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81 Cards in this Set

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Mental Operations
cognitive actions that can be performed on objects or ideas
Deductive Reasoning
drawing conclusions from facts; characteristic of formal operations
Working Memory
Type of memory in which small number of items can be stored BRIEFLY
Long Term Memory
Permanent storehouse for memories that has unlimited capacity
as applied to children's memory a strategy in which info to be remembered is structured so that related info is placed together
memory strategy in which info is embellished to make it more memorable
Person's informal understanding of memory; Includes the ability to dx memory problems accurately and to monitor the effectiveness of memory strategies
Metacognitive Knowledge
a person's knowledge & awareness of cognitive processes
Cognitive Self Regulation
Skill at identifying goals, selecting effective and accurate monitoring; a characteristic of sucessful students
psychologists who specialize in measuring psychological traits such as intelligence & personality
Gardner's types of Intelligence
Linguistic, logical-math, Spatial, Musical, Body-Kinesthetic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, Existential
Knowing the meanings of words, ability to use words to understand new ideas, language and convey meanings
Understand relations that exist among objects, actions, ideas as well as math operations
Perceiving objects accurately and imagining in the 'minds eye' the appearance of an object before and after it has been transformed.
Comprehending and producing sounds varying in pitch, rhythm and emotional tone
Using one's body in highly differentiated ways such as dancers, craftspeople, and athletics
Identifying different feelings, moods, motivations and intentions in others
Underingstanding one's emotions and knowing ones strengths and weaknesses
Recognizing and distinguishing among members of a group and describing relations between such groups
Considering 'ultimate' issues such as the purpose of life and the nature of death
Caroll's General intelligence chart
Fluid,crystallized, general memory&learning, Broad visual perception, Broad auditory perception, Broad retrieval ability, Broad cognitive speediness, Processing speed
individuals w/ mental retardation who are talented in one domain
Emotional Intelligence
ability to use one's own and other's emotions effectively for solving problems and living happily
Analytic ability
in Sternberg's theory of intelligence the ability to analyze problems and generate solutions
Creative Ability
In sternberg's theory of intelligence the ability to deal adaptively with novel situations and problems
Practical Ability
In Sternberg's theory of intelligence the ability to know which problem solutions are likely to work
MA Mental Age
in intelligence testing, a measure of children's performance corresponding to the chronological age of those whose performance equals the childs
IQ: Intelligence quotient
math representation of how a person scores on an intelligence test compared to somebody the same age
Dynamic Testing
measures learning potential by having a child learn something new in the presence of an examiner and with the examiners help
Culture Fair Intelligence Testin
Intelligence tests devised using items common to many cultures
Sterotype Threat
Evoked fear of being judged in accordance with negative stereotype about a group you belong to.
Convergent Thinking
Using info to arrive at one standard and correct answer
Divergent Thinking
thinking in novel and unusual directions
Mental Retardation
substantially below average intelligence before age of 18
Organic Mental Retardation
something that can be traced to a specific biological or physical problem
Familial Mental Retardation
does not involve biological damage ; represents low end of normal distribution of intelligence
learning disability
child with normal intelligence with problem mastering one subject
4 types of mental retardation
profound, sever, moderate and mild
Word Recognition
process of identifying unique pattern of letters
process of extracting meaning from sequence of words
Phonological Awareness
ability to hear distincitive sounds of letters
Knowledge Telling strategy
writing down information as it is retrieved from memory, common practice for young writers
Knowledge transforming strategy
deciding what info to include and how to best organize it to convey a point
Piaget: Preoperational
egocentric: think others see the world just as they do. confuse appearances w/ reality. Unable to reverse thinking. (pre school)
Piaget: Concret Operations
7-11yrs old, as they have more experience they realize there are other view points, school age childrent aquire mental operations
Piaget: Formal operations
age 11-adult, expand beyond only concrete/real, able to think hypothetical/reason abstractly.
Criticism of Piaget's View
Over estimates cognitive competence in adolescents, vague concerning processes of change, doesn't account for variablility in kids performance, under values influence of socio cultural enviornment
What do Info-processing psychologists believe?
that cognitive development proceeds by increases in efficiency in which kids store info.
Info Processing Psychologists think human thought takes place where?
Working Memory
What happens if info you learn is not transferred to long term memory?
It is lost indefinitely
5 Effective memory strategies
highlighting key sentences, outlining chapters, notes, writing summaries and testing yourself
dx memory problems accurately, monitoring effectiveness of memory strategies
Charles Spearman
reports supporting findings that the general factor for intelligence (g) is responsible for performance on all mental tests
Thurstone & Thurstone
Analyzed performance on wide range of tasks. Identified 7 distinct patterns
Thurstone&Thurstone 7 patterns
perceptual speed, word comprehension, word fluency, spatial relations, number proficiency, memory and inductive reasoning
John Caroll
proposed hierarchy of intelligence includes general vs distinct. (Ignores research on cognitive development)
The 3 types of abilities
Creative, Practical, Analytical
Sternberg Theory of Intelligence
intelligence defined as using ones abilities skillfully to acheive personal goals
Formula for IQ
Ratio of mental age to chronological age x 100
developed intelligence "IQ" testing
What IQ range for profound mental retardation
What IQ range for severe mental retardation
What IQ range for moderate mental retardation
What IQ range for mild mental retardation
The majority of mentally retarded people are in which category?
Factors that contribute to Comprehension
Kids become more skilled at recognizing words freeing up more working memory, working memory increases, aquire more general knowledge of physical social and psychological worlds, w/ experience are using more appropriate reading strategies, better monitor their comprehension
Basic strategies the promote reading comp
select goal for reading, making mental picture of what they're reading, predict what's going to happen in text, summarize aloud what's happened so far
Leading country for child intelligence
Singapore ~> south asia
Factors for better education
time in school and how used, time spent on homework and attitudes towards it, parental attitude, parental belief about effort/ability
Stevenson & Stegler suggestions for improved sucess in schools
teachers more free time to develop lesson plan & grade work, improved teacher training, Organize instruction around learning, set higher standards for kids
Most effective teaching strategies
make most of class time instruction, believe teachers are responsible for most of kids learning, emphasize mastery of topics, teach effectively, pay attention to pacing, value tutoring, teach children techniques for managing their learning
age 11-12 who is taller boys or girls?
girls are usually 1/2 inch taller then boys
Elementary growth rate
gain 8 lbs and 2-3 inches per year
Which race is leading in growth
African American second to caucasion and last asian
How many calories for a preschooler?
How may calories for a 7-10 yr old
2400 (1700-3300
How many calories should a child's breakfast provde?
1/4 of total calories
11 yr old growth rate compared to 6 yr old
3x faster
Girls excel in which skills?
Fine motor- handwriting
Gross motor- tumbling (involving flexibility)
Boys excel in which skills?
Gross motor involving strength
What do sports offer kids?
enchancement in physical, motor, cognitive and social development