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111 Cards in this Set

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What are some characteristics of a professional lifeguard? (10)
(1)knowledge of appropriate skills (2)relialbe (3)mature (4)courteous and consistent (5)postive (6)professional (7)health and fit (8)eat and hydrate properly (9)rest adequately (10)use sunscreen
What is the primary responsibility of a lifeguard? (4)
preventing injuries (2)enforcing rules and regulations (3)using CPR and AED if needed (4)having the properly equipment
What is the FIND model?
F= firgue out the problem
I= id possible solutions
N= name the pros and cons
D=decide which solution is best
What are some legal considerations lifeguards should be aware of? (9)
(1)duty to act (2)standard of care (3)negligence (4)Good Samaritan laws (5)consent (6)refusal of care (7)abandonment (8)confidentiality (9)documentation
What are the min standards of care? (4)
(1)communicating proper info and warning about preventing injuries (2)recoginze a vicitm in need (3)attempt rescure a victim needing assistance (4)provide emergency care according to their level of training
What is negligence?
is failing to follow the standards of care or failing to act
this failing to follow the standards of care or failing to act
Give some exs of negligence in the lifeguard setting? (4)
(1)failing to provide care (2)providing care beyond the scope of practice (3)providing inappropriate care (4)failing to control or stop behaviors that could result in further harm or injury
When asking for consent what should you do? (4)
(1)state your name (2)your level of training (3)ask if they need help (4)explain the victim what you thin is wrong and how you are going to help the
What should you do if some resfuse care?
be sure to get a witness and document that you asked they refused care
What is abandonment?
is when care is started then the rescuer stops care or leaves the scene before EMS arrives or they get too tired
this is when care is started then the rescuer stops care or leaves the scene before EMS arrives or they get too tired
What is the differ btwn anandonment and negligence?
(1)abandonment=is when care is started then the rescuer stops care or leaves the scene before EMS arrives or they get too tired (2)negligence= this failing to follow the standards of care or failing to act
If the person is unconscious consent is (1)
What is risk management?
involes iding dangerous conditions or behaviors that can cause injury
this involves iding dangerous conditions or behaviors that can cause injury
risk management
What are the (2)most serious aquatic emergencies?
(1)drowning (2)head,neck, or back injuries
these are the most serious aquatic emergencies (2)
drowning and head, neck, or back inuries
What (3)injury prevention methods?
(1)communication w patrons (2)facility safety checks (3)patron surveillance or screening of patrons
What are the (3)parts of proper communication w patrons?
(1)inform patrons of their potenitals risks for injuries (2)educate patrons about inappropriate behaviors (3)enforce the roles and regulations
How long should you wait after the first thunder is heard?
30 mins
You should wait (1) after the first thunder is heard
30 mins
When raining when should the patrons be asked to leave the pool area?
when is raining so hard that you cannot see the bottom of the pool
What are the emergency action plan steps? (6)
(1)asses area and the victim's condition (2)safely enter the water if needed (3)performs an appropriate rescue (4)move the victim to safety (5)remove the victim from the water (6)provide emergency care if needed
What are the emergency action plan steps? (6)
(1)asses area and the victim's condition (2)safely enter the water if needed (3)performs an appropriate rescue (4)move the victim to safety (5)remove the victim from the water (6)provide emergency care if needed
What are the different types of rescue equipment? (4)
(1)rescue tube (2)reaching pole and shepherd's crook (3)ring bouy (4)rescue board (5)rescue buoy
What are the different types of rescue equipment? (5)
(1)rescue tube (2)reaching pole and shepherd's crook (3)ring bouy (4)rescue board (5)rescue buoy
What is a shephards crook?
os reaching pole w a large hook on one end
go to page pg 58 and id what rescue equipment is in each pic
(1)firgue 5-2 rescue tube (2)figure 5-3= shephard's crook (3)firgue 5-4= ring buoy (4)firgue 5-5 =rescue board
What are the differ ways a lifeguard can enter the way when rescuing a person?
