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50 Cards in this Set

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affiliation (n)
joining; associating with
affinity (n)
affirmation (n)
positive assertion; confirmation; solemn pledge by onw who refuses to take an oath
affix (v)
fasten; attach; add on
affliction (n)
state of distress; cause of suffering
affluence (n)
abundance; wealth
affront (n)
insult; offense; intentional act of disrespect
aftermath (n)
consequence; outcome; upshot
agenda (n)
items of business at a meeting
agent (n)
means of instrument; personal representative; person acting in an official capacity
agglomeration (n)
collection; heap
aggrandize (v)
increase or intensify
aggregate (v)
gather; accumulate
aggressor (n)
aghast (adj)
agility (n)
agitate (v)
stir up; disturb
agnostic (n) (adj)
one who is skeptical of the existence of a god or any ultimate reality
agrarian (adj)
pertaining to land or its cultivation
alacrity (n)
cheerful promtness
alchemy (n)
medieval chemistry
alcove (n)
nook, small, recesses section of a room
alias (n)
an assumed name
alienate (v)
make hostile; separate
alimentary (adj)
supplying nourishment
alimony (n)
payment by husband to his divorced wife (or vice versa)
allay (v)
calm; pacify
allege (v)
state without proof (n) allegation
allegiance (n)
allegory (n)
story in which characters are used as symbols; fable (adj) allegorical
alleviate (v)
alliteration (n)
repetition of beginning sound in poetry
allocate (v)
alloy (n)
a mixture as of metals
alloy (v)
mix; make less pure; lessen or moderate
allude (v)
refer indirectly
allure (v)(n)
entice; attract
allusion (n)
indirect reference
aloft (adj)
aloof (adj)
apart; reserved
altercation (n)
noisy quarrel; heated dispute
altruistic (adj)
unselfishly generous; concerned for others (n) altruism
amalgamate (v)
combine; unite in one body
amass (v)
ambidextrous (adj)
capable of using either hand with equal ease
ambience (n)
environment; atmosphere
ambiguous (adj)
unclear or doubtful in meaning (n) ambiguity
ambivalence (n)
the state of having contradictory or conflicting attitudes (adj) ambivalent
amble (n)(v)
moving at easy pace
ambulatory (adj)
able to walk; not bedridden