the same time
Mood disorders
also known as affective disorders; group of emotional disturbances where there is some serious and persistent difficulty maintaing an even, productive emotional state
Narcissistic PD
cluster B PD type; heightened sense of self importance and inflated self-worth that often mask a fragile sense of self; affected individuals show a marked grandiosity, need for admiration and sense of superiority to others
Negative symptoms
AKA second-rank symptoms in schizophrenia; characteristics that are notably absent in the affected person but are usually present in a persons experience (appropriate self care, full range of affect)
Panic attack
sudden intense fear for which there is no logical explanation; affected person experiences physiological symptoms accompanied by thoughts of dying or losing control
Paranoid personality disorder
Cluster A PD; enduring and pervasive pattern of baseless suspicion and inherent distrust of others; affected individuals are usually seen by others as hostile, irritable and angry
Personality disorder
condition where the affected individuals pervasive and enduring per