(1)slide in entry (2)stride jump (3)compact jump (4)run and swim entry
this is the safest entry and is used in most conditions
slide in entry
What is the slide in entry?
is when the person sits on the side of the pool and slides in
this is when the lifeguar sits on the edge of the pool and slides into the water
slide in entry
What is the stride jump entry? (5)
is when the person stands at the edge of the pool and squeezes the tube across his or her chest (2)leaps into the water with one leg foward and one leg back (3)when land lean foward (4)use legs for an upward thrust (5)focus on the vicitm and begin aproach
What is the compact jump entry? (3)
(1)the lifeguard squeezes the rescue tube across chest w tube under armpits (2)jump holding the knees up w the feet flat (3)focus on the victim
When is the compact jump entry used?
when the lifeguard is 3 ft above the water and the water is at least 5 ft deep such when they at a liguard stand
this rescue entry is used when the lifeguard is 3 ft above the water and the water is at least 5 ft deep water such as when he or she is siting at lifeguard stand
compact jump entry
if using the compact jump in a wave pool, the lifeguard should jump on the (1)
crest of the wave
When is the run and swim entry used?
when entering water from a gradual slope such as a lake or shoreline or wave pool
this rescue entry is used when entering the water from a gradual slope such as a lake or shoreline or wave pool
run and swim entry
What is the run and swim entry? (3)
hold the tube and run into the water (2)when you can no longer run start swimming (3)either swim w the tube in front of you or let it drag behind you
Go to page 60-61 id what the various rescue entries are?
Firgue 5-6=slide in entry (2)firgue 5-7 =stride jump entry (3)firgue 5-8=compact entry (4)firgue 5-9=run and swim entry
What are some different rescue assists? (4)
(1)simple assist (2)extension assist from the deck (3)reaching assist with equipment (4)throwing assist
what is a simple assist?
may be as simple as allowing the person to hold on to the rescue tube or grasping the person by the armpits for support
What is the swimming extension rescue? (4)
(1)approach the victim (2)extend the end of the rescue tube to the victim (3)tell the vicitm to hold onto the tube (4)tow the victim to safety and maintain to visual contact
How do you help a active drowning victim near the surface?
(1)approach the vicitm from behind (2)reach under and grasp the person by the armpits (3)put the rescue tube btwn you and the victim (4)keep your head away from the victim head by tiltiing your head (5)lean back and pull the victim onto the rescue tube (6)reassure the victim (7)tow the vicitim to safety
What is active drowning? (3)
the victim usally is vertical can keep the head above water=however they have trouble doing so (2)make no foward movement (3)arms go up
What is passive drowning?
the vicitim'a head is usally face down in the water
How do rescue a passive drowning victim near by? (7)
(1)approach the victim from behind (2)reach under the armpits and grasp their shoulders (3)put the lifeguard tube btwn you and the victim (4)keep his or her head to one side (5)roll the victim over by dipping the lifeguard's shoulder's chest and the victim's back (6)tow the victim to safety (7)reassure the victim
How do rescue a submerged victim in shallow water? (7)
(1)swim or walk towards the vicitm and let go of the tube(2)face in the same direction as the victim, submerge, and grab the victim under the armpits (3)pick the victim up, move foward, and roll the victim face up to the surface (4)grab the rescue tube and position it under the victim's shoulder (5)move the victim's arm that is closest to the lifeguard down to the side of the victim (6)reach over the victim and grasp the tube (7)move the victim to safety quickly
What is the differ btwn passive drowning and active drowning?
(1)Active drowning= the victim has trouble keeping head above water, making no foward progress, and is vertical (2)passive drowning person's head is on water and they are on their belly
When rescuing a active or passive submerged victim in deep water the rescure must go make a (1)
feet-first dive
When rescuing a active or passive submerged victim in deep water the rescure must go make a (1
feet-first dive
How do you rescue a active or passive submerged victim in deep water? (8)
(1)use the feet-first dive to rescue the victim (2)position yourself behind the victim and grap the victim around the chest (3)reach up with the free hand to grasp the tow line (4)pull the tow line til reach the surface (5)when at the surface, position the tube btwn the victim and the lifeguard (6)make sure the vicitm';s back is to you (7)grasp the undert he armpits and the shoulder's firmly (8)move to safety
How do you perform a mulitple victim rescue? (4)
(1)lifeguard approaches 1 victim frm behind, reaching under the armpits and grasps shoudlers (2)keeping the tube btwn them and the victims (3)grap on to other victim arm (4)use tube to support both victim til get help or reach safety
What are some ways to remove the victim from the water?
