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30 Cards in this Set

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what's next step in dx dermatomyositis?
get CK level
tx of kawasaki? and what's primary concern? and what labs are abnl w/ it?
- coronary artery disease; hi plt; otehr APR: CRP, ESR: alpha 1 anti trypsin high x 4-6 wks
chills, fevers, hypotension w/ sepsis like picture after lyme disease: what's cause?
Jarisch-herxheimer reaction: result of lysis of organism and release of endotoxin
what are major criteria of Marfan's?
dilatation and dissection of ascending aorta
2. lumbosacral dural ectasia
3. ectopia lentis
4. four skelatal manifestions;
what happens early diz vs late diz in lyme?
early: erythema chornicum migrans rash (bullseye) at site of tick bite; flue-like sx
late: CAN: carditis, arthritis (pauciarticular; large jionts, esp knee), neuro signs
How tell difference b/w JRA and acute leukemia?
JRA: Am stiffness, spiking fevers, rashes; > 6 wks
-acute leukemia: pm awakeneings; pains at night; doesn't involve a joint; acutely
pt w/ vague joint pains, got MMR vaccine; what's most likely explanaion for joint aches? other causes?
MMR post infectious arthritis from rubella component; esp in post pubertal femaile;
other bugs: salmonella, yersinia, campylobacter
how dx of Rheumatic fever?
2 major or 1 minor :
Major: Joints (poly arthritis) Migratory! , Carditis
Erythema marginatum: red, diffusee
syndenhams chorea

Minor: PR prolongation; APR (esr, crp), arthralgia, F
tx of Rheumatic fever?
1) pcn - eliminate grp A strep
2) aleviate sx
3) proyphax to prevent recurrence
noncaseating granulomas, b/l peribronchial infiltrates on cXR; AA; wt loss, fatigue, hilar adenopathy,
-hi Ca, hypercalcuiria; reanl diz, eye diz
what' smost specific lupus test?
most sensitive?
specifici ? anti-SM
most sensitive? ANA
signs of active renal diz in lupus?
C3,4, and CH50
8 yo F w/ acute abd pain ~ N/V, decreased appetitis; preceding week: abd pain; arthralgia, arthritis in both knees; Nl CBC, ESR, and urine w/ red/white blood cells;
HSP ~ palpable maculopapular lesions on LE
3 yo w R knee pain, swelling, had F, bloody diarrhea 3 wks bprior; PE: arthritis in R knee, B/L injection of conjunctiva; what abnl labs?
Dx: reactive arthritis (Reiter's): ~ shigella, salmonelly, yersinia or chlamydia infection: include conjunctivitis, uveitis, arthritis, dysuria
- ; abnl: WBC on UA: neg urine cx
9 yo F w/ b/l knee and left wrist pain, swelling x 8 wks; stiff joints, decresaed activity; knee effusions, tender; What's dx and will ANA, RF be positive?
-what other associations?
pauciarticluar/oligoarticular JRA; + ANA ~ uveitis;
** most common cause of JRA !!
< 5 med joints-large joints are involved;
pks: 1-3, 8-12 yo; regular slit lamp adivsed;
vs: polyarticular (has a -/+ RF; teenage girls, but RF+ ~ poor prognosis)
8 yo M w swelling and pain of L knee x 2 wks w/ suddent onset of abd pain; Nl CBC, lytes, renal function, Nl UA, ESR 45; urine + blood, protein, no longer any evidence of arthritis or arthralgi of L knee, but now - R ankle edematous, tender upon range of Motion; tender, colicky abd : + heme stools;
-what's dx, how dx?
HSP: will also have red purple palpable purpura on LE
What GI complications ~ HSP?
15 yo F w/ 10 wk h/o fatigue, malaise, low appetite, intermittent F /co intermittent pain, swelling in writsts, fingers, L knee, ankle that are getting worse, cause interference w/ acitivities of daily living;
-whats dx and what labs ~ poor prognosis and subsequent develpment of functional disabilities?
JRA: polyarticular
+ RF ~ worse prognosis!!, esp in older kids; --> destructive changes in cervical spine increased risk of atlantoaxial subluxation and pain
-also presence of rheumatoid nodules ~ poorer overlal prognosis
+ ANA in JRA is ~ with what?
6 yo boy w/ 2 wk h/o daily T spikes /co CP, joint pain, intermittent rash on trunk, thighs, looks ill, F; pericardial friction rub, cervical AD, HPSNM, mulitple warm swollen joints; what's dx and what's ~ poor long term prognosis
JRA; polyarthritis ~ worse prognosis than oligo/pauciarticular JRA
-oligo have better prognosis that poly
Anykylosing spondylitis ~ ? JRA and will present w/ what kind of clinical finding in spine? what labs +?
oligoarthritis and ethesitis or pain in areas where tendon/ligament attache to bone
-Loss of mobility in the lumbosacral spine
+ HLA B27
how do you differentiate AS from psoriatic arthiritis?
Psoriatirc arthritis ~ females who have asymmetric oligoarthritis affecting both large and small joints as well as nail pitting
what kind of arthritis do SLE patients have?
nonerosive, reducible, involves tendons; vs rhematoid arthritis has erosive arthritis (erosions on x-ray)
17 yo w SLE c/o SOB, CP, Pain on right side, worse on deep breathing; vitals except: P 128, RR 30, A-a gradient : 30 (nL < 20); what's dx?
Pulmonary embolism ** abnl A-a gradient; SLE pts hypercoaguable; CXR ~ nl w/ atelectasis or small infiltrate like pattern
which joints are involved in psoriatic arthritis?
- how dx?
-More common in females or males?
DIP: distal interphalangeal joints;
DX: psoriasis AND arthritis OR
-arthritis at at least 2 of: dactylitis, nail findings, and/or FHH of psoriasis in 1st degree relative
-more common in Females
10 yo F w/ fatigue, low appetitis, weakness, periorbital violaceous heliotrope rash can have what kind of depostis in muscle, faascia, subcutatneous tissue?
-what kind of muscle weakenss/pattern?
calcium depositis; dermatomyositis: calcinosis;
-proximal M. weakness; + gowers sign;
10 yo boy w/ HA, fever, rash 2 wks after camping, has annular targetlike rash w/ central clearing; whats dx?
-how long does it take develop?
Lyme, infected tick must be attached to skin for at least 36-48 hrs before significant risk of developing condition;
-good prognosis, arthritis-hallmark of late diz;
DX: ELISA, Western
7 yo w/ SOB, nunpruritic rash, painful migratory arthritis, 2 wks prior had F, sore throat, truncal macular rash, now w/ 3/6 loud holosystolic M at apex, axilla; whats dx?
-how dx? and what's tx?
acute Rheumatic F;
-2 major (JONES: joints-migratory polyarthritis, carditis, nodules, E. marginatum, syndehams chorea) OR
-1 Major + 1 Minor: F, arthralgia, ESR, leukocotisis;
-many have High ASO
-Tx: acute: PCN (strep infx) + NSAIDs or steroids - for inflammation
12 yo boy w/ severe arthritis of hips, sacroiliac joints; + HLA B 27, DX?
late onset pauciarticular JRA ~ ankylosing spondylitis; vs
-early onset JRA - female, 1-5 yo, high risk of uveitis (w/ + ANA), don't have involvement of sacoiliac joints
14 yo F w/ + HLA B27 w /abd pain, chronic diarrhea, what's dx?
arthritis of IBD