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25 Cards in this Set

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user config files are usually hidden. they are called 'dot files' show configuration files in your home directory
ls -a
system config files are kept where
they can only be edited by root superuser
the advantage of configuration files
you may copy a config file from machine to machine to place certain appearances, settings, and behavior of programs for multiple users
environment variables do what
programs write and read from environment variables. It Keep track of the state of the system
print to screen all the environment variables
env | more
print your working directory
when you have multiple commands in your PATH directory and you execute a command how do you know where that command is being executed?
which pwd
check your environment vairables and tell me what your default terminal is.
env | more
'in here you will find a section called TERM'
set your default TERM (terminal) to be vt100 instead of the default xterm
check your environment vairables and tell me what your default terminal is.
env | more
'in here you will find a section called TERM'
set your default TERM (terminal) to be vt100 instead of the default xterm
check your environment vairables and tell me what your default terminal is.
env | more
'in here you will find a section called TERM'
set your default TERM (terminal) to be vt100 instead of the default xterm
export TERM=vt100
all profiles are kept in the
your own personal profile path is kept where
more .bash_profile
most system configuration files are kept where.
ls -a
where are the system startup directories kept
cd rc.d
....or it's in the ...
cd /ect/init.d
rc.local file !!!!!
what are the run levels of Linux
0 off
1 single user mode
2 multi-user without networking
3 multi-user with networking
4 varies
5 Xwindows
6 shutdown, reboot
when you are looking at the run level files rc1.d rc2.d rc3.d and so on. If there is a 'K' in front of that file what does it mean. If there is an 'S' in front what does it mean
ls rc3.d
when listing a system startup file items that start with 'K' will be killed before startup of the system.
Items listed with an 'S' are the only ones that start when this run level is choosen at boot.
To change what starts or is killed at boot in this particular run level simply change the first letter from 'K' to 'S' or vice-versa.
NOTE: the numbers after the 'K' or 'S' are DEPendency numbers, lower number must start first. if you change an item to 'S' make sure that it has a higher number then an item it depends on to start. Or simply choose a higher run level.
if you are not sure how your system is set to boot how can you get Linux to show you its boot modes and the default run level
more initttab
Xwindows just went down and will not start. How do you temporarily change the run level to a more basic startup without Xwindows to re-configure that file
'log into the computer remotely and use terminal'.
telinit 3
'where telinit is the temporary run level and 3 is the run level.'
shut down the computer in a nasty way damaging the disk.
telinit 0
shut down the system in the proper way
Note: man shutdown will tell you about the many options of shutdown. warnings, force reboot, filesystem checks shutdown.
temporarily stop one service from running.
cd /etc/init.d
xfs stop
'go where the program is kept in the /etc/init.d directory then follow the command or program by stop.
cd /etc/init.d/network stop
start a program for the /etc/init.d directory
./xfs start ...or...
./xfs restart