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54 Cards in this Set

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Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)
also known as the florida purchase treaty and the transcontinental treaty; under its terms, the united states paid spain 5 million for florida, Spain recognized america's claims to the oregon country, and the US surrendered its claim to northern mexico (texas)
American System
set of proposals by Henry Clay that called for a national bank, protective tariffs, and internal improvements; their goal was american economic self-sufficiency.
Andrew Jackson
U.S. general who defeated the native americans at horseshoe bend and commanded the victory over the british at new orleans; he became a national hero as a result of his record in the war of 1812 and later rode that fame to the presidency
battle of new orleans
a major battle of the war of 1812 that actually took place after the war ended; american forces inflicted a massive defeat on the british, protected the city, and propelled andrew jackson to national prominence.
Chesapeake-leopard Affair
incident in 1807 that brought on a war crisis when the british warship leopard attaked the american warship chesapeake; the british demanded to board the American ship to search for deserteers from the Royal Navy. When the US commander refused, the british attacked, killing or wounding 20 american sailors. Four alleged deserters were then revmoved from the chesapeake and impressed. Many angry and humiliated Americans called for war.
Dartmouth College v. Woodward (1819)
case in which the supreme court prevented Newe Hampshire from changing dartmouth's charter to make it a public institution; the Court held that the contract clause of the Constitution extended to charters and that contracts could not be invalidated by state law. The case was one of a series of court decisions that limited states' power and promoted business interests.
Embargo Act (1807)
law passed by congress stopping all us exports until british and french interference with US merchangt ships stopped; the policy had little effect except to cause widespread economic hardship in America. It was repealed in 1809
Fletcher v. Peck (1810)
supreme court case that established the Court's power to invalidate state laws contrary to the Constitution; in this case, the court prevented Georgia from rescinding a land grant even though it was fraudulently made.
Gibbon v. Ogden (1824)
landmark case in which the Supreme court struck down a new york law that granted a monopoly to certain steamboats operationg between New york and New Jersey; the ruling expanded the powers the constitution gave congress to regulate interstate commerce. It was another of the cases during this period whereby the Supreme Court expanded federal power and limited states' rights.
Hartford Convention
meeting of New England state leaders in 1814; among other things, the delegates called for restrictions on embartgoes and limits on presidential tenure. THe end of the war brought an end to the gathering, but it was later branded as unpatriotic and helped bring on the collapse of the Federalist Party.
Henry Clay
a leading american statesman from 1810 to 1852; he served as a member of congress, speaker of the house, senator, and secratrary of state and made three unsuccessful presidential bids. He was known as the Great Compromiser for his role in the compromises of 1820, 1833, and 1850.
the forceful drafting of american sailors into the british navy; between 1790 and 1812, over ten thousand americans were impressed, the british claiming that they were eserters from the Royal navy. This was the principle cause of the War of 1812.
John Marshall
Chief justice of the united States Supreme Court, 1801-1835; arguablly america's most influential chief justic, he authored court decisions that incorporated Hamilton's Federalist ideas into the constitution. He also established the principle of judicial review, which gave the court equality with the other branches of government.
Louisiana Purchase
an 828,000-square-mile region purchased from fance in 1803 for 15 million; the acquisition doubled the size of the United States and gave it control of the Mississippi River and New Orleans. Jerfferson uncharacteristically relied on implied powers in the Constitution (loose construction) for the authority to make the purchase.
Macon's Bill no.2 (1810)
modified embargo that replaced the NOn INtercourse Act of 1809; this measure reopened trade with both britain and france but held that if either agreed to respect america's neutrality in their conflict, the united states would end trade with the other.
Marbury v. Madison 1803
court case that established the principle of judicial review, which allowed the supreme court to determine if federal laws were constitutional. In thes case, the Court struck down part of the judiciary act of 1789, which the justicies believed gave the court power that exceeded the constitutoin's intent.
McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
supreme court case in which the court established the supremacy of federal law over state law; in this case, the court set aside a maryland law that attempted to control the actions of the baltimor branch of the second national bank by taxing it. By preveting Maryland from gegulating the Bank, the fuling strengthened federal supremacy, weakened states' rights, and promoted commercial interests.
