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100 Cards in this Set

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Vertebral column function:
-protection of the spinal cord -support the weight of the head and the trunk -allows movements of the head and body -allows movements of the ribs for repiration
General plan of the vertebra:
body vertebral arch 7 processes
primary curvature developed in:
the intrauterine life
primary curvature mainly due to:
the differences in the size of bodies
secondary curvature developed during:
childhood (cervical and lumbar)
secondary curvature purpose?
compensation curves for maintaining of balance
secondary curvature mainly due:
to the differences in the size of IV discs.
bony joints =
cartilagineous joints =
fibrous joints =
synovial joints =
IV comprise x% of the length of the vertebral column:
IV function:
shock absorbers + allows movements
Diarthtroses joint - Movements are determined by:
shape and position of articular surfaces
Condyloid joint example:
Atlanto-occipital joint
Spinal cord extends from – ends with=
foramen magnum to the level of L1/L2 vertebrae -ends with medullary conus
Examples of Diarthtroses joints:
Zygapophysial joints -
Lumbosacral joint
- Sacrococcygeal joint
Examples of Syndesmoses joints:
IV disks
Examples of common ligaments in Syndesmoses joints:
Anterior longitudinal ligament
Posterior longitudinal ligament
Ligamenta flava
-interspinous ligament
-supraspinous ligament
-intertransverse ligament
Posterior border of middle mediastinum is formed by:
fibrous pericardium, bronchopericardial membrane, posterior border of root of lung
Posterior mediastinum contains:
-esophagus + anterior and posterior esophageal plexuses,
anterior and posterior vagal trunks
-thoracic aorta
-thoracic duct
-azygos vein and its tributaries
-posterior mediastinal lymphnodes
-greater, lesser, least splanchnic nn.
Posterior border of mediastinum:
thoracic part of vertebral column +iv discs +anterior longitudinal lig.
Lymph from lateral quadrants gets to AXILLARY NODES via pectoral nodes
Lymph from upper and lower quadrants get to axillary nodes via interpectoral nodes (upper) and paramammary nodes(lower)
Lymph from medial quadrants get to:
parasternal nodes + inferior phrenic nodes
Lymph from axillary lymph nodes drains into:
clavicular lymph nodes (infra + supraclavicular) -> subclavian lymphatic trunk
sternopericardiac ligg. Is with in which mediastinum?
anterior mediastinum
Breast – major arteries:
branches of internal thoracic artery(subclavian),
Lateral thoracic artery(axillary
Posterior intercostal arteries
Breast - veins:
Axillary vein + Internal thoracic vein
Characteristics Atlas C1:
No body or spinous process - Lateral masses - Anterior/posterior tubercle
Characteristics Axis C2:
Superior articular facets - Dens - Bifid spinous process
Expiration involves what muscles?:
muscles of the anterior abdominal wall - internal intercostal muscles - serratus posterior inferior
Oblique fissure Begins and end with what ribs? (left)
begins with left 3rd rib, end at 6th rib
Oblique fissure - Begins and end with what ribs? (right)
right 4th rib, end at 6th rib
Where can we find the Horizontal fissure
A line from 4th costal cartilage, mets up with Oblique fissure after midaxillary line
Muscles of inspiration – name them!
- diaphragm - external, internal, innermost intercostal - sternocleidomastoid - scalenus - pectoralis major + minor - levator costarum + scapulae - serratus anterior + posterior superior
parasternal line left lung (end of lung)
4th rib
parasternal line right lung (end of lung)
6 th rib
Horizontal fissure – what segments?
Right lung: S2 - 6
Oblique fissure right and left lung – what segments?
S2–8 but NOT B3
Oblique fissure left lung – what segments?
S1-8 but NOT B3
Layers of serous pericardium
visceral layer of serous pericardium, parietal layer of serous pericardium
Nerves of Superior mediastinum:
a) Vagus nn, b) Cardiac nn, c) Superficial part of cardiac plexus, d) Left recurrent laryngeal n, e) Phrenic nn
Pericardium is attached by? (3)
two ligaments and one membrane:
sternopericardial ligament (to sternum),
pericardiacophrenic ligament (to diaphragm) and
bronchopericardial membrane (to lungs)
Arterial supply of Pericardium
pericardiocophrenic artery (branch of internal thoracic a)
SA node location:
Located anterolaterally, just deep to epicardium,Superior right side of right atrium, between atrium and pulmonary trunk
AV node location:
Inferior wall of right atrium, close to septal cusp and opening of coronary sinus
This plura connects the diaphragmatic parietal plural with the diaphragm
Pleura Divided into:
Costal ,diaphragmatic, mediastinal, cervical
this if formed by connection between fibrous rings: function:
fibrous trigone (2) Prevents overextension of orifices provides attachment for cups
Heart wall Consists of:
endocardium: inner lining, myocardium: intermediate lining,epicardium: outer lining (mesothelium)
Layers of pericardium:
serous,Fibrous pericardium
1st rib Characteristic:
T1 vertebra only - Groove for sublavian vein and artery +Scalene tubercle
Intervertebral foramina transmit what?:
spinal nerves - anterior and posterior spinal artery - intervertebral vein
Function of ligamenutm flavum?
connect laminae of adjacent vertebrae - maintain the upright posture
Lumbar triangle (of Petit) borders:
medially: latissimus dorsi
Laterally: external oblique abdominal m.
inferiorly: iliac Crest
floor: internal oblique abdominal m
Name of extension of Pia mater:
cervical enlargement location
Vertebrae function:
-protection of the spinal cord
-support the weight of the head and the trunk
-allows movements of the head and body
Muscles of the back: Deep:
splenius capitis m.
- splenius cervicis m.
- erector spinae – (iliocostalis m., longissimus m., spinalis m.)
Articulation Between C3-C7 (uncinate processes) – called?
Uncovertebral Joints:
Intervertebral disc is build up by:
Anulus fibrosus +Nucleus pulposus
2nd rib Characteristic:
T1-T2 - Tuberosity for serratus anterior
Typical ribs 3rd – 9th Characteristic:
-Articulate with corresponding vertebra and superior vertebra
-Head with 2 facets Neck-
Tubercle, articulates with corresponding transverse process of vertebra and costotransverse ligament
- Body with costal groove- Angle
Function of anterior longitudinal ligament?:
limit extension of vertebral column
- supports the anulus fibrosus anteriorly
- resists gravitational pull
Another name for hunchback:
Hangman’s fracture is what:
Fracture of vertebral arch through the pedicles of axis
primary curvature – which way?
concave anteriorly
oblique pericardial sinus borders?
On the right side, the oblique sinus is bounded by the lines of reflection of the serous pericardium onto the inferior vena cava and the right pulmonary veins. On the left, the sinus is bounded only by the lines of reflection of serous pericardium onto the left pulmonary veins
Transverse pericardial sinus borders?
a passage between the superior and posterior reflections of the serous pericardium. The transverse pericardial sinus lies anterior to the superior vena cava and posterior to the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk.
Middle Mediastinum Contains
Contains the heart, pericardium, phrenicnerves ,roots of the great vessels (aorta, pulmonary arteries and veins, and vena cavae), arch of the azygos vein, and main bronchi.
Posterior Mediastinum Contains
the esophagus,
thoracic aorta,
azygos and hemiazygos veins,
thoracic duct,
vagus nerves,
sympathetic trunk,
and splanchnic nerves.
Superior mediastinum borders:
anteriorly: the sternum
-posteriorly: the upper thoracic vertebra
-superiorly: thoracic inlet
-laterally: apices of the lungs
-inferiorly: Oblique plan from sternal angle to T4/T5
In a chest x ray
which structures can we see on the right side (S->I), SVC RA
Anterior Mediastinum borders:
Anteriorly by the sternum,
-laterally by the pleura
-Posteriorly by the pericardium
Posterior Mediastinum borders:
(Runs parallel with the vertebral column)-
Anteriorly by the pericardium above by the posterior surface of the diaphragm below -

