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32 Cards in this Set

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External Conflict
involves a character pitted against an outside force, including
o nature
o another character
o society
o fate, the gods, or God
o obstacle
o technology
Norman (Nature)
Ate (Another Character)
Snacks (Society)
From (Fate or the gods)
Otto's (Obstacle)
Table (Technology)
Internal Conflict
is one that occurs within the character, also known as man vs. self
Harry couldn't believe he'd hurt Malfoy the way he did.
a conversation, an episode, or an event that happened before the beginning of a story Often a flashback interrupts the chronological flow of a story to give the reader information to help in understanding a character’s present situation.
The diary of Tom Riddle.
a writer’s use of hints or clues to indicate events and situations that will occur later in a plot.
Harry's scar hurt for the first time when he looked at Professor Snape.
– a special kind of contrast between appearance and reality, usually one in which reality is the opposite from what it seems. There are three types of irony
It turns out that ride was for free, even though he already paid for it.
Situational Irony
– contrast between what a character or the reader expects and what actually exists or occurs
We (as well as Harry) expected it was Professor Snape who was trying to find the stone, but it turns out it was Professor Quill all the time.
Dramatic Irony
the reader or viewer knows something that a character does not know
we knew Harry was talking 'Parseltongue', but he did not.
Verbal Irony
someone knowingly exaggerates or says one thing but means another
Example: Mother comes into the TV room and discovers her 11-year-old watching South Park instead of doing his homework, as he was set to a dozen minutes ago. Pointing to the screen she says, "Don't let me tempt you from your duties, kiddo, but when you're finished with your serious studies there, maybe we could take some time out for recreation and do a little math."
the feeling or atmosphere that the writer creates for the reader
the sequence of events or happening in a literary work, usually including four or five stages of development
Introduces characters and setting, supplies background information and sets the tone and mood
The scene where Harry Potter was taken, as a baby, to live with his aunt and uncle.
Rising Action
begins with an inciting event (conflict), includes a series of complications and conflicts which move the plot along and build suspense
from the time Harry is first shown as a teenager, living at his aunt & uncle's house, through the time he began his first year at Hogwarts.
also called “turning point”; the moment when the reader’s interest and emotional intensity reach the highest point;
The scene where Professor Quill shows Harry that Voldemort was possessing him and tries to kill Harry, and take the stone away.
Falling Action
occurs after the climax of the story or drama, moves the story towards resolution
Harry wakes up in the hospital wing to find himself surrounded with "Get Well" cards and loads of gifts.
conflict is resolved and the loose ends are tied up. In short stories, falling action and resolution are often the same thing.
Harry is on his way back home,but says 'he's not really going home'.
the time and place of a story
Harry is playing his first year of Quidditch as seeker, on Hogwarts' own Quidditch field.
the excitement or tension that readers feel as they become involved in a story and eager to know the outcome of the plot.
I felt extremely excited when I read the part of the story when Ron, Harry, and Hermoined where playing real-live Wizards Chess!
the main idea in a work of literature, a perception about life or human nature that the writer shares with the reader (do not confuse with a moral)
in Cinderalla, the theme revolves around a fairy tale story of a girl gone poor who finds true love through kindness, caring, devotion, and a little of fairy-godmother's magic.
the literal, dictionary meaning of a word
Red: A color.
the attitudes and feelings associated with a word, in contrast to denotation, which is the literal or dictionary meaning of a word
Red can show feelings, or emtions or love, anger, or even irritation.
Figurative Language
language that communicates ideas beyond the ordinary, literal meanings of words Special types of figurative language are called figures of speech”.
"Figure of Speech"
a figure of speech in which the truth is exaggerated for emphasis or humorous effect
Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel.
The words gnat and camel are hyperbolic expressions of smallness and largeness.
a figure of speech in which human qualities are attributed to an object, animal, or idea
"The ancient car groaned into third gear."
"The cloud scattered rain throughout the city."
"The tropical storm slept for two days."
a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two things using the word like or as
He was as tall as a tree.
She looked like an angel.
a comparison between two unlike things with the intent of giving added meaning to one of them. “Life is a dream.” “Life is a bowl of cherries.” “Morning is a new sheet of paper for us to write on.”
"Life is like a box of chocolates. You never you what you're gonna get."
the use of a word whose sound in some degree imitates or suggests its meaning
Examples: cuckoo, whippoorwill, crow, hiss, clang, rustle, snap, zap, bang.
two contradictory terms that together sharply contrast to create emphasis.
Examples: cheerful pessimist, wise fool, sad joy, eloquent silence, big shrimp.
a long narrative poem about the adventures of a hero whose actions reflect the ideals and values of a nation or race Epics address universal concerns, such as good and evil, life and death, sin and redemption, or other serious subjects.
The Odyssey
Epic Hero
a larger than life figure, usually male, who:
·embodies the ideals of a nation or race
·takes part in long, dangerous adventures
·accomplishes great deeds that require courage and superhuman strength
Epic Simile
an elaborate, more involved version of a regular simile. (Also known as a Homeric simile)
she looked like such a beautifull angel.
a brief descriptive phrase that points out traits associated with a particular person or thing; used as an aid to characterization
he is "fidus Achates", meaning that Achates is faithful & loyal.
a traditional story, usually concerning some superhuman being or unlikely event, that was once widely believed to be true. Myths often attempt to explain natural phenomena
The story of Hercules