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75 Cards in this Set

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What are the three resources essential for success?
People, Money, and Time
What is the definition of active listening?
Attending with all of your senses to gain meaning.We hear with all 5 senses
What is Empathic listening, and who uses it?
To see the idea or attitude from the other persons point of view. Doctors who treat patients are more affective when they use empathic listening.
Which type of listening (active or inactive) is more affective in relationships?
Active listening is much more positive and skillfull than Inactive listening
What are the 6 Characteristics of Active Listeners?
1. Will be oriented toward the speaker
2. Use verbal followup that lets sender know that listener is listening (nodding, and paraphrasing)
3. Should be relaxed and at ease
4. Avoid distractions, go into a room that is less crowded
5. Should maintain eye contact 3-4 seconds
6. Should paraphrase what the speaker has said
What are the three characteristics of active listening? How much of our day is composed of listening?
1. Attending with all of your senses to gain meaning
2. 50% of our day is dedicated to listening
How much do CEOs listen every day? How much do college students listen to compared to what tehy remember?
CEOS listen more than 60% of their day.
College students listen for 95% of the day but only remember 25% of what they listen to
The responsibility for getting the message across lies with the...
The first step of active communication is...Managing the Message. What is the 6 Step process to managing the message?
1. Know you objective
2. Adapt your communication for each and every listener
3. State your thoughts succinctly
4. Provide details and supporting information - get credibility with further information andsupporting data
5. Know your opening
6. Have a notion of how to wrap things up
Time is saved when employees take the time to do what 3 things?
Listen to each other
Ask appropriate questions
Paraphrase or repeat what they have heard
Who are the Stu Leonard Dairy people? What is their secret to success?
The Stu Leonard Dairy is a small dairy much smaller than the average dairy that makes much more than a corporate market that carries many more items. They listen very well to their costumers, and have groups where the costumers meet up to discuss what they need and what they want: they have a focus group or suggestion box
What are some examples of how failure to listen can lead to tragedy?
Oil Tanker Valdez Tragedy, Management of the Union Carbide Plant in India, Piolets of 747s that crashed, or the Challenger space shuttle explosion.
What are some of the things that the Disney people do in order to "keep the magic"?
The Costumers are Guests and the rides are attractions. Each different worker is an actor, even the people who are janitors are actors, and expected to smile all the time.
What is Climate?
Climate is the mood or atmosphere that is a combination of events and human expectations - it can change in an instant
What is culture?
Culture is a strongly held system of shared values, traditions,legend, or folklore, more permanent than climate.
What is External Sender/Listener Noise? What is Internal Sender/Listener Noise?
External Sender/Listener Noise is an outside distraction such as distracting noises, people, or crowds. Internal Sender/Listener Noise is an internal distraction that can be physical or psychological.
What are the 5 different types of Message Noise?
1. Language is Vague
2. Language contains technical jargon
3.Language differs because of locality
4. Language changes over time
5. nonverbal messages - inflection of voice andfacial expressions may disagree with message
What is Climate Noise?
Occurs when atmosphere changes unexpectedly or does not meet expectations. ex. High school teacher talking about something emotional and then a fire alarm goes off.
What is culture noise? What is an example?
Culture Noise occurs when there are conflicting cultures. You have a new boss and he changes the company picnic.
What is Holistic Listening?
Assigning meaning to all senses in the brain - left and right sides.
What is the definition of listening?
assigning eaning to all sense input
What does holistic mean?
health or listening as a nuber of factors, genetics,diet,stress,exercise, and environment, or listening to all five senses and the brainwork to assign accurate meaning.
What does holistic listening mean?
assigning meaning to all sense input, using both brain hemispheres.
Inour society what part of the brain are we trained to use?
We are trained to use the left side of our brain
What does the left hemisphere of the brain do?
Functions are practical,rational,logical, evaluative, and concerned with symbols in the form of words, gestures, and numbers
What does the right hemisphere of the brain do?
