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91 Cards in this Set

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[ah BAIT] (v.)
to reduce

[ah BYDE] (v.)
to remain; continue; stay; endure

[ik-ˈsen(t)-shə-ˌwāt, ak] (v)
to make something more important or to highlight

[ah KROO] (v)
to grow in size or number over time, to add to something slowly

[ə-ˈdept] u (adj)
Highly skilled or experienced in a particular area, proficient

[ad HEER unt] n.
a follower of a leader; supporter

[ad-ˈmä-nish ]admonish (v)
to scold gently, to correct in a well meaning way

[ə-ˈdȯrn ]adorn (v) :e
to decorate, make prettier or to beautify

[ad-ˈvərs ]. (adj) :
bad, unfavorable, or against someone or something

[ad-və-kət ]advocacy (n) :
support, help, or the act of fighting for something or someone speako, or act in favor of something's

[ə-ˈfi-lē-ˌāt ]. (n) :
a connection to or an association with someone or something

A S K. H E L P ??.

A S K. H E L P ????

[an ih MAHS uh tee]animosity (n) :
refers to having an extreme dislike, hatred, or ill will

[an-ˈti-thə-səs ]. (n) :
the exact opposite of something or someone

[ˈa-pə-thē ]. (n) :
lack of emotion or interest

l[ə-ˈpȯl] (v) :
to horrify, shock, disgust, or revolt someone
Arduous [AHR joo us]arduous (adj) :
difficult, exhausting or requiring lots of energy and effort
Assuage[ə-ˈswāj ]assuage (v) :
to ease the pain, to soothe, or to pacify
Attest[ə-ˈtest ]attest (v) :
to declare or show that something is true
Augment[awg MENT]augment (v) :
to increase, to grow, or to intensify
Authoritative[ə-ˈthär-ə-ˌtā-tiv ]authoritarian (adj) :
believing in, relating to, or enforcing unquestioning obedience to authority
authoritative (adj) :
truthful, reliable, or having expert knowledge
Aversion[ə-ˈvər-zhən ]aversion (n) :
an extreme dislike for something, or a strong reaction against something
Badger[ba-jər ]badger (v) :
to bother or to nag
Baffle[ba-fəl]baffle (v) :
to confuse or frustrate someone
Benign[bi-ˈnīn]benign (adj) :
good-natured and kindly; causing no harm
Bias[ˈbī-əs ]bias (n) :
prejudice or tendency; it can also mean a diagonal direction
Bleak[blēk]bleak (adj) :
bare, cold, and gloomy, depressing
Blunder[blən-dər]blunder (n) :
a clumsy or careless move or a foolish or stupid mistake
Candid[kan-dəd] candid (adj) :
honest in what one writes or says
candor (n)[ kan-dər] :
the straight-forward, or quality of being fair, honest, and frank
Coerce [koh URS]coerce (v) :
to force or compel someone to do something coherent
Conciseconcise (adj) :
brief and to the point
Copious[KOH pee us] adj.
abundant; plentiful
Craven[KRA ven]craven (adj) :
very cowardly or fearful
Criterion[kry TEER ee un] n.
a standard or rule by which something can be judged; a basis for judgment
Debacle[di BAHK ul] n.
a sudden calamitous downfall; collapse or failure
debauch (v) :
to corrupt, or lead away from morals
Demise[di MIZE] n.
death; the end
Deter[di TUR]deter (v) :
to prevent, to discourage, or to keep from doing something
Dictiondiction (n) :
a way of speaking, including choice of words, pronunciation, and so on
Elucidate[ i LOO si dayt]elucidate (v) :
to make clear or to explain effectively
Emphatic[em FAT ik] adj.
forcibly expressive
Euphemismeuphemism (n) :
a mild-sounding word or phrase to describe something that's actually much worse
Evade[ee VADE]
to elude or avoid by cunning; to flee from a pursuer
Evoke [EE voke]
to summon forth, call to mind, awaken, produce, suggest
Exemplar[ig ZEM pler] n.
a model or original
Exemplary adj.
A S K H E L P ???
Facilitate [fuh SILL uh tate]facilitate (trv) :
to enable something or make it easier
Fathom[fa THUM]fathom (v) :
to understand thoroughly or to measure the depth of something
Feignfeign (v) :
to pretend, imagine, or make up such as a story or excuse
Fiasco[fee AS koh] n.
a complete or humiliating failure
Gistgist (n) :
the main point of something, the essence or substance
Impede[im PEED]
to obstruct or interfere with; to delay
Incite[en SIGHT] v
to arouse to action
Indelibleindelible (adj) :
permanent, lasting or unforgettable
A S K. H E L P???
Intervene[in tur VEEN]
to come between; to mediate, to occur between timese
Irascible[i RAS uh bul]irascible (adj) :
easily angered or quick-tempered
Jutjut (v) :
to protrude or to stick out past the ordinary limit
Juxtaposejuxtapose (v) :
to put things side by side to compare them
Knaveknave (n) :
a villain, someone without decency or honesty
Lament[luh MENT] v.
to express sorrow or regret; to mourn
Libellibel (n) :
a false statement written out of a desire to damage someone's reputation
Maliciousmalicious (adj) :
having or showing ill will, wicked
Meekmeek (adj) :
submissive, lacking initiatives; mild in nature
Mirthmirth (n) :
joyfulness or merriment, especially when characterized by laughter
Myriadmyriad (n) :
variety, a great number of things
Nemesis[NEM eh sis] n.
an opponent that cannot be beaten or overcome
Novelnovel (adj) :
new and unusual, especially being the first of its kind, unique
Opportune [AHP ur tune]
occurring or coming at a good time
Optimum[OP tuh mum] n.
The most advantageous; the best condition, degree, or amount
Ostracize[AHS truh size]
to exclude from a group; to shun
Overtovert (adj) :
clearly evident or obvious
Pallidpallid (adj) :
unusually pale, weak, or lacking intensity or spirit
Prudent [PROOD ent] adj.
cautious; discreet; exercising good judgment
Quell[kwel]quell (v) :
To put an end to or to quiet something; to extinguish
Rectifyrectify (v) :
to put or set right or to correct
Refrainrefrain (v) :
To hold back or keep oneself from something
Reminisce[rem uh NISS] n. t
he act or practice of recalling the past
Respite [RES pit] n.
delay; postphone; a brief interval of rest
Scrutinize[SKROOT uh nyze]scrutinize (v) :
to look at very closely or to inspect
to move to action; an incentive
Tangibletangible (adj) :
that which can be touched or felt by touch
Truculent[TRUH kyoo lunt] adj.
inclined toward conflict; eager to fight
Tyrannytyranny (n) :
an oppressive or unjust rule or government
Ubiquitousubiquitous (adj) :
appearing to be everywhere simultaneously
Unkempt (adj)
tangled, uncombed, or messy
R (n)
something that causes annoyance or distress
[vo RAY shus]
an insatiable appetite for an activity or pursuit;

eager to consume great amounts of food