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32 Cards in this Set

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16 yo female w/ fatigue arthralgia, wt loss, jaundiced, hi ALT/AST, + ANA ; nl alk phos
- due to what and what drugs ~ with it?
autoimmune hepatitis: nl alk phos, hi direct bili, hypergammaglobulinemia
+ ANA, + AB to smooth muscle, liver, and/or kidneys
-Drugs: minocycline, isoniazid, sulfonamides, nitrofurantoin
what is most reliable predictor for survival of baby w/ CDH/congenital diaphragmatic hernia?
absence of assoiated liver herniation** boards
-survival rate of CDH w/ liver herniation decrases to 40-45% from 90% (w/o liver herniation)
male w/ very loose abd muscle, scolioisis, empty scrotum, needs vent support due to resp distress; what other finding/complx ~ w/ this syndrome and what's cause?
Prune belly: no abd wall M., cryptorchidism, mulitple urinary tract abnl
-~ severe urethral obstruction ~ renal dysplasia on renal u/s
~ oligohydramnios ~ pulm hypoplasia ( obstructed renal stuff);
what determines life expectancy in prune belly
-presence and degree of renal dysplasia
what's first treatment step in pat w/ psychogenic constipation and overflow soiling?
remove any fecal impaction present, THEN: start softners
what's most common type of TEF?
C type: tracheal fistula to distal esophagus (w/ a blind esophagus proximallY)
wha types of kids does malrotation usually occur in and when ?
first year of life, and mainly in genetically normal children
what's main difference in histo of Crohn's vs UC?
Crohn's: transmural (full thickness) inflamm w/ GRANULOMA formation and skpped lesions; ~ growth failure
~ PERIanal tags, abscesses, cobestoning; ulcers, fistulas

-UC: only Mucosal ( vs transmural in UC) crypt abscess, continuous lesions, pan colitis;
~ More rectal bleeding; + ANCA; loss of haustral markings
14 yo w/ bloody stools; freckles on lips; multiple hamartomatous polyps in GI tract, what's dx?
-what gene?
~associated risks?
Peutz-Jeghers syndrome;
defect on STK 11 gene;
-incresaed risk of breast, cervix, ovarian, adn pancreatic cancers
-polyps in bronchi and GU tract
how do you start feeds in a pt w/ pancreatitis?
transpyloric, semi-elemental feedings if prolonged: cheaper adn safer; and want to avoid pancreatic stimulation
3 top causes of rectal prolapse?
1: constipation
2. diarrhea
3. CF
what are 3 common causes of hydrops of gallbladder?
kawasaki, strep pharyngitis, prolonged fasting; but
-pancreatitis is NOT
What eye finding does alagille have?
posterior embryotoxon
Pt w/ JRA presents w/ epigastric pain, what's mechanism for GI diz?
inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis: NSAID dyspepsia
LLQ pain, w/ palpable mass, in school aged kid, soiled pants, No diarrhea, wt loss, F, or other systemic sx:
-dx and tx?
Fecal overflow incontinence/encopresis
Tx: 1) empty colon first: enema, then start stool softnersq
intermittent watery diarrhea, abd distension, anorexia, afebrile; h/o drinking bad water/camping trip-->persistent diarrhea w/ malabsorption;
-cause and DX?
giardia; dx: string test: ELISA (entero test via enzyme linked immunosrbent assay)
what's optimal mixture of oral rehydratin solutin?
2% glucose, 90 meQ NACl; Oral rehydration solution: they do not reduce ongoing stool losses
? what test use to find WBC and what is it indiciative of?
use methylene blue to find WBC; ~ bacterial cause
what's leading cause of diarrhea in infants worldwide? 2nd leading
leading: Rota; 2nd: adeno
green maladorous stools; + bloody;
dx and tx?
only tx if typhoid fever, Tx: ceftriaxone, cefotaxime;
typhoid fever ~ F, Ha, abd pain, muscle aches, rose spots
renal failure, low plt, hemolytic anemia
HUS: from enterohemorrhagic diarrhea
sz, watery-->bloody diarrhea, hi WBc or RBC in stool, increased bands:
shigella; Bactrim
what presents similar to shigella and what's tx?
campylobacter; erythromycin or azithromycin
bloody diarhea, h/o recent anbtx use; what's tx?
c. diff: tx : flagyl ( metronidazole)
if pt has liver failure which vitamin deficiency at risk for ?
Vit ADEK: all fat soluable ones, esp risk for bleeding
polyneuropathy, heart failure, edema and opthalmoplegia ~ ? what vit deficiency?
thiamine: B1 : beriberi
mucositis, andemia, cheilosis, seborrhea in nasolabial folds ! ? riboflavin deficiency
B2: riboflavin
irritability, purpura, bleeding gums and bone pain ~ ? vitamin def?
vit C
when do primary teeth erupt? and which ones come first?
6 +/- 2 months age w/ upper central incisors first, then lower central and lower lateral incisors (7 + /- 2 mo)
how do you transport an avulsed adult tooth in an 7 yo?
rinse and transport in cold cow's milk;
-rinse w/ water, hold by crown, need to do w/in 2 hours for highest succes rates
-or re-insert and hold tooth in place (it's ok if it doesn't fit)
when would you supplement w/ foruidated toothpaste?
-which d/o associated w/ delayed teeth eruption vs premature loss of dentition?
6 months if content of drinking water < 0.3 ppm and at 3 yo if content is 0.3-0.6 ppm.
-Hypothyroidism and hypoparathyroidism ~ delayed teeth eruption;
hyperthyroidism ~ premature loss of dentition
how do you give fliuds for dehydration losses/fliuds?
1) rehydration phase: fluid deficit over 3-4 hrs with full strength formula; : 50-100 mL/kg over 3-4 hrs
2) maintenance phase: calories and fluids: no gut rest; cont BF;
-add 2 mL/kg / emesis AND 10 mL/kg for each watery diarrhea