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17 Cards in this Set

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pt w/ multiple open (blackheads) and close (whiteheads) comedones, has several inflammatory papules and pustules around lower jaw and R cheek, what's cause?
rupture of closed comedones, these follicles rupture--> inflammatory response w/ edema
1 mo male w/ 2 pink bumps on forehead, 2 red- yellow nodules x 2 cm diameter below hairline, one in mouth;
- ? dx? most common complx
juvenile xanthogranuloma: common benign papules and nodules on face, scalp, neck, mouth geintal area; most inovlute w/in 1 year;
- Most common complication: eye lesions ~ glaucoma, hemorrhage, blindness
10 w/ hair loss x several wks, numerous areas alopecia, no scaling, + horizontal nail stippling, what does hair look like?
short easily plucked hairs at margins; AA-patches of hair loss ~ smooth skin
what kind of hair does lice not attack?
how long can it last off hair? and
-what can help identify it?
blacks: thick curly hair;
-can last 45-50 hrs off scalp;
-Woods lamp helps identify and differentiate nits from other particulate matter
4 wk old F has facial hemangioma 4 x 6 cm , short systolic M @ 3rd, 4h L intercostal spaces, no femoral pulses; microphthalmia, L eye cataracts, what additonal test do you want to do?
MRI brain-r/o posterior fossa defects :
-PHACES syndrome: Poster foss defects; Hemangiomas (ipsalteral), Arterial abnl, Coarc of aorta, Eye abnl; Sternal clefts
2 wk oldF w/ crops of visecles ~ several bullae scattered thru both LE, verrucous lesions; wright stain negative for mulitnucleated gian cells; peripheral eosinophilia; what other complx will happen?
-delayed dentition w/ pegged teeth;
-Incontinentia pigmenti: present at birth , 4 phases: inflammatory vesicles, ~ herpteic infx, verrucous lessions; swirl like borwn, blue gray pattern, depgimeted lesions;
-X- linked dominant; lethal in males
14 yo mulitple annular lesions on ventral aspect of arm, prominent papular border w/ slightly discolered dpressed center, no scaling
granulome annulare; no tx; spontaneous resolution; ? cause
how long can freshly hatched larvae last w/o feeding on human blood?
24 hours. larvae has to feed on human blood w/in 24 hours to survive (different than nit - 45 hours)
3 yo w/ pegged conical teeth, wt < 3%, ht 10%; flat nasal bridge, ~ midface hypoplasia, sparese eyebrows, low set pointed ears, thick protruding lips, sparse wispy hair; what other complx? ? genetics?
DX: ectodermal dysplasia: partial or complete absnce of sweat glands: risk of hyperthermia;
6 mo old w/ black dot alopecia, scaling lesions, hair loss, whats dx, and tx?
t. capitus;
tx: fluconazole b/c < 2 yo; otherwise would have been griseofulvin; but fluconazole only antifungal approved < 2
14 moAA male thought to have "scabies" treated 3 wks ago, now reappearing 3 wks later; last 1 wk;
-vesicular-pustular lesions on palms, soles, dorusm of hands, feet, writs, ankles; scrapings: leukocytes, no scabies; DX?
acropsutolosis of infancy; < 2 yo more common AAM;
-misdx as scabies, but scrapings don't show scabies, only leukocytes; recurrent d/o lasting 7--10 d; no tx needed;
from birth - early infancy, what area of body is not affected by Atopic Derm?
diaper area, also usually not pruritic; but > 2 yo, AD is pruritic found in flexor, extensor areas,"", neck;
2 yo F, picking at bottom, had mild URI earlier; afebrile, clear nasal D/c ~ several crusted lesions at nares, perianal erythema w/ 2 fissures w/ dried blood;
dx and tx?
perianal strep; amox 50 mg/k/day;
-spread from pciking at nose; painful defecation-->stool w/holding-->fissures
L sided facial nevus on forehead and eyelid is associated w/ what complx?
glaucoma; sz > 1 yr in contralateral side
Febrile, rapidly progressive rash, pt in moderate distress, conjunctiva red, injected, oropharynx - red, tender; h/o carbamazepine; skin bx - entire thickness of epidermis; DX?
TEN: toxic epidermal necrolysis; ; + nikolksky sign sloughs after rupture of a blister or pressure;
-h/o anticonvulsant hypersenitivty; hepatic/renal dysfxn
-vs SSSS: intraepdiermal not full thickness
-vs SJS : < 10 % total body surface; tx: fliuds
18 yo F: multiple scaling, oval lesions various sizes, upper posteror turnk, shoulders, proximal ext; how dx, tx?
KOH : spagetti n meatballs
tinea versicolor
Tx: topical antifungal creams /shampoos; if on palms, soles: r/o syphilis
2 wk baby w/ raised solitary oval hairless plaque in L pareital area of scalp, w/ "waxy feel" how do you manage? whats dx?
sebacious nevus of Jadassohn;
-remove/excise prior to puberty b/c becomes thicker, nodular, and may be ~ w/ benign and malignant neoplasms