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61 Cards in this Set

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Lewy BodyDisease

Involve fluctuating attention, hallucinations, tremors, and/or sleepdisturbance

Vascular NeurocognitiveDisorder

Typicallyfollows after a stroke, involves loss of memory and other mental skills.

Frontotemporal Neurocognitive Disorder

Mentaldecline centers on behavior, with at least three of the following symptoms:lack of social restraint, lack of emotion, loss of sympathy or empathy,compulsive behavior, and hyperorality. Memory, learning, motor, and visualskills remain intact.


Due totraumatic brain injury is diagnosed when there is evidence of mild or majorneurocognitive disorder, when the disorder starts right after the injury, andwhen at least one of the following is involved: loss of consciousness, posttraumaticamnesia, disorientation or confusion, signs of neurological problems (such asseizures, loss of smell, and weakness on one side of the body).

AvoidantPersonality Disorder

These individuals have a pervasive pattern of socialinhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negativeevaluation.


A conditionin which a person presents himself or herself to others as being ill, injured,or impaired, without any obvious rewards accruing as a result of the deception.

V- Codes

Otherconditions that may be a focus of clinical attention include categories like relational problems, educational and occupationalproblems, housing and economic problems, and abuse and neglect, which includeschild physical abuse and child sexual abuse.


The presence of hallucinations, delusions, and negative symptoms indicate a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Additional indicatorsof schizophrenia include

*disorganized speech

* grossly disorganized


*Other negative symptoms such as anhedonia or flat affect.

Schizophreniform disorder

Is diagnosedwhen symptoms of schizophrenia have been present for at least one month, butless than six months. As in schizophrenia, the key symptoms include grosslydisorganized or catatonic behavior, diminished emotional expression, and atleast one of the following: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech.Once the symptoms last at least six months, the diagnosis changes toschizophrenia.

Delusional Disorder

Is diagnosedwhen a person suffers from delusions, but does not have prominenthallucinations or negative symptoms. Given the presence of hallucinations andflat affect here, schizophrenia is the more appropriate diagnosis.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Includes the presence of two or more distinct personalities, one of whichcould potentially be a reincarnated famous figure.

GeneralizedAnxiety Disorder

These individuals are diagnosed when severe, uncontrollable anxiety haspersisted for more than six months, accompanied by at least three of thefollowing symptoms: restlessness, fatigue, trouble keeping thoughts focused,irritability, muscle tension, sleep problems. In children, only one of theseadditional symptoms need be present.

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Is diagnosed when at least two distinct identities control a person’sbehavior, memory gaps occur, and daily function is disrupted.


Experiences of unreality, detachment, or being an outside observer withrespect to one's thoughts, feelings, sensations, body, or actions

Panic Disorder

Recurrent and unexpected surges of intense fear or intense discomfort that reaches a peak within minutes.
Numbness or tingling sensations

Conversion Disorder

Is a mental condition in which a person has blindness, paralysis, or other nervous system (neurologic) symptoms that cannot be explained by medical evaluation.

Bipolar Disorder

Is diagnosedwhen a person has had a manic episode, before or after a hypomanic episode or amajor depressive episode.

People with Bipolar II have had at least one majordepressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode. The main difference inthe disorders is that there is no period of mania in Bipolar II.

Autism Spectrum Disorder

The severitylevels in autism spectrum disorder are based on social communication deficitsand restricted, repetitive behavior patterns. Language facility ranges from theability to speak complete sentences (Level 1), through restriction to simpleutterances (Level 2), to unintelligible (Level 3).

ASD Level 1
"Requiring support”--describes an individual who may try to make friends,is able to speak full sentences, but whose back-and-forth conversation failsand whose attempts at friendship are typically unsuccessful
ASD Level 2

“Requiringsubstantial support”--describes a person with marked deficits in socialcommunication, who speaks in simple sentences, and whose interaction is limitedto narrow special interests.

ASD Level 2

"Requiringvery substantial support”--describes someone with severe verbal and socialdeficits, few or no words of intelligible speech, and minimal response tosocial overtures.


The risk factors for adult OCD include a tendency to bottle up feelings,negative ideation, and a tendency to withdraw from unknown settings as a child.Being exposed to physical or sexual abuse as a child also predisposes for OCD.Some children have a sudden onset of OCD after a strep throat or scarlet fever.


Hair-pulling disorder and skin-picking disorder are classified underobsessive-compulsive disorders.

Acute Stress Disorder

These individuals are diagnosedwhen a person has experienced a trauma within the past month and beginsexperiencing intrusive symptoms (e.g., thoughts, dreams, and flashbacks),negative mood, dissociative symptoms (an altered sense of reality ordissociative amnesia), avoidance symptoms (avoiding memories or externalreminders of the trauma), or arousal symptoms (sleep disturbance, irritability,hypervigilance, concentration problems, exaggerated startle response).

Antisocial Explosive Disorder

Is given toadults (age 18 years or over) who show a pervasive pattern of disregard for andviolation of the rights of others, with evidence of conduct disorder in theiryouth.

Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Is characterized by recurrent aggressive outbursts

Conduct Disorder

Show arepetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights ofothers and societal norms are violated. They may be aggressive to people oranimals, destroy property, be deceitful or steal, and engage in seriousviolations of rules.

Gender Dysphoria

In childreninvolves a strong desire to be the other gender, and an insistence that onebelongs to the other gender. Typically, the disorder arises before age four,and its criteria include, among others, cross-dressing, cross-gender roles inplay, strong preference for playmates of the other gender, strong dislike ofone’s sexual anatomy, and strong desire for the sexual anatomy of the othergender.

