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47 Cards in this Set

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Natural Selection

evolutionary process in which the best adapted individuals survive & produce

Phycological characteristics of natural selection

evolve bc they " have fitness"

Fitness pertains to

1. mating & sexual behavior

2. caregiving

3. agressive

Baltes said:

as we age, the importance of genetics influences decrease/ importance of culture & education influences increase

Heredity vs Environment

Heredity (nature)

inherited, genetic, evolved, hard wired & pre programmed

Environment (nurture)

everything but pre inherited, culture, education, sleep, exercise, nutrition, etc

Gene Linked abnormalities

-sickle cell anemia

-tay sachs


-cystic fibrosis


The environment determines if gene linked abnormalities are..

expressed or silence


Ones genetic makeup


observable characteristics (what you finally look like)

Human Genome project

mapping of complete set of developmental instructions for creating proteins to create human organism

humans have about 30,000 genes

gene activity is affected by the ENVIRONMENT which turns genes "on" and "off"



study of changes in gene expression


dont alter the underlying dna sequence

According to Epigeneric View:

Both heredity influences environment and environment influences heredity

Germinal (1st Period)

0-2 wks

24 hrs- ZYGOTE




Embryonic (2nd period)

(2-8 wks)

Organogenesis- organs take form in sequence

3 life support structures:

1. Placenta- delivers oxygen & nutrients

2. Amnion- surrounding fluid

3. Umbilical Cord- connects child to placenta

Fetal (3rd period)

(Last 7 months)

weight gain

prepare for organ function

viable (can survive outside of womb)

only a few organs still undergoing specialization

Brain Development (fetal stage)

-100 billion neurons at birth

-by 6 months basic architecture via neuronal migration

-brain continues to expand and form connections from 6months to age 2

Brain plasticity

brains ability to change as a result of experience

Child birth

3 Stages

1. Cervix dialates to 10 cm (6-12 hrs)

2. Pass through birth canal (45min)

3.After Birth-placenta (cord blood can be collected)

Medicine for birth

Oxytocin- synthetic hormone used to start contractions

Analgesia- drugs used to relieve pain

Epidural block- numbs body from the waist down

Casarean Delivery

baby's head is delivered first, usually done if baby is in breech position, butt first or if the baby has respiratory problems. baby removed through mothers abdomen


forming a close conniption, physical bond between parents & their newborn.

Prenatal Diagnostic Tests

7 wks- ultra sound

10-12 wks- chronic villi sampling

15-18 wks- amniocentesis

16-18- maternal blood screening (find down syndrome)

The Newborn

Pre term- born 35wks or less

Early Term-35-37 wks

Full Term- 37-39 wks

Post Term- 39+ wks

Low Birth Weight or <5 1/2 lbs

learning difficulties, behavioral problems, brain not fully developed

Treatments for LBW

NICU incubator, Reduced Sensory Stimulation, Massage Therapy, Kangaroo Care (skin to skin)

Birth defects:

Abnormality "present" at birth

1. Gene linked "inherited"

2.Chromosomal abnormality "after birth"


Agent causing birth defect (operates after fertilization)

Alcohol- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

leading cause of mental retardation

Environmental Hazards:

Incompatable blood types (Rh factor in mom & dad)

Maternal diseases- SIDS, HIV, etc

Diets & nutrition- (folic acid); weight

-maternal age

Severity of a teratogens effects depend on:

1. Genetic Susceptibility


3.Time of exposure (5-9 wks)

Apgar Scale

how alive the baby is determined by a scale (if baby is pink, has heart rate, coughing & crying.. etc)

The brain

neuron- brain cell

axon- info away

dentrite- info recieved

myelin- covers axon & dentrite

Neurotransmitters- chemicals that cross the synapse


Dendritic spreading > connection between neurons "blooming"

Blooming & pruning happen in 1st yr

Infancy brain


Infant brain is waiting for experiences to determine how neural connections are made

Childhood brain

brain development still rapid

myelination continues

R&L hemisphere

prefrontal cortex- judgement

Amygdala- EMOTION

Adolesence brain

Prefrontal cortex NOT fully formed

Amygdala- center for emotions (matures earlier than the prefrontal cortex)

as a result impulsive & emotional behavior

Adult & aging brain

neurogenisis- dendrite growth can occur in adults

"rewiring" to compensate for loss

Infancy Sleep

16-17 hrs per day

mostly REM or rapid eye movement sleep

REM may promote brain development

Infancy Sleep


benefits: -promotes breast feeding

-quicker response to infant

-detection of breathing pause

Infancy Sleep


-stop breathing in sleep

-cause is unknown

-prevented by having infant on back

Childhood Sleep

need 11-13 hrs of sleep a night

inadequate sleep linked to depression, obesity, behavior problems

Adolescents Sleep

9-10hrs if given the oppurtinity

usually get less than 8hrs

linked to fatigue, moodiness, falling asleep in school & depression

Older Adults sleep

Approx. 50% have trouble sleeping

lack of sleep linked to health problems

Why is sleep deficit linked to psychological functioning?

Possibly linked to repair of neurons, recovery of myelin

Exercise benefits:


cognitive functioning

helps control weight &depression

Exercise Cons:

Over use injuries

head trauma if certain sports are played