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89 Cards in this Set

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chylomicrons from SI -> future remnants
VLDL, IDL, LDL -> all from liver
VLDL, IDL, and HDL; binds LDLR on liver to allow uptake
chylomicrons and VLDL; activate LPL to allow hydrolysis of TG into FA (after hydrolysis, chylomicrons and VLDL lose apoC-II and gain apoE)
lipoprotein lipase -> enzyme on membrane of cardiac/skeletal muscle and adipose, activated by apoC-II, hydrolyzes TG into FA that are taken up by cell
exogenous pathway of lipoprotein metab
chylomicrons from SI (w/ apoB-48, apoC-II) have apoC-II on their surface, which activates LPL on muscle and adipose; LPL turns TG into FA which are absorbed by tissues; chylomicron remnant (apoB-48, apoE) taken up by liver (LDLR binds apoE)
endogenous pathway of lipoprotein metab
VLDL (from liver, apoC-II, apoB-100) has apoC-II on its surface, which activates LPL on muscle and adipose; LPL turns TG into FA which are absorbed by tissues; IDL (apoE, apoB100) can either be removed by liver via LDLR-apoE interaction (minor), or can be converted into LDL, which is removed by liver via LDLR-apoB100 interaction (major)
lipoprotein disorder class I: name, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FCS; mutations in LPL and apoC-II; high chylomicrons and VLDL (can't be broken down to remnants and IDL); very high TG; eruptive xanthomas; pancreatitis
lipoprotein disorder class IIa: name, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FH, FDP, ADH3; mutations in LDLR, apoB-100, PCSK9; high LDL (liver can't uptake); normal TG; tendon xanthomas; CHD
lipoprotein disorder class IIb: name, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FCHL; unknown mutation; high LDL and VLDL; mod high TG; no xanthomas; CHD
lipoprotein disorder class III: name, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FD; apoE2 mutation; high remnants and IDL (liver can't uptake) w/ low LDL for some unknown reason; mod high TG; palmar tubero-eruptive xanthomas; CHD and PAD
lipoprotein disorder class IV: name, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FHTG; unknown mutation; high VLDL; mod high TG; no xanthomas; no clinical seq
lipoprotein disorder class V: name, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FHTG; unknown mutation (but prob stops VLDL -> IDL transformation somehow, altho not via mutation in LPL); high VLDL and chylomicrons; very high TG; eruptive xanthomas; pancreatitis
eruptive xanthomas
class I (FCS) and class V (FHTG) lipoprot disorders
palmar tubero-eruptive xanthomas
class III (FD)
tendon xanthomas
class IIa (FH)
mutation in LPL
FCS (class I)
mutation in apoCII
FCS (class I)
mutation in LDLR
FH (class IIa)
mutation in apoB100
FDP (class IIa)
mutation in PCSK9
ADH3 (class IIa)
mutation in apoE2
FD (class III)
pancreatitis caused by what lipo disorder (2)
class I (FCS), class V (FHTG)
CHD caused by what lipo disorder (3)
class IIa (FH), class IIb (FCHL), class III (FD)
secondary causes of hyperlipoproteinemia (7)
more common than primary (aka genetic): diet, alcohol use, insulin resistance/T2DM, hypothyroidism, nephrotic syndrome, chronic renal failure, meds
family chylomicronemia syndrome: class, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FCS (class I); mutations in LPL and apoC-II; high chylomicrons and VLDL (can't be broken down to remnants and IDL -> makes blood white); very high TG; eruptive xanthomas; pancreatitis
familial dysbetalipoproteinemia: class, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FD (class III); apoE2 mutation (not 100% penetrant tho -> need environmental influence); high remnants and IDL (liver can't uptake) w/ low LDL for some unknown reason; mod high TG; palmar tubero-eruptive xanthomas; CHD and PAD