Missouri Compromise (1820)
settlement of a dispute over the spread of slavery that was authored by Henry Clay; the agreement had three parts; 1, missouri became the tewlfth slave state; 2 to maintain the balance between free states and slave states in congress, main became the tewlfth free state; 3 the louisiana territory was divided at 36'30, with the northern part closed to slavery and the southenr area allowing slavery. this compromise resolved the first real debate over the future of slavery to arise since the constitution was ratified.
Monroe Doctrine (1823)
issued to counter a percieved threat from european powers to the newly independent nations of latin america; it proclaimed 1, no new colonization in the western hemipshere; 2, existing colonies would not be interefered with; and 3, the US would not interefrere in European affairs. It became the cornerstone of US latin american policy for the next century.
Non-intercourse act (1809)
replaced the embargo policy by allowing amercan trade with all countried except britain and france; like the embargo act, this attempt to use american trade as an instrument of foreign polcy failed. british and french interferecne with US shipping continued and the nonintercourse act was repealed in 1810.
Panic of 1819
severe depression that ollowed the economic boom of the post war of 1812 years; the second national bank, trying to dampen land speculation and inflation, called loans, raised iterest rates, and received the blame for the panic. All this helped divide the commercial interests of the east from the agrarian interests of an expanding west.
Second bank of the US
national bank organized in 1816; closely modeled after the first bank of the US, it held federal tax receipts and regulated the amount of money circulating in the economy. The bank proved to be very unpopular among western land speculators and farmers, especially after the panic of 1819.
Treaty of Ghent (1815)
agreement that ended the war of 1812 but was silent of the causes of the war; all captured territory was returned and unresolved issures such as ownership of the great lakes were left to future negotiation.
War Hawks
young congressmen in the 12th congress from the south and west who demanded war with britain; led by henry clary and john Calhoun, they hoped to annex Canada, defend US maritime rights, and end troubles with Native Americanse in the Trans Appalachian west.
Corrupt Bargain
agreement between presidentioal candidates Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams during the disputed elcection of 1824; clay threw his support to adams in the house of representatives, which decidded the election, and in return, adams appointed Clay secratary of state. Anderew jakcson, who had a plurality (but not a majority) of the popular nad electoral votes, believed he had been cheated out of the presidency.
Daniel Webster
noted orator, constitutional lawyer, senator, secretary of state, and major spokesman for nationalism and the union in the 1830's, 1840s, and 1850s.
Democratic Party
the modern day, major political party whose antecedents can be traced to the democratic republican party of the 1790s and early 1800s, it was born after the disputed election o 1824, in which the candidates, all democratic republicans, divided on issues and by sections. Supporters of andrew jackson, outraged by the elction's outcome, organized around jackson to prepare for the elcection of 1828. after that election, this organization became known as the democratic party.
Exposition and Protest
document secretly written by vice president John Calhoun in support of nullification; calling on compact theory, he argued the tariff of 1828 was unconstitutional and that south carolina could lawfully refuse to colect it.
"his accidency"
nickname given to john tyler in 1841 by his opponents when he assumed the presidency upon the death of william henry harrison; the first vice president to succeed to the presidency, his nckname reflectied his conflict with the whigh paryt leaders over rechartering the national bank, raising the tariff, and supporting internal improvements at government expense.
Indian removal act (1830)
gave the president authority to negotiate treateis with southeastern tribes and to trade their land in the east for territory in the w3est; it also provided money for land transfer and relocation of the tribes.
John C. Calhoun
vice president under both John Qunicy adams and andrew Jackson; he wrote Exposition and protest and led the nullification fight in 1832 and 1833. As senator and vice president, he was the leading voice for southern states' rights from 1828 to 1850.
Jon Quincy Adams
son of president john adams and secretary of state who helped purchase florida and formulate the monroe doctrine and president who supported an activicst govt and economic nationalism; after jackson defeated his bid for a second term in 1828, he continued to serve america as a member of congress.
Market Revolution
the process that took place in 19th centruy america in which an economy dominated by small farms and workshops was transformed into an economy in which frarmers and mnufacturers produced for a distant cash market; it was also charactirezed by the emergence of a permant "working class," these changes had sginificant consequences for american social institution, religious ractices, political ideology, and cultural patterns.