Creative andprocessesnonverbalinput working mainly in images and pictures,spontaneous,aware of the whole scene,creative, nonevaluative,playful, unconcerned withsymbols,andintutive
How much of meaning is created in the right hemisphere fro nonverbal input?
80 to 90% of nonverbal input
How much of our listening is directed toward nonverbal messages?
65-90% of our listening is directed
Hearing is sometimes called...
The watchdog of the senses
What is hearing?
the mechanical and neurological process of noticing various incoming signals
What is listening?
Takes incoming signals to another level and assigns meaning to the signals
What are semantics?
The focus on how situations, social systems, and cultures form the meaning we put on language
What are vocalics?
added meanings that come from the voice
What does vocalic paralanguage mean?
There is a vocal meaning embedded in the words themselves (we hear the words, but what is the voice saying?).
What is volume?
The strength of loudsness of the voice
What is Pitch?
The highness or lowness of the voice
What is Rate?
the speed at which the sender speaks
What is Pausing?
One or five seconds of silence - may send a meaning of wisdom, thoughtfulness, methodical thinking, or a lack of preparation.
What is quality?
An extension of a persons personality
What are Vocalizations?
Signals that are not specifically categorized as words. Hmmm, uh huh, uhm and ugh.
What are Proxemics?
A general term for space.
What is affilitative space?
Listen to spaceanddecidethat the sender wantes to connect with other people, the sender uses the space to say "come and talk to me"
What is private space?
Space manupulated and managed to be affiliative and private.
What is Territory?
space that includes ownership of specific locations or geographical areas
What are examples of affilitative territories?
Chair in a lunch room, place at the lunch table, table at the restraunt, seat in a break room.
What would private territories include?>
Offices, study rooms, and parts of the home
What is personal space?>
Space that we as senders and listeners carry with us
What is kinesics?
Name given to body communication. Assigning meanings to body communication, particularly body movement.
What are artifacts?
Clothing, make up, jewelry, and hair style.
What is metacomunications?
messages about messages, facial expressions and oculesics
Who are generally more expressive?
WOmen, they smile more and their messages are more positive and pleasant.
What is an example of civil inattention?
Not acknowledging someone when they come in...such as ignoring someone when they are filling your water glass or ignoring someone when they are putting a memo on the desk
What are haptics?
Communicating through touch
What is an example of haptics?
A father picking up a baby to cuddle with it when it is crying
What are the 5 Categories of Touch?
SOcial polite
Sexual Arousal
What are functional professional touches
Doctor touching to diagnose, barber or hairdresser, styling
What are social polite touches?
an approving pat on the back for a job, a social hug
What is a friendship touch?
family members and good friens, hug, etc.
Who shares a love-intimacy touch?
occurs between very close faily members and lovers
What is Sexual arousal touching?
Touching that leads to or occurs during love making
What are olfactics?
Listening to Smell
What are the three general meanings>
What is an example of identification in olfactics?
Natural gas having a sell to it, Books have a sell, lots of things have smells
What do we think of when we think of identity and attraction>
popcord, hardwood smoke, roast turkey. Or soething foul, like the sell of a bus or car burfning oil
How do we listen to taste to assign meaning>
We can taste if wine is watered down and judge that the man is tight with money who bought us the wine.
What are Chronemics?
Listening to time, such as looking at a clock, calendar, or appointment book
What is immediacy?
Attraction, measured by approach or avoidance
What is an example of immediacy?
Someone really liking a car or a pyppy that they just saw.
What is power?
the amount of control a person has in a situation. Physical, psychological, or both
What is responsiveness?
conveys the idea that someone is alert to what is happening
What is a responsive person?
Someone who is actively and effectively listening
What is the highest priority in active listening?
responsiveness - listening is a responsive interaction, ultimate goal of human connecting .
What is the listeners primary responsibility?
attending, decoding, and understanding the message.Listener is simultaneously sending messages when listening.
What is feedback?
The returning messages from the listener to the sender.
What are the four elements of communication?
The sender, the essage, the listener, the feedback