apoE alleles (3)
apoE3 is normal; apoE4 is correlated w/ Alzheimer's (25% people carry at least one allele); apoE2 causes FD (class III) when homozygous (not 100% penetrant though -> needs environmental hit)
family hypercholesterolemia: class, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FH (class IIa); mutation in LDLR; high LDL (liver can't uptake); normal TG; tendon xanthomas; CHD
familial defective apoB100: class, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FDB (class IIa); mutation in apoB100; high LDL (liver can't uptake); normal TG; tendon xanthomas; CHD
autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia 3: class, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
ADH3 (class IIa); GOF mutation in PCSK9; high LDL (liver can't uptake b/c LDLR downregulated by PCSK9); normal TG; tendon xanthomas; CHD
normally downregulates LDLR; when mutated in ADH3 (class IIa) it causes a gain of function that leads to extreme downregulation (no LDLR, so LDL remains in blood); novel therapy against LDL works by inhibiting PCSK9
familial hypertriglyceridemia: class, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FHTG (class IV or V -> pts begin in type IV, which is asymptomatic, and a second hit like poor diet leads to type V, which has sx that resemble type I aka FH); unknown mutation (blocks VLDL -> IDL conversion, but not via LPL mutation) -> some pts may have genetic mutation, some may be due to alcohol or insulin resistance; high VLDL and chylomicrons w/ normal LDL; very high TG; eruptive xanthomas; pancreatitis
familial combined hyperlipidemia class, etiology, which lipoprotein is elevated, are TGs elevated, xanthomas, clinical seq
FCHL (class IIb); unknown mutation; high LDL, VLDL, TG (apoB very elevated) due to overproduction of VLDL (like in T2DM, except these pts are not insulin resistant); mod high TG; no xanthomas; CHD
independent risk factor for CHD; highly genetically determined; lipo(a) looks like LDL (apoB100, similar density), but w/ apo(a) attached, which resembles plasminogen
HDL structure and apo proteins
small, dense, w/ apoA-I (major) and apoA-II (minor); liver and SI both produce A-1 while only liver produces A-2
takes cholesterol from macrophages -> nascent HDL
siphons cholesterol from HDL to VLDL/LDL in exchange for TGs; if CETP is inhibited, HDL is high, however CHD is also incr (is the incr HDL the "right" HDL?)
secondary causes of low HDL (6)
very low fat diet; sedentary lifestyle; obesity; insulin resistance/T2DM; chronic renal failure; meds
primary (genetic) causes of low HDL (3)
apoA-I mutations, Tangier disease (ABCA1 mutations), LCAT deficiency
Tangier disease
ABCA1 mutation -> low HDL (can't transfer chol from macrophages to nascent HDL)
turns nascent HDL into mature HDL by esterifying free cholesterol and thus making it insoluble and stuck in center of HDL
milky corneas seen in
LCAT deficiency -> free cholesterol builds up in cornea
standard dietary recommendation to lose weight
reduce intake by 500-1000 Cal/day to lose .5-1 kg/week
calories per gram in diff food types
protein and carbs are 4 cals/gram; fat is 9 cal/gram
very low fat diets: clinical study results
changes in fat COMPOSITION, not quantity, led to red in CHD events
low fat vs low carb diet: weight, LDL, TG
low carb diet decr TG at 1 yr, decr weight at 6 mos (but not at 1 yr); low fat diet decr LDL at 1 yr
best diet for CHD health
Mediterranean diet -> better weight loss, decr cholesterol most, decr cardiac death
absorption of dietary steorls
more carbon atoms and desaturation = lower absorption rate (we don't absorb plant sterols = good for you)
cholesterol in intestine: where does it come from, how much is absorbed?
