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37 Cards in this Set

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Microctyic anemia
Normal FE and TIBC, and FEP
Hi Retic count;
HPSM, target cells ~ w/ what
beta thal
Microctyic anemia
Normal FE and TIBC
Hi FEP, retic count nl or low;
HA, lethargy, constipation
Lead Poisining;
what's on x-ray;
what level is of concern and what do you do?
lead lines;
> 10, ? recheck - find out
Lead > 10: level of concern; 20-24: determine source of lead, evaluate Fe status; 25-44: remove lead source: chelate
Microcytic anemia
Low serum FE, Hi TIBC
Iron Defeiciency
- Diet, blood loss, menses, ulcer, varices, GI, malabsorption, pregnancy
Rare AD
ANC < 3000 (nl range 3,000-5000)
Q 21 days, fever, x 1 week, then rises again
stomatitis, oral/GI uclers, skin infx, PNA, sepsis
congenital Neutropenia
Loss of genes:
1 --> ?
Hgb H: Loss of genes:
1 → SILENT carrier, ‘
2→ mild alpha thal
3→ Hemoglobin H
4→ Hemoglobin Barts/incompatible w/ life
< 4 yo, > URI/AGE; what bug ~ with
- pale,; HGB 5-9; anemic
-HPSM, vomiting, abd pain,
bloody diarrhea; dehydration
~ E.coli 0157:H7 (meat/pools); HUS
-Labs: Low plt (vs HSP!!!- nl PLT) , Hi WBC, Nl clotting studies;
-BURR/Helmet cells
-what's treatment
fluid/lytes/avoid anbtx
define ANC
WBC x % Neutrophils: Nl range: 3,000-5,000;
# < 3,000 = neutropenia
Physiol drop in HCt by month 2-3 (8-10 wks) ; even in premie
-what's cause? and treatment
Anemia of NB: Low EPO production
no tx unless cardiovascular compromise
Hi Ferritin; but Low Fe;
Microcytic anemia or Nl MCV
Low TIBC, hi ferritin
Chronic illness: plenty of stored ron but not getting to BM
> 6 mo, BF infants; or cow’s milk;
Low Fe ; low hgb (<6) ; HI FEP
Low ferritin, Hi TIBC
Iron def anemia,
what's common cause and peak?
> 6 mo, BF infants; or cow’s milk;
Tx: Fe, cont until ferritin Nl (< 12 mo)
pk: 6mo -3 y
hair on end”, HPSM, thick bones;
-deficiency of beta globin due to mutation in both beta globin gene
Major: “beta Thal;
what's complx and tx
Tx: chronic transfusion;
Complx: cholelithiasis, hemosiderosis (iron dep in heart, liver, pancreas)
Hi Hgb F, and S
Sickle cell anemia
What will decrease Fe absorption in small intestine
What’s best parameter to determine adequacy of Fe replacement therapy
increase in ferritin
what's nuclear remnan that, suggest functionoal asplenia, extra medullary hematopeoiesis or marrow replacement by malignancy
Howell Jolly bodies:
what are Heinz bodies and what's associated w/ it?
aggregated Hgb ~ thalassemia, G6PD def
Basophilic stippling? and ~
aggregated ribosome’s ~ thallesemia, unstable HB, iron deficiency (lead poisoining
what are Schistocytes and ~ with?
fragmented cells/fibrin strands: microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (HUS/TTP, DIC)
Macrocytic anemia w/ megaloblastic changes ~ with what?
nuclear dysmaturity, hyperseg polys due to B12/folate deficiency
What's cause of Macrocytic anemia w/o magalobalstic changes and ~ ?
bone marrow failure syndromes: DBA, Fanconi’s, aplastic anemia, preleukemia-myelodysplastic; drugs, chronic liver diz, hypothyroidism
What are Giant platelets and ~ ?
reticulocytes, seen in peripheral destruction w/ subsequent marrow compensation
PE: Hypotrophic thenar eminence, Absent thumbs
~ syndrome
Angular stomatitis
Iron deficiency
Triphalangeal thumbs, short
DBA (thumb looks like 5th finger)
Anemia @ 3-6 mo suggests ?
hemoglobinapthy or thalessemia syndrome
Hb F ~ which globin chains
alpha2, gamma2
what to watch out for for patients w/ chronic blood transfusions
Iron overload, need to start chelation therapy to remove excess iron or will get hemosiderosis (buildup in liver) and hearts
Alpha2, beta 2
Hgb A, ? human
Normal adult Hb
Alpha2 delta 2
Hi in Beta Thal
Alpha2 gamma2
Major Hb in Fetal life
Beta 4
ALPHA thal, unstable, non-functional
Alpha Thal – NB period, unstable, nonfxnal
O2 Dissociate curve LEFT shifting causes?
Hb F, fetal life, alkalosis, low 2,3 DPG
O2 Dissociate curve RIGHT shifting causes?
Acidosis (Bohr effect), hypoxia: HI 2,3 DPG, sepsis, hi altitude,
? anemia Hi ferritin, Low Fe, Low TIBC
Chronic Illness
? anemia has Low ferritin, High TIBC
Iron Deficiency