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67 Cards in this Set

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Describe what Adult liver flukes of the species Fasciola hepatica look like. How long can they live for?
Large, leaf shaped with an oral cone and shoulder.
11 years.
The common name for Fasciola heptica is and why?
Sheep liver Fluke the juvenile flukes burrow into the liver making holes (liver rot) in it for ~2 months before finding a mate and moving to the bile ducts. The damage is usually more severe in Sheep than other speices.
What does pipestem fibrosis mean?
Adult flukes in the bile ducts casue inflammation and edema as a result of their feeding action which stimulates production of fibrous connective tissue in the walls of the bile duct, thus preventing bile from flowing through the ducts and results in back pressure and damage of hepatocites and cirrhosis occurs.
How do humans become infected with Sheep Liver Flukes?
Eating infected watercrest in fresh salads.
What species is known as the Giant Intestinal Fluke? Where is it commonly found at.
Fascioplopsis buski. Common parasite of humans and swine in the orient living in the host's small intestine.
Describe what an Adult Giant Intestinal Fluke looks like.
Large, lack oral cone and shoulder.
What is the Life-Cycle of Fasciola hepatica.
Adult, egg, Micracidium, Sporocyst, Mother Redia, Daughter Redia, Cercariae, Metacercaria, Adult.
What is the Life-Cycle of Fascioplopsis buski?
Adult, Egg, Micracidium, Sporocyst, Mother Redia, Daughter Redia, Cercariae, Metacercaria, Adult.
What illness is associated with Fasciola hepatica? What is diagnoses and drug used for treatment?
Fascioloisis. Eggs present in stool of DH.
How do humans become infected with Giant Intestinal Flukes?
Cercariae encyst on aquatic vegetation (water chestnuts, water caltrop, lotus, & bamboo).
Concerning organs of the flukes; this organ stores sperm that were produced by this worm.
Seminal Vesicle
Infections by this fluke result from eating undercooked crayfish or crabs.
paragonimus westermani
Functions of Ovary in Flukes.
Assembly plant for the production of eggs
Functions of Oviduct in flukes.
serves as a channel for the transportation of eggs to the ootype.
Functions of seminal receptacle in flukes.
For storing sperm received from another worm during mating.
functions of vitelline glands in flukes.
Produce yolk and shell material.
function of vitelline duct in flukes.
serves as passageway through which the vitelline cells are moved to the ootype.
What is the function of ejaculatory duct in flukes?
It is muscular and forces sperm out at the time of mating.
What systems do humans have that flatworms lack?
Respiratory, Circulatory, Skeletal.
Cercariae of Flukes have a _____ that is used for locomotion. What species does not have this?
Fasciola heptica
What are the signs & sypmtoms of a heavy infection of Giant Intestinal Flukes and what is the treatment?
Chronic diarrhea, abdominal pain, ulcerated hemorrhage & abscess of the intestinal wall, Toxemia. Drug of choice is Praziquantel (Biltricide).
What are the 2 species of Monoecious Flukes that lack a second intermediate host?
Fasciola heptica and Fascioplopsis buski.
What species is known as the Lancet Fluke? Why is it referred to as Lancet?
Dicrocoelium dendriticum. Adults are medium sized and have a blade like shape.
Concerning Dicrocoelium dendriticum where is it common and what are the DH?
Europe & Asia.
Sheep, cattle, goats, swine & deer. Zoonosis infection of humans.
What is the Life-Cycle of Dicrocoelium dendriticum?
Adult, egg, miracidium, mother sporocyst, daughter sporocyst, cercaria, metacercaria, adult.
Where can Lancet Flukes be found in the body of the DH?
They live in the bile ducts within the liver of the DH.
How does the Lancet Fluke eggs pass from the DH into the IH.
