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14 Cards in this Set

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represent the three ages of women (girl, adult, ancient) and death
imporance = passage of time; realistic expression of how time affects our bodies and death will come
buho (crow) signifies death
Name; Date; Painter
Name; Date; Painter
"Las tres edades del hombre y la muerte"; 1510 por Hans Baldung Grien
Name; Date; Author
Name; Date; Author
La persistencia de la memoria (1931) por Salvador Dalí
--exhibits 2 obsessions of his: passage of time and sexuality
--4 clocks: three soft, one hard
--soft (blandos) = passage of time (paso del tiempo)
-turns them into water drops (gotas de agua)
-significa the fleeting nature of time (fugal del tiempo)
-it is not possible to stop (pararlo) --> like atrapar agua en los manos

--duro = sexuality al estar cubierto de hormigas (covered in ants)
name, date, title
name, date, title
"Las Manzanas" (XVII -- 17th) por Francisco de Zurbaran
--bodegon barraco (still life baroque painting)
1--obsession with catching time (captura del tiempo) proviene del debilitamiento (weaking) politico, socio y economico del imperio espanol
2--intend to capture time so that nature is not weakened (debilitara)
3--still life (bodegon) line of spanish painting reflecting nature in it's best state (optimo estado)
Name, date, painter
Name, date, painter
El Guernica (1937, during civil) por Pablo Picasso
1--bombardeo en Guernica; pinta para denunciar el homicidio por el fascismo

2--antifascismo: decidió que no podia estar en espana hasta la dictadura termine; no abanano el MOMA hasta '81 después del muerto de franco

name, date, authors
name, date, authors
Un Chien Andalou (Un perro andaluz) (1929) por Luis Buñuel y Dalí
--la primera pelicula surrealista
--captar la nueva forma de ver el mundo: el vanguardia que opinia la vida burguesía
--romper la mirada tradicional, con los modelos de vida clásicos
--frustraciones eroticas, sentimentales, educaciones, arte, religion que impuestan por la burguesia
Institution libre del ensenanza
Civil War (who was in it)
End of Dict + Democracy
1980 --> La movida
democracy = explosion of art)
antes de 1936 = republic
1914 = instituion libre del ensenanza
1920-36 = desarrollo literature de Alberti y Lorca
1930 = Republic II
Guerra Civil = 36-39 (el republic--social/comm vs. nacional--franco y fascism)
Dictadura = 39-75 (prohibido de mostrar arte republicano)
Democracy = 1975...plus
1980 = la movida del arte, un explosion
Principio del siglo XX 1900-36
-1920-1936: desarrollo la obra literaria dentro espana (Rafael Alberti y Federico Garcia Lorca)

-tiempo de libertad; crecio en la proclomacion de Republica II (1931-36)

-arte = muy importante (pilar de sociedad)
Guerra Civil Espanola y Dictaturda (1936-75)
-civil war 1936-39: Lorca (1898-1936) --> assasinated by fascists; Alberti (1902-2002) --> exiled

-Alberti wrote poems during war = turned to liberty chants/songs

-art was stunted during franco

-postwar poetry = explain the desolation of the "hijos de guerra"; e.g. Angel Gonzalez (1925-2007)
Democracia (1975-...)
--Alberti returned to Spain

--revolution of art

--pedro almodovar began to make his first movies

--civil war and dictatorship themes were forgotten in this decade; talk about themes previously forbidden by franco

--gonzalez writes about love as the only way to salvage a modern man