Separation anxiety

Is a normalpart of development in very young children, age 10-15 months. When the fear isextreme, and occurs in an older child, teen, or adult, interfering with dailyfunction, a diagnosis of separation anxiety disorder is indicated. Theassociated fear, anxiety, or avoidance must persist at least four weeks inchildren, six months in adults.

Trauma related disorders

Includespost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute stress disorder (ASD), andadjustment disorder. PTSD and ASD are both triggered by overwhelming traumaticevents, and are distinguished by the degree and duration of the disorder.Adjustment disorder is a response to a life change that is non-threatening,such as divorce, bankruptcy, or a death in the family. This girl does not meetcriteria for any of these.

GeneralizedAnxiety Disorder

Excessiveworry about a variety of topics is typical of generalized anxiety disorder.Worry has to occur more days than not for at least six months. Other symptomsinclude restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, irritability, andmuscle tension.

Histrionic personality disorder

Which is morecommon in women than men, is characterized by, among other criteria, a need tobe the center of attention, inappropriate seductive behavior, volatile mood,extreme displays of emotion, and the tendency to overvalue ties with others,often at first meeting.

The repeated passage of feces into inappropriate places, is diagnosedonly after age four.

Diagnosedwhen a person urinates repeatedly into bed or clothes, whether by accident oron purpose. Individuals with primary enuresis have never achieved bladdercontrol; secondary enuresis refers to those who have achieved one year ofbladder control.

Lost tolerance for environmental sounds (or the increased sensitivity tocertain frequencies or volumes)
Fetishistic disorder

Diagnosedwhen, for a period of at least 6 months, intense sexual arousal occurs withnonliving objects or with a highly specific focus on nongenital body parts, inthis case, feet.

Frotteuristic disorder
Refers to the practice of rubbing up against others without theirconsent, often in crowded places, and may include groping.
Hypersomnolence disorder

Involveexcessive sleepiness despite a main sleep period lasting at least 7 hoursoccuring at least 3 times a week for at least 3 months.

Illness anxiety disorder

Formerlyhypochondriasis.... involves an anxious preoccupation with having or acquiring aserious illness.

Disruptive and conduct disorders

Includeoppositional defiant disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, conductdisorder, pyromania, and kleptomania, are severe behavior problems tending tobegin in childhood and adolescence, and lasting longer than normal acting out.They’re more common in boys than girls, and respond well to earlyidentification and treatment.

Bipolar disorder with rapid cycling

Requires thepresence of at least four mood episodes in the previous 12 months that meet thecriteria for manic, hypomanic, or major depressive episodes. If thenon-depressive episodes are manic, bipolar I disorder is diagnosed; ifhypomanic, bipolar II is the correct diagnosis.

Substance Abuse Facts 1

Substance usedisorders are considered "severe" when 6 or more of the standardsubstance use symptoms are present. "Mild" is used when 2-3 symptomsare present. "Moderate" is used in the presence of 4-5 symptoms.

Borderline personality disorder

A pervasivepattern of unstable relationships, impulsivity, fear of abandonment, disturbedsense of self, self-injurious impulsivity, volatile affect, inappropriateanger, and chronic feelings of emptiness. Typically, a person with thisdisorder will alternate between idealizing others and devaluing them.

Persistent depressive disorder

Once calleddysthymic disorder, refers to a chronic depression lasting at least two years,and can last much longer. Since symptoms often begin in childhood, adolescence,or early adulthood, those with the disorder may come to assume that “life islike that,” neglect to seek treatment, and may therefore be at higher risk fora personality disorder or substance abuse.

Hoarding disorder

Is diagnosedwhen people have lasting problems throwing out or giving away possessions, feelmajor distress linked to parting with them, clutter living spaces so they can’tbe used, and experience disruptions in social or work functioning as a result.The disorder is sometimes accompanied by excessive acquisition of unnecessaryitems. People with hoarding disorder can be aware of their behavior to varyingdegrees, from good insight to delusional beliefs.

"In early remission"
Is used when none of the criteria for a substance use disorder such asopioid use disorder have been met for at least 3 months, but for less than 12months.
"In sustained remission"
After 12 months
Female sexual interest/arousal disorder

Is low orabsent sexual desire for at least six months. However, a level of desire lowerthan a partner’s is not in itself enough for this diagnosis. The woman mustalso report distress over her lack of sexual interest.

Cluster A

Is the"odd, eccentric" group and includes paranoid, schizoid, andschizotypal personality disorder.

Moderate intellectual disability

Ischaracterized by, among other criteria, developmental lags, difficulty ininterpreting social cues, and the need for ongoing support in personal care andthe performance of household tasks. Jobs requiring more than basic conceptualand communication skills are typically beyond the reach of people with moderateintellectual disability.

Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD)

Is diagnosedwhen a child has severe, developmentally inappropriate outbursts of temper,occurring three or more times a week, in more than one context, accompanied byangry mood. The symptoms must have persisted for at least a year, and caninclude physical aggression.

Stereotypic movement disorder

Begins in thefirst three years of life, involves purposeless, repeat movements such ashand-shaking, hand-waving, rocking, head-banging, or self-biting. In childrenwith normal development, such behaviors can resolve over time, or cease whenthe child is given attention, told to stop, or given something else to focuson.

Cluster B
The dramatic, emotional, and erratic cluster. Borderline Personality Disorder.Narcissistic Personality Disorder.Histrionic Personality Disorder.Antisocial Personality Disorder.
Cluster C
Called the anxious, fearful cluster. It includes the Avoidant, Dependent, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders. These three personality disorders share a high level of anxiety.

* Morals

*Develops from parents and upbringing


*Mediates b/w conscious and unconscious






*A guess

*Need more information



*Talking about client outside of treatment

*Dreaming about client

Orientation x1-4