Eggs containing 1 miracidia pass with bile into SI and exit LI with feces. The egg must be eaten by a certain speices of terrestrial snails before hatching. The miracidium penetrated the wall of the snail intestine and goes to the herpatopancreas where it transforms into a mother sporocyst. Daughter sporocyst and cercariae are produced asexually from germ balls.
How does the Lancet Fluke move from the IH to the 2nd IH?
Cercariae crawl to the mantle cavity of snail or on the external body surface of the snail. An infected snail secretes thick mucus - slime ball - and are expelled from the pneumostone with force. Deposited on to veg. which is eaten by the common brown ant.
How do Lancet Flukes move through the 2nd IH?
The eaten cercariae bore through the wall of the gut of the ant and enter the hemocoel where they encyst and become metacercariae.
What happens in the 2nd IH if Lancet Flukes go into the sub-esophageal ganglion?
They encyst there and alter the ants behavior. The infected ant climbs to the tops of leaves or grass in the evening and hold on with their mandibles and remain until the sun warms them up the next day. This increases the chance that the infected ant will be eaten by the DH.
What is a slime ball?
It is a thick mucus that is created by the wiggling action of cercariae. The mucus surrounds the cercariae making a cyst. The slime ball is expelled from the mantle cavity opening of the snail. The mucus hardens on the outside, but retards desiccation to the interior.
What happens once the DH becomes infected by the Lancet Flukes?
The metacercariae exits the SI & young flukes crawl up the bile ducts to the liver where they mature.
What is dicrocoeliiasis and what species causes it?
Condition simliar to fascioliasis. Adults Lancet Flukes block bile ducts causing inflammation and edema. Resulting in pipestem fibrosis, atrophy of liver parenchyma, & cirrhosis. Dicrocoelium dendriticum.
What is the treatment of choice for dicrocoeliiasis?
Praziquantel (Biltricide)
What results from young flukes burrowing through the liver and feeding on liver cells and blood?
What species causes the Oriental Lung Fluke and where does it occur?
Paragonimus westermani. Orient & Oceania.
What are the DH of Paragoniumus westermani?
Cats, dogs, weasels, rodents & swine. It is zoonosis infection to humans.
What is the Life-Cycle of the Oriental Lung Fluke?
Adult, egg, miracidium, sporocyst, mother redia, daughter redia, cercariae, metacercaria, adult.
What speices is an exception to the Platyhelmintes phylum? What is unique about this species?
Paragonimus westermani, becuase it is not flattend dorsalventrally, but is thick & coffee bean shaped.
How does Oriental Lung Fluke infect the DH?
The adult worms are usually in the bronchioles of the lungs where they stimulate an inflammatory response. The DH forms granuloma to capsule the adult worms (usually 2 but can be >6).
How do Paragonimus westermani eggs move out of the DH?
The eggs are released prior to the adults worms being encapsulated or the capsule ruptures releasing eggs. Eggs then move up through the respiratory passage - pharynx by ciliated epithelial. The eggs are either excreted sputum or are swallowed and excreted with feces(usually occurs).
Where and how do the eggs of Paragonimus westermani develope?
IF the eggs are released in water they undergo further development and hatch into miracidium which swims about and burrows into the 1st IH.
How does the Oriental Lung Fluke develop in the 1st IH?
The miracidum burrows into a suitable snail host & becomes a sporocyst. Mother redia, daughter rediae & cercariae are produced asexually from germ balls. The cercariae exit the snail. They have tiny tails but cannot swim, they crawl on rocks, substrates like inch worms or float in H2O.
What is the 2nd IH for Oriental Lung Flukes and how are they infected?
Crawlfish and FW crabs become infected when the cercariae penetrate the joints of their exoskeleton and encyst in the muscles of the crustaceans.
How do the DH become infected with the Oriental Lung Flukes and what happens?
DH becomes infected by eating raw or uncooked crayfish or FW Crabs that have the metacercariae stage encysted in their muscles. Juvenile flukes excyst in SI and burrow through the wall of the SI and crawl & embed into the abdominal wall.