75% from bile, 25% from food; 50% is absorbed, 50% lost in feces
daily cholesterol synthesis amount and location, diet amount
1.2 g/day synthesized (10% liver, 90% elsewhere), .4 g/day eaten
fructose and disease
incr caloric intake -> obesity; causes insulin resistance; causes dyslipidemia (some fructose converted to FA)
exercise dose
total amount of energy expended
absolute vs relative exercise intensity
absolute = rate of energy expenditure (expressed in METs); relative: % of max aeorbic power (% of max HR or VO2) ---> 40-60% VO2max gen considered "moderate intensity"
goal in increasing fitness in atherosclerosis
moderate fitness group has large decr in CVD risk compared to sedentary group -> getting people to walk 150 min/week is a huge improvement; more important to be fit than to be normal weight (fitness is independent risk factor from BMI)
exercise and platelets
short term exercise can lead to incr platelet activity (esp in sedentary pts); but long-term exercise may abolish or reduce response
physical activity goal
30 mins 7 days/week, or at least 5 days/week
TG levels
normal <150; risk for pancreatitis >500 (and thus tx to lower TG); 150-500 at risk for CHD, but no data supports lowering TG to alleviate risk
non-HDL target
30 mg/dL higher than LDL target
LDL goals (3)
less than 100 (<70 ideal) if CHD or CHD risk equiv (diabetes, etc.), <130 (<100 ideal) if 2+ risk factors, <160 if 0-1 risk factors
low HDL definition
<40 mg/dL
drugs used to tx dyslipidemia (6)
reduce LDL: statins, cholesterol absorption inhibitors (ezetimibe, plant sterols), bile acid sequestrants (resins); tx TG/HDL axis: fibrates, niacin, fish oils (omega 3)
transports intestinal cholesterol into enterocyte
pumps cholesterol out of enterocyte into intestinal lumen
reabsorbs bile salts in terminal ileum
the rule of 6%
each doubling of dose of statin produces 6% decrease in LDL; starting dose accomplishes majority of reduction (20-40%), with full titration giving 30-60%
adverse effects of statins (2)
high hepatic transaminases, muscle related adverse effects (myalgia, myopathy, rhabdomyolysis)
myalgia vs myopathy vs rhabdomyolysis
myalgia is ache/weakness w/o CK elev; myopathy is weakness w/ incr CK; rhabdomyolysis in weakness w/ incr CK and incr creatine
ezetimibe: mechanism (2), when to use, adverse effects
inhibits NPC1L1 and thus chol absorption from SI -> reduces chol stores and thus results in LDLR upregulation (most imp. mech); use 2nd line after statin; side effects = elevated transaminases
resins: what are they, examples (3), adverse effects (4)
bile acid sequestrants; cholestyramine, colestipol, colesevalem; not absorbed so thus lack systemic toxicity, however they do cause GI sx (constipation, bloating, flatulence, heartburn, nausea), can interfere w/ drug absorption, and can raise TG levels
resin (bile acid sequestrant)
resin (bile acid sequestrant)
resin (bile acid sequestrant)
fibric acid derivs: mech, results (2), indications for use (2), examples (3)
activates PPARalpha (TF) -> incr LPL activity (via altering apo CIII:CII ratio) and thus decr TG and VLDL;, also incr HDL prod by incr apoA synthesis and by incr ABCA1; results: HDL incr 5-20%, TG decr 20-50% (main effect on TG); indications: TG > 500 to prevent pancreatitis, or adjunct to statin in pts w/ elevated TG; egs: clofibrate, gemfibrozil, fenofibrate
fibric acid derivs
fibric acid derivs
fibric acid derivs
TF activated by fibrates; causes incr LPL activity by altering CIII:CII ratio (incr it) and thus decr TG (incr clearance) and VLDL (incr catabolism); also incr HDL by incr apoA and ABCA1
fibrates adverse effects (5)
normally well tolerated; incr in liver transaminases can occur rarely; can cause mylagia/myopathy; can potentiate action of oral anticoagulants; statin blood levels incr (only w/ gemfibrozil)
niacin: what is it, how does it work, results (4), side effects (6)
niotinic acid aka niacin aka vitamin B3; use in high doses (higher than vitamin dosage) to reduce FFA release from adipose (acts through receptor GPR109A); results: incr HDl 25%, decr TG 30%, decr LDL 20%, decr Lp(a) 22% -- best drug to raise HDL; side effects: flushing (due to incr prostaglandins), gout made worse, high dose hepatotoxicity, rarely hypophosphatemia and reduced platelets, exacerbates insulin resist in T2DM
receptor on adipose that niacin binds to in order to prevent FFA efflux
best drug to lower high TG
fibric acid derivs, omega 3s
best drug to raise HDL
best drug to lower LDL
omega-3 fatty acids: egs (2), results (1), use (1)
EPA and DHA; decr TG by 40%; use in pts w/ TG > 500 to prevent pancreatitis
novel therapies against LDL
inhibition of PCSK9; antisense oligonucleotide to apoB; MTP inhibition
enzyme necessary to form VLDL from TG and apoB; inhibition of MTP may lead to lower LDL