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38 Cards in this Set

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Red, cracking, chininess of wt bearing portion of foot;
** no interdigitial involvement vs what other diz?
Juvenile Plantar dermatosis (sweaty sock syndrome)
-vs tinea pedis: + interdigital;
-tx: Thck emollients BID-TID; topical CS
Papules or vesicles that develop into coin shaped plaques, pruritic; mimics T. corporis impetigo
-dx adn tx?
Nummular Eczema ~ dry skin
-tx: ~ AD; topical CS
Firm, small skin colored or red papules on cheeks, upper arms, ant thigh (ANNA);
--dx adn tx?
Keratosis pilaris
-tx: nothing, emollients, keratoylitcs or mechanical removal
Oval, poorly demarcated hypopigmented patches on face (MARY), upper ext, r/o T. versicolor!!;
-dx and tx?
Pityriasis Alba (mary)
-tx: Tx: none, emollients, topical CS
Chronic intermittent vesicular eruption; starts on fingers, then spreads to palms; older kids, teens; severe itching
Dishidrotic Eczema or Pomphylox
invasion of exzematous skin by herpes, not responsive to antbx; vesicular lesions;
-? how dx? tx
Eczema herpeticum;
confirm: Tzanck smear; Tx: acyclovir
-Sx: mild scalp SCALING w/o alopecia; block dot alopecia w/ broken hair
-also see -scaly patches w/ alopecia (think if no response to seb derm); Kerion
-how transmitted; dx?
TInea Capitus;
-transmitted: Cz: Trichophyton tonsurans – human – human; Microsporum canis: cats, dogs; -also fomite transmission;
tx of T. capitus?
Tx: systemic tx ! Griseofulvin x 2-3 mo(se: HA, GI upset); other: ketoconazole, terbinafine –cidal; itracnazole
Red papule or pustule → RED SCALY plaque; often clears centrally,
-dx and tx?
tinea corporis ;
-Dx: KOH: branching hyphae w/o spores;
Tx: topical antifungals x 2-4 wks; avoid antifungal-topical steroid combos
Intertriginous macertaion, fissuring, redness w/ scaling or pustules over instep, diffuse heyperkeratosis ; +/- nail involvement
t. pedis;
-Dx: KOH
Tx: topical antifungals; +/- kertalytic agent if significant scaling; systemic antifungal (itraconazole if nail involvement_
starts lateral distal nail, discoloration, onycholysis, subungal debri; dx and tx?
tx: Terbinafine or itraconazole; avoid griseofulvin!!
adolescents, warm humid seasons;
-oval macules, hyper/o red to tan-brown, fine scale if scraped; on upper back, shoulders, prox UE; face in kids
-cz, dx, how dx, and tx? Worse w/ ?
Tinea versicolor (pityriasis Versicolor)
cz: l snkin flora (p orbiculare or Masasezzia furfur)
-DX: spaghetti/meatballs on KOH; fluoresce w/ woods lamp; worse w/ sun
-Tx: antifungals, zinc or selenium shampoos;
-resistant cases: ketocanozole, fluconazole
Primary lesions: burrows, papules, vesicles, mainly interriginous areas –older kids/adolescents; pustular erutpions on palms, soles infants; can develop indurated red nodules x months;
Mite: sarcoptes scabei;
-Dx: mite, eggs, feces on scrapping
Tx: whole family: perithrin (elimite) topically x 8 -14 hrs;
-wash bedding, clothes in hot water, treat prurutis (last wks after treatment)
-resistant cases: ivermectin orally
hypersenstivity response to bites of mosquitos, fleas, bedbugs, mites or other insects
Papularlar urticaria
-Tx: topical CS, oral antihistamines
how long can lice last? whose more effected? cz?
Cz: pediculosis, capitis: F> M; Whites > AA;
-last 36 hrs w/o blood meal, eggs on hair shafts can hatch 10 d later;
-pubic lice can exist on other hair (face), slower, impact all races equally
tx lice?
Tx: permithrin 1%
cz of warts? tx?
Cz: paillomavirus;
-spont resolve: ½ by 1 year, 70% by 2 years;
Tx: cryotherapy w/ liquid nitrogen; salicylic acid preps; duct tape, topical retinoic acid
white yellow or skin colored papules, w/ Central umbilication
Cz: poxvirus:
-molluscum; no tx; resolves on own
school aged, adolescents; starts w/ herald patch, mimics tinea coprois-oval red, scaly plaques
-followed in days – wks by multiple oval, red plaques w/ central scale; * most prominent on trunk, long axis follows skin cleavage lines; *spares soles, and palms (vs syphilis, + LAD, F); what's pattern? tx?
