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53 Cards in this Set

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5th Discipline
Key Thought 1
Organizations learn only through individuals who learn - engage in 'action learning' where workers study their own actions to improve the workplace and expand the capacity to create the future
5th Discipline
1)Personal Mastery
Requires individuals to constantly clarify their visions, develop tolerance and take a neutral view of reality - it requires you to approach your life as a 'creative work'. If you can do this, you can respond to situations resourcefully, rather than re-actively. The creative approach calls for constant clarification of what you value.
5th Discipline
2)Mental Models
Involves recognizing and scrutinizing your assumptions about how the world works, since these affect the actions you take
5th Discipline
3)Shared Vision
Requires that members of an organization share a commitment to its overall 'goals, values and missions'. This is more than a bland mission statement.
5th Discipline
4)Team Learning
Means that members of a group progress together. Amazing teams aren't born - they must grow in unison and learn how to achieve extraordinary results (similar to a sports team). The teams combined intelligence is greater than the intelligence of any single individual.
5th Discipline
5)Systems Thinking
Promotes the understanding that business and human life are systems, where single components affect the other elements of the set. Too many people focus on 'snapshots of isolated parts' and, in effect, don't see the forest for the trees
5th Discipline
Key Thought 2
The heart of a learning organization is a 'shift of mind' - from seeing ourselves as separate from the world to connected to the world
5th Discipline
Key Thought 4
When you see the whole, you can stop reacting to events - true pro-activeness comes from seeing how we contribute to our own problems
5th Discipline Barriers 1
'I am my position'
Employees think solely about their jobs, without recognizing how their work interacts with other elements within the organization
5th Discipline Barriers 2
'The enemy is out there'
Employees blame others when things go wrong, rather than looking at what they or their firm are doing to contribute to the problem
5th Discipline Barriers 3
'Fixation on events'
many people focus on short-term factors or events, rather than recognizing that most problems arise from 'slow, gradual processes'
5th Discipline Key
Thought 3
Systems Thinking is the fifth discipline: it integrates all other disciplines - it shows us that there is no outside; that you and the cause of your problems are part of a single system
5th Discipline Key
Thought 5
If you don't correct false beliefs, you'll make mistakes - change your thinking, change your world
5th Discipline Key
Thought 6
The key to seeing reality systemically is seeing circles of influence rather than straight lines
Additive Relationship
When one thing adds to another thing (CHECK)
Balancing Loop
A balancing loop is one in which action attempts to bring two things to agreement. Any situation where one attempts to solve a problem or achieve a goal or objective is representative of a balancing loop.
What are Bowen's 3 Major Ideas?
1) Life Forces
2) Differentiation
3) Anxiety
Bowen 3 Major Ideas
1. Life Forces
Individuality (think, feel, act alone) < -------------------------------- > Togetherness (think, feel, act as 'one')
Anchored in biology, influenced by learning
The balance is homeostasis
We can think of this as a paradox as well (as we dance between self and other)
Bowen 3 Major Ideas
2: Differentiation
A process managed by the individual & within the relationship system
Strong characteristic is choice
Aware of self and base behavior (thoughtful consideration vs emotional reaction)
Bowen 3 Major Ideas
3. Anxiety
Acute = a response to a real, time-bound threat
Chronic = imagined and endless - often a result of a disturbance in the balance of a relationship system
The less differentiation you have the less reserve you have to deal with daily life
Bowen believed that this was the primary promoter of all symptoms (illness)
What are Bowen's 8 Core Concepts?
1) Scale of differentiation
2) Triangles
3) Nuclear family emotional process
4) Family projection process
5) Multi-generational transmission process
6) Emotional cut-off
7) Sibling position
8) Societal regression
Bowen 8 core concepts
1) Scale of differentiation
0-100 (0= no self or total fusion and 100= total differentiation is unachievable)
Bowen 8 core concepts
2) Triangles
occur when anxiety is high, Bowen believed that if the 3rd person stayed detached then the tension would resolve
Bowen 8 core concepts
3) Nuclear family emotional process
patterns of functioning - lack of differentiation leads to divorce, dysfunction, illness
Bowen 8 core concepts
4) Family projection process
parental lack of differentiation impairs a child - pass on chronic anxiety or triangulate them in relationship issues. Can also show up as behaving how the child is treated.
Bowen 8 core concepts
5) Multi-generational transmission process
family projection - the continuation of patterns in our genograms
Bowen 8 core concepts
6) Emotional cut-off
handling unresolved emotional attachment to parents (can be real or acted 'emotional cut off')
Bowen 8 core concepts
7) Sibling position
the first born position is the one that hold truest to this model - assumes fixed personality traits based on birth order or position
Bowen 8 core concepts
8) Societal regression
similar to what happens in family systems, as emotion and anxiety increase, so will the emotionality of decisions in society (e.g. 9/11)
Brain Science:
Negative self-talk....
creates real physiological symptoms and stops you from learning (when stress becomes chronic, the SNS - sympathetic nervous system) activates a set of hormones that shut down the brain... lessening your ability to function and losing your ability to learn.
