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26 Cards in this Set

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is when a consonne or semi-consonne spawns between two letters to stop a hiatus


vowel beside a vowel



Langue vs. Parole

Le signe linguistique est?




1. Arbitraire (it's completely arbitrary why the symbols mean what they do)

2. Linear

3. Conventionnel (conventions change, and so does language)

What's the difference between un mot qui "signifié" et "signifiant"

Signie est le concept. C'est qu'est qu'on parle a propos.

Signifiant est le chose QUI signifie (the word itself)

Morpheme means?

The SMALLEST POSSIBLE UNIT OF SENSE. So in the word Waterfalls there is THREE MORPHEMES. "Water" "fall" and "s" (which signifies more than 1.)

Lexeme means?

Something that belong to the "lexique" (dictionary)

Test de communtation c'est?

When you keep the root of the word and just adjust the vowel in the middle to see how many words you can come up with OR you change the adverb in the sentence!

In linguistics, * means


Test de permutation c'est...

When you take "ne" and "pas" and move them around the sentence to see where they work

Difference between commutation and permutation tests?

Commutation is when you have one slot and throw in a bunch of different words.

Permutation test is when you take one word and try a bunch of different slots.

Vowels are broken into 4 categories when you name them. What are they.





Mot plein vs. Mot de fonction

Mot plein is full of meaning no matter what. Mot de fonction is used on function and dependent of context.

Enchainment et Syncope

Enchainment is when you take seperate words and "chain" them together by fusing their syllables

Syncope is when you fuse syllables within a word

de ve nir becomes dev nir

Forme attendue vs. entendue

Attendue is what you expect to hear, entendue is what you actually hear.

Regle d'assimilation?

A letter that is between two letters may change because of what's around it

[ ] denotes?


Langue vs. Parole

Langue is the language that you use while parole is the way you speak?

dilation vs assimilation? progressive vs regressive?

Assimilation is when letters RIGHT NEXT to a letter influence that letters sound.

Dilation is when a letter more than one slot away affects a letter.

Progressive means forward and regressive means back.

Epenthese vs metathese

Epenthese is ADDING A SOUND to make it easier.

Metathese is SWITCHING THE ORDERS perscription

There are three components to a dialect... they are...

Political, geographical, and historical


The relationship between the language you speak and the surrounding political and social factors (hick talk, speaking pompously)

Sabir, pidgin, creole and patois are?

Sabir is like basic sales talk at the lowest level of quality

Pidgin is limited contact

Creole is like good communication at a first generation of kids.

Patois is hick talk