Pityriasis Rosea -winter/early spring
-christmas tree pattern
-Tx: supportive : sun decreases itching; antipruritis;
-erythromycin po may speed resolution
dDX of p. rosea:
** R/o secondary syphilis in sex active teen; consider guttate psoriasis if doesn’t clear over time
-Tinea corporis: elevated border w/ central clearing
-nummular eczema: crusting erosions
- Tinea Versicolor: hyper/o pigmented scaling macules
-skin colored or red, firm nodules that can form a ring w/ central atrophy or depression; NON scaling (Vs. Tinea)
-most commonly on dorsum of writs and ankles, no epidermal involvement;
-dx, tx?
Granuloma Annulare
--resolves spontaneously;
-occasionally : high potency toical CS or local steroid injections
cz of acne? cz of closed, open lesions?
-Moderate: red papules w/ many pustules→ tretinoin + BP; topical antbx prn;
-Severe: papules, pustules, cysts, scarring→ BP, antbx, tretinoin; if resistant, use Isotreninoin: decreases sebaceous gland x 5 mo
-P. acnes;
-closed : - white heads, open – blackheads;
Tx: topical tretinoin: * comedones (liquids > gels > creams)-SE: sun sensitivity;
Mild comedonal acne tx?
→low strength tretinoin cream or BP
red papupues w/ few pustules: what class of acne, and tx?
-Mild inflamm: →BP
red papules w/ many pustules→? kind of acne, tx?
Moderate acne: tretinoin + BP; topical antbx prn
: papules, pustules, cysts, scarring; ? kind of acne, tx?
Severe: → BP, antbx, tretinoin; if resistant, use Isotreninoin: decreases sebaceous gland x 5 mo;
naturally occurring psoralens (limes, lemons, celery, grasses) →dermatitis > UVA exposure;
Sx: redness, blister, streaky hyperpigmentation
AI d/o w/ T lymph attacking hair follicle; ~ thyroiditis
-no inflamm or scarring; diffuse hair loss; near margins – exclamation hairs;
~?; dx ?
alopecia areata;
~ nail defects: pitting,
- Most common diffuse thinning of scalp hair; round patches, well defined
-Meds: ACEI, antibocag, anticonvuls, propanolol, OCP, isotrention; thyroid, SLE, iron def, hypervitam
T. effluvium
: incomplete alopecia w/ broken off hairs
Traction Alopecia
F > M; scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes; irreg patch of incomplete alopecia w/ broken off hairs of diff lengths, irregular patch ~ thumb sucking, nail biting, nose picking, lip biting; ~ OCD
most common : scalp, also face, trunk, ext;
-sharply demarcated, superficial erosions or deep ulcers w/ granulation
Aplasia cutis congenital: congen absence of skin
-partially or completely depigmented macules or patches w/ sharply defined borders
- spontaneous repigmentation in 10-20% ANA, CBC, fasting blod glucose; TSH
-Woods lamp: ivory appearance; BX: no melanocytes
-dx, tx?
vitiligo; tx: Cs
Sharply defined depigmentaion on NB ~?
piebaldism~ Waardenburg’s: white forelock, white patches on skin, heterocrhomia of iris, B/L sensorinueral deafness, some forms w/ skeletal abnl, hirschprungs
Silvery, whites, small red papules→ bright red well defined plaques w/ silver grey scale at center of lesion
*? : removal of scale →pinpoint bleeding;
~ nail involvement (pitting, discoloration, onycholysis);
*?phenomenon: lesions are induced > local truama
psoriasis; Immune mediated d/o; genetic + envtl trigger (skin injury, GAS)
-scale removal--> bleeding: auspitz
-koebner: phenomenon: lesions are induced > local truama
-Tinea corpus: scaly lesions –thin not thick; w/ central clearing
DDX: psoriasis
- non bullous impetigo: oozing, crusting
-nummular eczema: round, oozing, crusting erosions, dry macules w/ fine scaly pattern
-pityriasis rosea: small oval, thick scaling plaques- long axis of lesions parallel skin: christmas tree
Small round lesions over trunk,
-tear drop lesions ~ arthritis, uveitis;
+ by what? dx?
guttate psoriasis; + by GAS phargyntitis or perianal cellutlits, often URI sx w/in 3 weeks of onset
-tx: TX: GAS infx;
-topical CS: first line;
Pigmented lesions→hives,blisters w/ rubbing (? sign); infant 1st 6 mo life
-urticaria pigmentosa;
-Darrier sign
-No tx; avoid narcotic pain meds, radiocontrast dye