Brain Science:
The mind uses the brain to create itself!
Mind training shifts the brain and where and how we think - where neurofiring (+ or -) is directed is where the brain will become denser; the brain is plastic and can be changed by the way we think and the stories we tell. The mind uses the brain to create itself!
Brain structure
1 - Brain Stem/Reptilian
primitive, reflexive, reactive, survival, this part does not learn - 4F's flight, fight, food, f..
Brain structure
2 - Limbic/Mid-Brain
started learning, amygdala, hippocampus - remembers what is dangerous and context for danger, it stores the information, still survival based - other mammals have this as well. The way I perceive the world; associated with emotions, motivation, goal-directed behavior, memory; also responsible for reactivity and snap decision-making. The amygdala is behind the ear in the center of the brain (size of an almond) that can set off the flight/fight response. An amygdala hi-jack.
Brain structure
3 - Pre-Frontal Cortex
rational and thoughtful decisions, transformation of spirit, makes sense of the world; meaning; ability to negotiate, appreciate art, prefrontal area can VETO an emotional response (keep a hi-jacking from taking place - respond vs react) - this is the executive suite which receives and analyzes info from all parts of the brain. Distinguishes us from the more reactive part of the animal kingdom
Carkhuff Helping Skills 1 of 2
First level (Understanding)
Empathy or understanding (reduces clients anxiety, non-judgmental attunement and container that allows for feelings of safety which leads to the exploration of difficult emotions)Concreteness or specificity
Carkhuff Helping Skills 2 of 2
Immediacy - what the other speaks of is revealing something else, tuning in to the messages (is it happening right now?)
Self Disclosure
(See Response -ability axis)
Learning As a way of being
1: Self-directed learning
The content of the initiative is owned by the initiator, and as they proceed, they act (learn) the early effects of the initiative of others. SD is modeling.
Learning as a Way of Being
2: Creative learning
not pursuing a preset goal using preset methods and resources; it is an exploration and it's inventive
Learning as a Way of Being
3: Expressive learning
learning occurs in the process of expressing it; white water does not offer the luxury of offline learning
Learning as a Way of Being
4: Feeling learning
learning in white water occurs at the level of feelings as much as ideas and skills; learning about meanings isn't just impersonal ideas, but knowing it deeply and personally
Learning as a Way of Being
5: On-line learning
de-institutionalized; learning happens in all environments
Learning as a Way of Being
6: Continual learning
always a beginner; mastery in permanent white water is almost a contradiction in terms
Learning as a Way of Being
7: Reflexive learning
being a more conscious and reflective learner; more aware of one's own learning process
Learning as a Way of Being
8: Problems with existing thoughts on learning
epicts learning as an institutional activity
Learning is painful, an uphill battle, a strain
Goals are is chosen by another (rather than internally-motivated)
Someone who is setting out to learn is less admirable than one who has completed a set of learning
Culturally, being a "beginner" is not good and learning must lead to the status of being accomplished, competence and mastery.
Left brain
literal, linear, language, logic, liar, identity, narrative, social rules, norms, expectations, don't believe what you think, autobiographical description
Reinforcing Loop
A reinforcing loop is one in which the interactions are such that each action adds to the other. Any situation where action produces a result which promotes more of the same action is representative of a reinforcing loop.
Response-ability Axis (aka Immediacy Model)
Focus - Specific internal experience, external behaviors......... abstract generalization
Person - I position, me............. You, them, we, us, our
Place - Here, inside talk.............. There, outside talk, triangulation
Time - Now........................Past, future
Right brain
non-verbal, holistic, intuitive, fluid, auto-biographical memory, spontaneous, raw emotion, stress modulation, develops first, context free, transference, super-ego, initial empathetic response
Rogerian Theory
Congruence - outside matches inside
Unconditional positive regard (at our core lives positive goodness - our 'Buddha nature')
Empathic understanding
Rogerian Therory - Practitioner's Funnel
Perceptual Map
Field of Focus
Problem Formation
Subtractive Relationship
One thing takes away from another thing (CHECK)
The Brain and Emotional Intelligence
through repetition (pain makes it smaller or larger). The compassionate side needs to be nurtured and repeated and cultivated to grow.
-Neural systems responsible for emotions and intellect are separate - but connected
-In HIGH STRESS - the limbic brain (running on emotion) can commandeer the rest of the brain
-Daniel Goleman (EI dude) - argues that 90% of leadership success could be directly attributed to EI
-Mindfulness IS paying attention to aspects of the brain and mind awareness of ALL that emerges through paying attention
What is the antidote to chronic anxiety?