Martin Van Buren
Senator, vice president and president of the US; the panic of 1837 ruined his presidency, and he was voted out of office in 1840. He later supported the Free Soil Party.
theory that the states created the constitution as a compact among the m and that they were the final judge of constitutionality of federal law; the doctirnie held that states could refuse to obey or enforde federal laws whith which they disagreed. The theory was first presendted in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions. (1798) and reappeared in Exposition and protest (1828)
Panic of 1837
a major depression that lasted from 1837 to 1844; crop failures, euorpean fincanial troubles, and the specie circular all contributed to the crash, which helped ruin the presidency of Martin Van Buren.
Pet banks
financial instituions friendly to andrew Jackson's administration that recieved federal funds when he vetoed the second national banks's recharter in 1832 and removed all govt depositis from it.
Specie circular (1836)
a federal govt action to dampen inflatoin brought on by land speculation following the closiuire of the second national bank; jackson issued an order requiring payment for public lands only in gold or silver. This actoin contracted credit, caused overexteneded banks to fail, and precipitated the panic of 1838.
Spoils system
practice of appointing people to govt positions as a reward for their loyalty and political support; jackson was accused of abusing this power, yet he only removed about 20 percent of office holders during his tneure.
Tariff of abominations
name given to high tariff passed in 1828; after years of steadily rising duties, this tariff raised rates on certain goods to an all-time high, leading to the nullification crisis of 1832.
Trail of Tears (1838)
the removal of some 18000 cherokees, evicted from lands in southeastern US and marched to Indian Territory (oklahoma); nearly 25% of the perople perished from disease and exhaustion during the trip.
Political party formed in 1832 in opposition to andrew jackson; led by henry clay, it opposed executive usurpation (a strong president) and advocated rechartering the national bank, distibuting wester lands, raising the tariff, and funding internal improvements. It broke apart over the slavery issue in the early 1850s.
Abby kelley
effective public speaker in the american antislavery society; her election to an all male committe caused the final break between william garison and his abolitionist critics in 1840 that split the organization.
American antislavery society
organization of reformers who embraced moral persuasiopn to end slavery; founded in 1833, it opposed gradual emancipation, rejectd compensation to slavholders, supported many types of reform, and welcomed women as full and active memnbers.
American colonization society
organization founded in 1817 that advocated sending freed slaves to a colony in africa; it established the colony of liberia in 1827 and encouraged free african americans to emigrate there as well.
American and foreign anti-slavery Society
Organization founded in 1840 and led by the tappan brothers that opposed the radical ideas fo wiliam lloyd garrison, especially his attacks on the churches and the constitution; it followed a more moderate approach and supported the political activites of the liberty party.
American society for the promotion of temperance
first national temperance organization, founded in 1826, which sent agents to preach total abstinence from alcohol; the society pressed individuals to sign pledges of sobriety and states to prohibit hte use of alcohol.
Brook Farm
utopian society established by trancendentalist Geroge Ripley near Boston in 1841; members shared equally in farm work ad leisure discussions of literature and art. Author Nathaniel Hawthorne and others became disenchanted with the experiment, and it collapsed after a fire in 1847.
Burned-over district
area of new york state along the erie canal that was constantly aflame with revivalism and reform; as wave after wave of fervor broke over the region, groups such as the mormons, shakers, and millerites found support among the residents.
Charles Finney
a leading evangelisht of the sevcong great awakening; he preached that each person had capacity for spritual rebirrth and salvation, and that through individual effort one could be saved. His condept of "utility of benevolence" proposed the reformation of society as well as of individuals.
Compensated Emancipation
approach to ending slavery that called for slaveholders to be paid for the loss of their "property" as slaes were freed; such proposals were based on tehe belief that slavehoders would be less resistant to aboltioin if the economic blow were softened by compensation. a variety of such programs were proposed, some with the support of govt leaders, up to and even during the civil war. Some ______________ existed on a very small scale, as some anti-slavery organizations purchaseed slaves and then set them free.
Cult of domesticity
the belief that as the fairer sex, women occupied a unique and specific social position and that they were to provide religious and morla instruction in the home but avoid the rough world of politics and business in the larger sphere of society.
declaration of sentiments
series of resolutions issued at the end of the seneca falls convention in 1848; modeled after the declaration of independence, the list of grievances called for economic and social equality for women, along with a demand for the right to vote.
Dorothea Dix
schoolteacher turned reformer; she was a pioneer for humane treatment of the mentally ill. She lobbied state legislatures to create separate hospitals for the insane and to remove them from the depravity of the penal system.