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182 Cards in this Set

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How to print working directory


List files and directories in a directory


How to change directories


Change to previous working directory

cd -

ls options to view all files and directories


ls option to print a verbose list


ls option to sort by time


ls option to print details about directory


ls option to list file size in human readable format


ls option to display results in reverse order


ls option to sort by size


Command used to print a brief description about a file


Command that is used to open file viewing program


Less key to scroll back a page


Less key to scroll forward one page


Less key to scroll to end of page


Less key to move to beging of page


Less key to search for charactesr


Less key to move to next result in search


Directory that contains binaries that must be present for the system to boot


Directory that contains the linux kernal, initial RAM disk image and the boot loader


Directory that contains the device nodes


Directory that contains all of the system-wide configuration files


File that defines the automated jobs that will run


File that lists the user accounts


Directory that holds shared library files for the system


Directory where removable media is mounted


Directory were optional software is installed


Home directory for root account


Directory that contains the system binaries


Directory for temporary transient files


Directory that contain all the programs and support files used by regular users


Directory that contains the executable programs installed by your linux distribution


Directory for shared libraries in /usr/bin


Directory for programs not included with distribution, but intended for system wide use are installed.


Directory for all shared data used by programs in /usr/bin


Directory where data that is likely to change is stored


Directory that contains log files


Wildcard that matches any character


Wildcard that matches a single character


Wildcard that is a member of a set of characters


Wildcard that is not a member of the set of characters


Wildcard that is a member of the specified class


Characters class for alphanumeric characters


Character class for alphabetic characters


Character class for any number


Character class for any lowercase letter


Character class for any uppercase letter


Command to create a directory


Command to copy files or directories

cp <source> <destination>

Copy argument to copy all of the files attributes


Copy argument to prompt user before overwritting


Copy argument to perform a recursive copy


Copy argument to copy only files that either don't exist or are newer that the existing corresponding files in the destination directory


Copy argument to display information messages as the copy is performed


Command to move or rename a file or directory

mv <source> <destination>

Move argument to prompt user before overwritting a file


Move argument to only move files that either don't exist in the destination folder or are newer than the existing corresponding files in the destination directory


Move argument that displays information messages as the move is performed


Command to remove files and directories


Remove argument that prompts the user before deleting a file


Remove argument that recursively deletes directories


Remove argument that ignores nonexistent files


Remove argument that displays information as deletion is performed


Command to create hard symbolic link

ln <file> <link>

Command to create a symbolic link

ln -s <file> <link>

Command to find out the type of a command

type <command>

Command to display the location of an executable


Command to get help from shell builtins


Option many commands have to display a description of the command


Command to display the programs manual page

man <command>

Command used to find appropriate commands

apropos <keyword>

Command to display a very brief description of a command

whatis <command>

How to put multiple commands on one line

Separate the commands with a semicolon

Command to assign an alias

alias <newcommand>='<commands>'

Command to remove an alias


Command to see all aliases in a system

alias <no arguments>

Character(s) to redirect standard output of a file


Character(s) to redirect standard output to a file and append new content


Character(s) to redirect standard error


Bit bucket directory that accepts input and does nothing with it


Command that reads one more more files and copies them to standard output


Character(s) used to redirect standard input


Character(s) used to pipe commands

<command> | <command>

Command used to sort lines


Command used to remove duplicats


Argument for Unique command to list duplicates instead of removing them


Command used to report number of lines, words and bytes


Output: <lines> <words> <bytes>

Wordcount argument used to only output number of lines


Command used to print lines matching a patter


Command used to print the first n lines of a file


Command used to print the last n lines of a file


Argument to adjust head and tail display line count


Argument to adjust the tail command so that the file can be viewed as it is updated


Command that reads from stdin and outputs to stdout and files

tee <file>

Display a line of text


Expand home directory


Arithmetic expansion

$(( expression ))