(1)two person removal from water using a backboard (2)walking assist (3)beach drag (4)front and back carry
Describe a reg swimmer
(1)reg breathing, coordinated
Describe a distressed swimmer
can cont to breath and might call for help (2)floating or treading water (3)little foward progress
What are some signs of a heart attack? (7)
(1)chest pain w radating pain down the left arm (2)trouble breathing (3)nausea or vomiting (4)dizzines (5)pale or bluish skin (6)sweating (7)signs of denial
What are the signs of a stroke? (3)
(1)sudden weakness or numbness to the face, arm, and leg on one side of the body (2)diffuclity w speech (3)confussion, dizziness, and disorientation
What are the signs of seizure? (4)
confusion, dizziness, and disorientation (2)trouble breating (3)body might stiffen (4)convulsions followed by relaxed state, headache and fatigue
What are the signs ofa head injury?(5)
(1)brused areas (2)unsonsciouns (3)confusion or loss of memory (4)bleeding of the head (5)head pain
effective scanning means (1)and (2)
never taking your eyes of the patrons and knowing about your blind spots
T or F
when its time to change lifguards you should take your eyes off the patrons
these type of stations usally provide the most effective position however they have blind spots
elevated postions
How do you perform lifeguard rotation? (3)
(1)walk to side of life guard (2)ask lifeguard about any neccesary info such as weak swimmers (3)start scanning
How do you perform lifeguard rotation on a elevated station? (3)
(1)scan while the lifeguard gets down (2)lifeguard 2 scans as you get into the chair (3)be sure to ask about info such as weak swimmers
What does EAP stand for?
Emergency action plan
How do you rescue a passive or active swimer submerged in deep water? (4)
use a feet first dive, (2)grab the person around the waist from behind (3)use the other hand to pull up (4)keep their head above water and place the tube btwn you and the swimmer
How do you escape when the victime grabs you from the front or behind?
submerge, let go of the tube, and grab the person's forearm and pust them away
How do you rescue someone w a head or spinal cord injury that is face up floating?
face them, grab their forearm....to their head
How do you rescue someone w a spinal cord injury?
hold chin, and support the back of their spinal cord
AFter performing a intial assesment and determing that they are no life threating conditions, what should you do?
perform a secondary assesment
After (1)a secondary assesment should be performed
an intitial assement is performed and it determined that the person has no life threatening condition
AFter performing a intial assesment and determing that they are no life threating conditions, perform a (1)
secondary assesment
What is a secondary assessment?
use the SAMPLE to take a breif history
What does SAMPLE stand for?
S=signs and symptoms
P=pertinent past medical history
L=last oral intake
E=events leading up to the injury
the sample method is used for the (1)
seondary assesment
What is a secondary assessment?
use the SAMPLE to take a breif history
this is the use the SAMPLE to take a breif history
secondary assessment
What does SAMPLE stand for?
S=signs and symptoms
P=pertinent past medical history
L=last oral intake
E=events leading up to the injury
What does SAMPLE stand for?
S=signs and symptoms
P=pertinent past medical history
L=last oral intake
E=events leading up to the injury
How should you check a conscious adult?
from the head to the toes
For a conscious (1), you should check the person from the head to the toes
How should you check a conscious child?
from the toes to the head
Why should you check a coscious child from the head to the toes?
bc it less scary and overwhelming for the child and the child can observe what you are doing
When checking a conscious (1), you should check them from the toes to the head
What is a way to tell if a person is having a stroke?
FAST- look for weakness or dropping in the following areas on one side of the body

F=face (hve them smile)
T=time to summon EMS
What should you do if someone has a external bleeding or small wound? (5)
(1)ask for consent (2)put on gloves, reassure the victim, and tell them what your are going to do(3)apply gauzy pads (4)if does stop appply another gauzy pad (5)then wrap in additional dressing over gauz pads-not to tie in a ribbon
What are some ways to splint?)(4)
(1)anatomic splint (2)soft splin (3)rigid splint (4)the ground
What is an anatomic splint?
use the body as splint such as leg injury......
When anatomic splints place the peices of robe or clothing used to tie (1)
around the injury not on it
What is the RID factor?
a list of common distractions that can stop a lifegaurd from scanning

R=regonize the victim needs help
I=intrusion =when 2nd duties such as taking care of the ph of the pool can prevent a lifegaurd from scanning

D= distractions-
ex friends or partons asking questiosn
What is the RID factor?
a list of common distractions that can stop a lifegaurd from scanning

R=regonize the victim needs help
I=intrusion =when 2nd duties such as taking care of the ph of the pool can prevent a lifegaurd from scanning

D= distractions-
ex friends or partons asking questiosn
What are the steps of the EAP ? (10)
(1)lifeguard recoginzes that someone is need (2)the lifeguard activates EAP (3)the lifegaurd follows general procedures for emergencies that occur in the water or on land (4)safty team memebers assist in emergency (5)the chain of command is notified (6)witness are intervewed (7)reports are complted (8)equipment is checked (9)corrective action is taken (10)follow up staff dicussion
What are the steps of the EAP ? (10)
(1)lifeguard recoginzes that someone is need (2)the lifeguard activates EAP (3)the lifegaurd follows general procedures for emergencies that occur in the water or on land (4)safty team memebers assist in emergency (5)the chain of command is notified (6)witness are intervewed (7)reports are complted (8)equipment is checked (9)corrective action is taken (10)follow up staff dicussion
what is the major sign of a head or back/neck injury?
