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43 Cards in this Set

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nation improves economicly, politically and sociallu

Nation improves

Developed nation

high average level of material well being

Newly industrialized country

nation progressing towards developing economy

Nation progresses...


Organization economy of manufacturing

Literacy rate

Fraction of nations population over age 15 can read/write

Life expectancy

Average expected life span of individual

Infant mortality rate

Number of deaths per 1,000 live births

Subsistence agriculture

farming level... person raises only food for family

Population growth rate

Measure country’s population increase given year

Foreign investment

Capital originates from foreign country

Foreign direct investment

business established by investors from another country

Debt rescheduling

Agreement between lending and debt nation... extends debt repayment

Nongovernmental organization

Independent group raises money to fund aid


Sale or transfer of government owned business to individual

Special economic zone

Designated regions have different economic laws from rest of country


tight interconnection of producers, consumers, and financial systems around world


Movement of parts of company operation to another country

Movement of company operation parts

Brain drain

Migration of best educated people out of less developed nations


Large scale destruction of forest

Free Trade

trade takes place b/t countries... no barriers


trade barriers by govt restrict imports into a country


selling by country of large volumes of commodity at price lower than its production cost in another country


tax on imported goods


limit on number of value of goods can be imported into a country


government payment... can be used to promote exports/ reduce quantity of imports

World Trade Organization (WTO)

international organization sets rules of global trade and resovles trade disputes

And sets rules of ...

Infant industry

newly developed induetry, economy of scale and lows costs are achieved by selling to large market

Comparative Advantage

country produces good @ lower opportunity costs than another country

Absolute Advantage

country can produce more of a product with same/ less resources than another country

Voluntary export restraint

self imposed quota

Trade bloc

group of countries join together in agreement to icnrease trade between themselves, NAFTA

Preferential trading area

trading block gives preferential access of certain products from certain countries

Customs union

agreement between countries... countries agree to trade freely amongst themselves

Economic and monetary union

trading bloc states eliminate all trade barriers

Complete economic integration

final stage of economic integration... countries have control of economic policy, monetary union and complete harmonization of fiscal policy

Common market

customs union, common polices on production regulation, free movement of goods services, capital and labor

Exchange rate

value of one currency expressed in terms of another currency

Fixed exchange rate

value of currency is fixed to value of another


value of currency fixed exchange rate regime is raised


value of currency fixed exchange rate regime is lowered

Balance of payment

vlaue record of all transactions between residents of 1 country and residents of all other countries in the world given time period

Balance of trade

revenue recieved from exports minus imports expenses over a period of time


foreign workers send money back to families in home country