Brace Expansion





Parameter expansion


See a list of all variables


Command Substitution


Suppress all expansion except for $, \ and `

Double quotes

Suppress all expansion

Single quotes

Clear the screen


Display the contents of the history list


Move cursor to the beginning of the line

Ctrl + A

Move the cursor to the end of the line

Ctrl + E

Move cursor forward on character

ctrl + F

Move cursor backward on character

Ctrl + B

Move cursor forward one word

Alt + F

Move cursor backward one word

Alt + B

Clear the screen and move the cursor to the top left corner

Ctrl + L

Delete the character at the cursor location

Ctrl + D

Transpose(exchange) the character at the cursor location with the one preceding it

Ctrl + T

Transpose the word at the cursor location with the one preceding it.

Alt + T

Convert the characters from the cursor location to the end of the word to lowercase

Alt + L

Convert the characters from the cursor location to the end of the word to uppercase

Alt + U

Kill text from the cursor location to the end of line

Ctrl + K

Kill text from the cursor location to the beginning of the line

Ctrl + U

Kill Text from the cursor location to the end of the current word

Alt + D

Kill the text from the cursor location to the beginning of the current word. If the cursor is at the beginning of a word, kill the previous word

Alt + Backspace

Yank text from the kill ring and insert it at the cursor location

Ctrl + Y

Execute a command in the history

!<history number>

Reverse incremental Search

Ctrl + R

Move to the previous history entry

Ctrl + P or up arrow

Move to the next history entry

Ctrl + N or down arrow

Move to the beginning of the history list

alt <

Move to the end of the history list

alt >

Reverse search, non-incremental

alt p

Forward search, non-incremental

Alt N

Execute the current item in the history list and advance to the next one

Ctrl O

Repeat the last command


Repeat last history list item starting with string

! string

Repeat last history list item containing string

!? string

Find out info about your identity


Symbol for a regular file in ls -l


Symbol for a directory in ls -l


A symbol for a symbolic link in ls -l


What is the order of permission of a file

owner group world

Command to change a files permissions


How does octal permissions work?

A 1 is active and a 0 is disabled. The order of permission types is read write and execute

example 101 = 5 = read and execute

How does character permission work?

Specify who the change will be affecting then a + or minus to symbolize permission being added and then a character for each permission

u+rw will add read and write permissions for the user

chmod symbol for the file owner


chmod symbol for the group owner


chmod symbol for other


chmod symbol for all


Set default permissions


Start the shell as another user


su argument to load the users enviroment


su argument to execute a command

su -c '<command>'

Command that allows users to execute commands as other users in a very controlled manner


sudo argument to see granted privileges


Change a file owner and group

chown [owner] [:[group]] <file>

Change a files group


Change password

passwd [user]

Simple command to view a snap shot of processes


What is the TIME field in the ps output

The amount of CPU time consumed by the process

ps argument to show all process regardless of what terminal controls them


popular group of arguments for ps


command to see dynamic view of the machines activity


start a process in the background

<command to start process> &

return a process to the forground

fg %<job number>

How to pause a processes

ctrl + z

Move a program to the background

bg %<job number>

Command used to terminate a process

kill <pid>

kill %<job number>

Command used to kill process by name

killall <name>

Command used to output process in a tree like pattern of parent to children


Command to output a snapshot of system resources


A graphical program that draws a graph showing system load over time


A terminal program that draws a graph of the system load in the terminal


Command used to view both shell and environment variables


Command used to print only the environment variables


How do you start a login shell

Start a virtual console session

How do you start a non-login shell

From a gui

A global configuration script that applies to all users. (login shell)


A users personal startup file. Can be used to extend or override settings in the global configuration script (login shell)


If ~/.bash_profile is not found, then bash attempts to load this script (login shell)


If neither ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bash_login is not found, then bash attempts to load this script (login shell)


A global configuration script that applies to all users (non-login shell)


A users personal startup file. Can be used to extend or override settings in the global configuration script (non-login shell)


Command used to force bash to read a file

source <file>