changes in consicousness, headace, and tingling and numbness
How do you rescue an active drowning victim in shallow water? (6)
1. Aprroach from behind
2. reach under the armpits
3. place the rescue tube btwn you and the victim
4. keep the head to one side of you
5. lean back and pull the victim to rescue
6. reassure the victim
How do you rescue an passive drowning victim in shawallow water?(6)
1. approach the victim from behind
2. reach under the victim’s armpits and grasp the shoulders
3. place the tube btwn the victim and the lifeguard
4. keep his head to one side
5. roll the victim over by dipping the lifeguard’s shoulder and rolling onto the back so that the victim is faceup
6. tow the victim to safety
How do you rescue a submerged victim in shallow water? (7)
1. swim near the victim…let go of the tube
2. face in the same direction as the victim
3. grab the armpits
4. pick up the victim, move forward, and roll the victim face up upon the surface
5. grab the tube and position btwn under the victim’s back
6. move the victim’s arm that is closed around the tube…let one hand by their side
7. move to safety
How do you rescue a active or passive submerged victim in deep water? (5)
1. release tube and make a feet first dive
2. grab the person around the waist w your left hand and pull on the line of the tube
3. keep their head above water
4. plce the tube btwn you and victim
5. swim to safety
How do you escape if someone grabs you from the front?
1. submerge
2. Push the person’s forearm away and let go of the tube
How do your escape if someone grabs your from the back (2)
1. submerge
2. let go of the tube and pus the person’s forearm away from you
Use (1)when treating a victim on land w head injury
In line stabilization
How do rescue a passive drowning victim w a head or neck injury who is face up using a head splint? (4)
1. approach the victim from side
2. grasp the victims arm near the shoulder joint
3. squeeze the victim’s arm against his or her head to hold the head in line
4. slowly turn the victim until she or he is face up
How do you perform a head splint on a face up victim in shallow or deep water? (3)
1. approach the victim from behind
2. Grasp the victim’s arm midway btwn the shoulder and the elbow
3. slowly squeeze the victims arm to their head
9. How do you provide a head and chin support for a victim face up in deep or shallow water?
1. approach from the side
2. place one hand on the victim’s lower jaw
3. place your other hand on the back of the lower head
How do you provide a head and chin support for victim face down in the water> (3)
1. support the chin w one hand
2. place your other hand on their back of their head
3. turn the victim toward yourself as you submerge under them
how do rescue a passive or active victim submerged in deep water? (6)
1. use the feet-first dive
2. grasp the chin
3. grasp the back of the head
4. swim diagonall to the surface
5. turn the victim toward yourself as you submerge under tham
6. bring them to the surface and keep their head elevated
How do you rescue a victim w a head or neck injury using a backboard using the head splint method in shallow water (15)
1. rescuer calls for help, activates EAP, asks rescuer 2 and 3 to get backboard and rescues victim using the head splint method
2. Rescuer 4 should clear the pool and rescuer 5 should call EMS
3. Rescuer 2 and 3 get backboard and position it under the victim
4. Rescuer 2 uses the head and chin to support the victim
5. rescuer 1 place arms by persons side
6. place a tube under the person’s head and the board
7. bring the person to the side of the pool. Have one person hold the rescue board on his or her chest
8. provide in line stablization
9. position the straps around the victim
a. starting at the chest down w the straps under the person’s armpits
b. next strap across the hips w the victim’s arms and hands secured
10. double check straps
11. secure the head
12. place a tube at the end of the board
13. lift the board on the gutter of the pool
14. have some rescuers get out of the pool
15. slowly pull the victim out of the water
How do you rescue a victim w a head or neck injury using a backboard using the head splint method in deep water (14)
1. Rescuer 1 minimizes uses the head splint or head or chin support system
2. if use head splint method…have other lifeguard use the chin and support system
3. move to the side or the corner of the pool
4. place the tube under the victim’s leg
5. place the board under the victim
6. remove hands from under victim but maintain chin splint keeping hand on middle of chest
7. place victim’s arms down on the side o the board
8. place tube under board by victim’s head
9. rescuer moves to front of board and provides the victim w in line stabilization w hands over ears
10. move to side of the pool
11. strap person in chest down w straps over arms
12. secure head w pads
13. one lifeguard reaches over the pool to grab head board and pull it on the side of the pool
14. 2 lifeguards lift person slowly out of the pool