How do Oriental Lung Flukes find mates?
They reenter the coelom & penetrate the diaphragm & plura where they find a mate & penetrate the lungs. Settling in the bronchioles of the lungs.
What happens if the juvenile Oriental Lung Flukes accidentally go to the spinal cord, brain or heart?
Stimulate an inflammatory response resulting in capsule that walls them off often ulcerates. Resulting in death of the DH.
What prevention should be taken to prevent Paragonimiasis. What is the treatment?
Throughly cooking crustaceans and do not contaminate cooking utensils with juices of uncooked crustaceans. Praziquantel (Biltridice).
What species causes Paragonimiasis? How long can the adult worms live for?
Paragonimus westermani. 10-20 years.
What are the common names of Clonorchis sinensis? How is the DH infected? What is the DH?
Human Liver Fluke, Chinese Liver Fluke, Oriental Liver Fluke. DH eats raw or undercooked fish or FW shrimp. Humans.
What is the Life-Cycle of Clonorchis sinensis?
Describe the adult Human Liver Fluke's appearence. Where does it reside in the DH?
medium sized, leaf shaped and live in the bile ducts of the liver.
How do Lancet Fluke eggs move out of the DH?
Eggs pass with the bile into the SI, LI and exit with feces. Eggs do not hatch until ingested by the 1st IH.
What is the 1st and 2nd IH of the Human Liver Fluke?
Aquatic snail & fish of the minnow family (carp & goldfish).
What Life-cycle stages of Clonorchis sinensis occur in the 1st IH?
miracidium penetrates the wall of the intestine and invades other organs. transforms into sporocyst. Radiae and cercariae are produced asexually form germ balls. Cercariae leave snail and swim in H2O.
How does Clonorchis sinensis enter the 2nd IH & what life-stages occur there?
Free swimming cercariae bore into the 2nd IH & encyst in dermis or muscle.
Once the DH becomes infected with Clonorchis sinensis what happens?
The young fluke excyst in the SI & crawl up the bile ducts to the liver where they erode the epithelial lining of the bile ducts as they feed.
What diease is caused by the Human Liver Fluke & what is it?
Clonorchiasis occurs from chronic damage to the bilera epithelial leading to pipestem fibrosis and cirrhosis.
What is the treatment of choice for Clonorchiasis?
Praziquantel (Biltricide)
What is the common name for Opistorchis felineus, what are the RH & DH?
Cat Liver Fluke. Cats & dogs are RH. Humans become infected by eating raw or undercookded meat.
Where is the Cat Liver Fluke common and what disease does it cause? What is the treatment of choice?
Europe, Turkey, Southern Russia, Japan, Korea, SE Asia, & India. Opisthporchis. Praziquantel (Biltricide).
What is the common name of Heterophyes heterophyes & where is it common?
Heterophyid Fluke. N. Africa, Turkey, the Orient, & Philippine Islands.
What are the RH for Heterophyid Flukes, what are the 1st & 2nd IH?
Cats, dogs, foxes, weasels, fish eating birds are RH. 1st IH appropriate species of snail. 2nd IH fishes such as Mullet & Tilapia.
How does the DH become infected with Heterophyid Flukes? What is the disease? Heavy infection results in what?
Eating raw or undercooked fish. Heterophyiiasis. Damage to the mucosa, intestinal pain & diarrhea.
Where is the Heterophyid fluke found in the DH? What is the treatment for Heterophyiiasis?
Between the villi of the small intestine. Praziquantel (Biltricide).
What is the stages of the Life-Cycle of Heterophyes heterophyes?
Adult, egg, Miracidium, sporocyst, mother redia, daughter redia, cercariae, metacercaria, adult.
Describe what the adult Heterophyid flukes look like.
Tiny, live between the ville of SI, have a genital sucker or gonotyl in addition to the oral sucker & acetabulum.