Posteriorly by the vertebral column from the lower border of the fourth to the twelfth thoracic vertebra

- Laterally by the mediastinal pleura
Relation of Atrium proper and venus sinus according to crista terminalis
atrium proper is anteriorly venous sinus is posteriorly
atrium proper walls are ?
rough (pectinate mm.)
Whats located at right lungs Mediastinal surface
Right atrium, Superior vena cava, Azygos vein, Inferior vena cava, Esophageus
Whats located at left lungs Mediastinal surface
Left atrium and left ventricle, Aortic arch,Thoracic aorta,Left subclavian a.
Accessory hemiazygos vein is formed by union of what structures?:
5th-8th posterior intercostal v.
What structures give rise to anterior intercostal areteries? :
1st-6th intercostal space -> internal thoracic a.,
7th-9th intercostal space -> musculophrenic a.
Heart auscultation - Pulmonary valve (to pulmonary trunk)
left second intercostal space
Heart auscultation - Aortic valve (to aorta)
right second intercostal space
Heart auscultation - Mitral valve (to left ventricle)
left fifth intercostal space (lateral)
Heart auscultation - Tricuspid valve (to right ventricle) :
right fifth intercostal space (close to sternum)
Superior mediastinum contains?(ant to post)
Thymus (or its remnant),
Veins (Superior part of SVC and its tributaries),
Lymph (Thoracic duct)
The ligament that fuse the central tendon of diaphragm with the inferior surface of the fibrous pericardium. Name?
pericardiacophrenic ligament
4 surfaces of heart :
Sternocostal formed by the RV,
right pulmonary formed by RA,
left pulmonary formed by LV. (Cardiac silhouette,)
diaphragmatic (inferior) LV and partly RV, related to the central tendon of diaphragm
Pericardium Nerve supply:
phrenic nerves (C3-C5) → sensory fibers, vagus nerve (CN X) → function uncertain, sympathetic trunks → vasomotor
Function of Muscles of the superficial layer:
extend, rotate and laterally flex head and neck
Superior mediastinum contains:
-aortic arch with its branches
(brachiocephalic trunk, left common carotid a., left subclavian a.)
Heart skeleton is build up by:
4 fibrous ringsof orifices,fibrous trigones: left and right. Membranous part of the interventricular septum
Lub sound(first) is made by?
closure of mitral (1) and tricuspid valve (2)
Pulmonary root is made up by:
-principal bronchus,
-pulmonary a. and vv.,
-bronchial branches and bronchial vv.
-anterior and posterior pulmonary plexus
-lymph vessels and nodes
intermediate layer of heart – name + content:
myocardium+ heart skeleton + heart conducting system
right bronchial ramus comes from:
3rd posterior right intercostal a.
visceral pleura –nerve supply:
pulmonary plexus
parietal pleura –nerve supply:
costal –intercostal nn.,
mediastinal –phrenic n.,
diaphragmatic –phrenic & lower intercostal nn –
cervicle –phrenic n
Apex of heart is where?
5th intecostal at MCL
What lies in the costal groove and what order?,
intercostal VAN superior to inferior. (intercostal vein, intercostal artery, intercostal nerve.)