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21 Cards in this Set

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The second stage of Kohlberg's Moral reasoning is ? This includes stage 3 Good ? orientation and ?&? orientation. This stage is from ?-? yrs.
conventional Morality,
law & order,
Name the stage of Kohlberg's moral development where the individual has internalized many moral values. He strives to obey the rules set by others, at first to win their approval, later to maintain social order. the perspectives of other people are clearly recognized and given serious consideration ?
Conventional Morality
In this stage of Kohlberg's moral reasoning what is right is what pleases, helps, or is approved by others, "meaning well" is valued and being "nice" is important. This stage involves reciprocity - " do unto others what you would want done to you"- the golden rule, Name the stage ?
stage 3- good child orientation
In this stage of Kohlberg's moral development what is right conforms to the rules of legitimate authorities and is good for society as a whole. Name the stage ?
Stage 4- Law and Order orientation
Name Kohlberg's stage of moral development where the principle of reciprocity becomes more abstract and is applied on a broader societal level.
Stage 4- law and order orientation
Name Kohlberg's stage of moral development where the reason for conforming is not as much a fear of punishment as a belief that rules and laws maintain a social order worth preserving and doing ones duty and respecting law and order are valued?
Stage 4- Law and order orientation
Name the 3rd level of Kohlberg's moral development ? This stage occurs after age ?
Postconventional morality,
In Kohlberg's ? Morality the individual defines what is right in terms of broad principles of justice that have validity apart from the views of particular authority figures.
In which of Kohlbergs' levels of moral reasoning would the individual distinguish between what is morally right and what is legal, recognizing that some laws e.g racial segregation, violate basic moral principles ?
Postconventional morality
In which of Kohlberg's levels would a person transcend the perspectives of particular social groups or authorities and begin to take the perspective of all individuals ?
Postconventional morality
What stage of Kohlberg's moral development is it when there is understanding of the underlying purposes served by laws and a concern that rules should be arrived at through a democratic consensus so that they express the will of the majority and maximize social welfare ?
Stage 5- Social contract orientation
In which of Kohlberg's stages would an individual challenge laws democratically that compromise basic rights ?
Stage 5- Social contract orientation
What stage of Kohlberg's moral development is the highest stage of moral reasoning ?
stage 6- Ethical principle orientation
In what stage of Kohlberg's moral development does the individual define right and wrong on the basis of self-generated principles that are broad and universal in application ?
Stage 6- Ethical principle orientation
In which of Kohlberg's stages of moral development would an individual discover through reflection, abstract principles of respect for all individuals and for their rights that all religious or moral authorities would view as moral ?
stage 6- Ethical principle orientation
A person that is able to see everyones point of view and make a decision that would be just from every point of view, and this attribute is rarely seen, is what stage of Kohlberg's moral development ?
stage 6- Ethical principle orientation
Kohlberg claimed that people progress through stages one at a time in a fixed order, without skipping any stage, if movement occurs, it is to the next ? stage.
Kohlberg believed that ? reasoning is not possible until people fully attain Piaget's level of formal operation.
Kohlberg believed that moral conduct is under ? control and this is the highest level and the mark to true ?
With Kohlberg's punishment and obedience orientation the ? or ? of an act depends on its consequences.
With Kohlberg's intrumental hedonism stage, a person conforms to ? to gain rewards or satisfy personal needs.