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29 Cards in this Set

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Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver DIsease. Spectrum of disease includes: Simple steatosis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, cirrhosis
Simple Steatosis
fat in hepatocytes; centrilobular hepatocytes affected first.
fat + inflammation
fibrosis (fat + inflammation may disappear)
Simple Steatosis - microvesicular
cytoplasm replaced by bubbles of fat that don't displace nucleus
SImple Steatosis - macrovesicular
Cytoplasm replaced by a large bubble of fat that displaces the nucleus to the edge of the cell. **key finding in NALFD
Simple steatosis progression
some pts progress to steatohepatitis
Steatohepatitis - histology
macrovesicular steatosis, cytologic ballooning, mallory bodies, scattered lobular inflammation. Alcoholic is indistinguishable from non-Alcoholic.
Mallory Bodies
eosinophilic clumped cytoskeletal filaments w/in ballooned hepatocytes. typically well-formed in alcoholic disease, less so in non-alcoholic.
Importance of monitoring Steatohepatitis
20% go on to develop cirrhosis/ESLD/HCC. Need liver transplant.
NAFLD epidemiology
increasing prevalence as rates of obesity, DM, physical inactivity increase
AST:ALT <1; (ALT > AST and rarely higher than 5x ULN). Must exclude other causes and have convincing evidence of negligible ETOH consumption.
Imaging of fatty liver
Steatosis/steatohepatitis can be visualized w/ US, MRI, CI, but can't distinguish btw 2. fatty liver looks darker than spleen in CT. (usually brighter than spleen) and may be enlarged.
gold standard for dx
liver biopsy demonstrating steatosis +/- inflammation and cirrhosis. Often not practical/needed for clinical dx
Dx and evaluation algorithm
Confirm LFT's, then do screening tests/imaging: Viral Hep serology, iron levels, auto AB, etc.
assessing severity
liver biopsy (gold standard, more risks), transient elastography (noninvasive, poor negative predictive value for mild disease) or NAFLD score
NAFLD scores
Greater than -1.455 means increased risk, needs further investigation/eval/management
NAFLD Management
Vitamin E may be beneficial, insulin sensitizers and lipid lowering drugs, diet, exercise, Coffee. Target dyslipidemia, obesity, insulin resistance, oxidative stress
ETOH Liver Disease
acute and chronic toxicity; alcoholism is often comorbid w/ other liver-related illness.
pathogenesis of alcoholic FLD
heavy O2 consumption to metabolize alcohol means centrilobular hepatocytes are more susceptible to injury. Increased endotoxin absorption activates kuppfer cells to release cytokines hat cause hepatocyte death. alcohol metabolites stimulate immune-mediated injury and formation of mallory bodies
Dx ETOH Liver Disease
CAGE; AST:ALT ratio 2:1 - 3:1 and AST rarely exceeds 400 on its own.
alcoholic hepatitis presentation
low fever, leukocytosis, hepatomegally, AST:ALT 2.1-3.1
discriminant function equation
4.6 x (PT - control) + bili
treat above 32
AFLD: AST: ALT >2; mallory bodies well-formed; NAFLD: AST:ALT <1; mallory bodies poorly formed, rare.
**tough to distinguish histology, but clinical signs and hx are key
DILI - notorious offenders
methotrexate, tylenol, statins
most common offenders
DILI - sublinical
asx elevations in transaminases; seen in statins, NSAIDS, some AB. Labs normalize when drug is stopped
DILI - acute
tylenol, amoxicillin-clav acid; may look like acute hepatitis or cholestatic form.
DILI - chronic
may mimic autoimmune disease or NAFLD; ultimately may lead to fibrosis and cirrhosis